This Blows!!!!



  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Ok Here is the thing. Don't Quit smoking and try to lose weight at the same time!

    Just set mpf to maintenance for a week. It will keep you from binging I hope. I gained about 10 pounds when I quit smoking. It was really really hard, so congrats to do on doing that!

    Next week, just set yourself back to .5 or 1lbs per week and all will be well with the world.

    I was never able to truly "give up" the addiction. I just had to transfer the addictiveness into something else. I started C25k. It was a much better addiction to have.

    ^^ This. Too many goals at the same time will frustrate you, particularly if those goals tend to work against each other like losing weight and quitting smoking. Just smoke that electronic cigarette as much as you need. It's simply a nicotine delivery vehicle and it's not the nicotine that is so bad, it's all the other garbage in real cigarettes.
  • HotAshMess
    HotAshMess Posts: 382 Member
    I quit Monday too. I seem to be having some problems using the gum...makes my teeth hurt and my gums/cheeks raw and I'm allergic to the adhesive in the patch so I'm basically going cold turkey. I slipped Tuesday and had 2. But I'm strong since then. I'm having a bad day I'm trying to get someone to go get me some hard candy so I don't eat all day.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    So sort of off topic but sort of on. I quit smoking on Monday this week. Been doing the patches and using (very infrequently, maybe twice a day) one of those little electronic cigs. For the last 3 days I have gone over on my cals, not by more than 100 but my macros are all out of wack. I honestly could eat 4500 calories right now and not be full I don't think. Someone PLEASE tell me this will level out soon!!!! I feel like I'm going crazy!!!

    You're right. It sucks. I quit about 20 years ago. I still find some situations where i feel like I need a smoke every now and again. Hang with it, and you'll make it. There is a stop smoking group here. They may be able to offer you some support.
  • GhostinthePC
    GhostinthePC Posts: 29 Member
    Ex-smoker here 23 years x 1.5 packs per day. Smoke free 8 months 16 days 18 hours. Great job for making the decision. Some things you should be aware of: Nicotine is a stimulant. When you quit you metabolism will slow down. Your heart doesn't have to pump as hard, your lungs don't have to work as hard to bring in oxygen, Your blood vessels will work properly....and your appetite will increase. With that said, remember a craving for a cigarette is a mental craving. After 5 days of non-smoking without nicotine replacement therapy, nicotine is out of your system.

    Heed the advice of fellow MFP members and ex-smokers: Exercise, water, cinnamon sticks, toothpicks, exercise, treadmill, exercise, lollipops, exercise. mints, water infusions with fruits and veggies. Once you quit you will see a weight increase. Be prepared for that. (See metabolism stuff above)

    You CAN do it. In the words of Yoda, "Do or Do not. There is no try."

    Good luck my friend!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    It will, but it will take time. I quit January 16, 2012 using Chantix (seriously, I had to get off that stuff early because it made me loopy). My doc told me to either focus on quitting or dieting, not both.

    I took up martial arts so I wouldn't gain TOO much.

    There are times I still want one. It never goes away, but it does die down and only occurs every now and then. Hang in there.

    Oh, and for the record (this is why I edited), I smoked for 32 years.
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    Read the book: The Easy Way to QUit Smoking by Allan Carr. It not only helps you quit and stay quit (over a year for me and my spouce now and we were both 15+ years of smokling) but it also helps with the substituaion of food problem.

    Book is about 15$ from any bookstore or amazon and is well worth it. Takes about 2 days to read.
  • angwn
    angwn Posts: 6
    You've got this. :)

    I made the decision to give up smoking (again - hopefully this time for good) and adopt a healthier lifestyle at around the same time. I know that the lack of stimulant is affecting my digestion (there's a reason why doctors in the 50s used to PRESCRIBE cigarettes for digestive disturbances) and loss rate, but it's also affecting my lung capacity and life expectancy.

    People say don't do both at the same time...I don't agree. I'm smoke-free for several weeks now, and losing. Not quickly, but losing. And I'm not starving...spread your food out, and choose a lot of low-cal, high-bulk options. Drink a lot of water. Remind yourself that after 72 hours, the PHYSICAL addiction to nicotine is gone ... and at that point, it's emotional addiction (which is worse), but seriously...are you going to let a little stick of paper, fiber and tobacco steal your power from you?

    Take your power back,'s all good.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Also, as someone else said...cinnamon sticks. I couldn't have done it without the cinnamon sticks. I had a jar in the car, a jar at home, and a jar at the office.
  • salcha76
    salcha76 Posts: 287 Member
    I quit 5 weeks ago today.....scheduled my body lift surgery & my dr. told me he woudln't do it unless i was smoke free for a minimum of 8 weeks, um....I have no choice but to listen. Yes, I could tackle anyone i see for a hit of a menthol at any point....then i put my hands on that 20lbs of fat that needs cut off....and sigh, and walk away. times I would like to go straight to mcdonalds for a super size every snack in my all the buckeyes left in my freezer....blow my top at anyone who looks at me's just another upgrade our bodies & our minds will adapt too....if we want them too.....

    focus on good vibes...your positive is hard to quit....quitting heroin is easier....change your habits, change your triggers.....i haven't seen 1 girlfriend since i quit...I don't trust myself not to smoke around her....she always offers them to me & i feel like i'm 14 hiding behing the school again...come on...have a smoke w/me....ugh. after a fight, after sex, after a hard day.....all reprogramming alternatives....

    if you have come this far, you have got to already believe in yourself for so can always add 1 thing more:) take it easy on'll be just fine:)