
Having a bad case of of lack of motivation these last few weeks. I'm still doing okay but I feel I could do a lot better. I can do it!!!


  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Of course you can do it. Try to keep your goals in focus. Best of luck.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    We all struggle during our journey. The key is to push through and stay focused on your goals. You C A N do it! Start each day fresh!
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    I hear you loud and clear! Its a mental argument with myself every night to get on this train but I'm doing it! You can too!!! :flowerforyou:
  • iwannawearatutu
    iwannawearatutu Posts: 150 Member
    So sorry to hear that. I am a HUGE fan of the idea that having a large support network is key to motivation and success. I even made a blog post about it! I would recommend checking out my Buddy System thread, you can add a whole bunch of new MFP friends that way (over 70 last I checked!) and it really helps to have a big team of pals cheering you on. Plus I find encouraging others is very motivating too!

    You can do this! Go read your own profile, remind yourself why you are doing this, and why it's important to you. There is no better motivation than your own goals.
  • funfitandfab
    funfitandfab Posts: 1 Member
    Remember, if it was easy, everyone would look like a super model. Normal people don't. Anything worth doing is going to be tough, but YOU are worth!! Don't quit, just get back up and do the damn thang!!!
  • mistystover
    Yes you can do it! We can all do it!!
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    You are worth the effort to be healthier and happier. Put yourself first and review why you wanted to make this change in the first place. Forget about the past few weeks - TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY!!! Goodluck and don't give up!! :flowerforyou:
  • flems629
    flems629 Posts: 80 Member
    You are worth the effort to be healthier and happier. Put yourself first and review why you wanted to make this change in the first place. Forget about the past few weeks - TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY!!! Goodluck and don't give up!! :flowerforyou:

    She couldnt have said it any better!! :)
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    I know the feeling, but come on you can do it, start again today and think about why you want to lose weight. Remember the older you are the harder it will be, so do it now while you are still young. Good luck :smile:
  • BlueLikeJazz
    BlueLikeJazz Posts: 219 Member
    A little tip courtesy of my time in a recovery group:

    Do a Cost-Benefit Analysis on paper to have on hand when you're not feeling motivated. That's basically a list of the costs and benefits of losing weight/getting in shape and the costs and benefits of NOT losing weight/getting in shape. Here's a short example:

    Costs of losing weight:
    -Have to eat smaller portions
    -Have to log my food

    Benefits of losing weight:
    -Look hot
    -Have more energy
    -Feel self-confident
    -Be healthier
    -Live longer

    Costs of not losing weight:
    -Long-term health risks like heart disease or diabetes
    -Continue feeling tired all the time
    -Feel embarrassed to be seen in public by old friends
    -Never feel attractive in clothes

    Benefits of not losing weight:
    -Get to eat whatever I want

    Then you take a good look at your lists and decide which one is to your advantage (usually the choice is pretty obvious :happy: )