anyone cut out alcohol completely to lose more weight?

Hi there, I am not losing weight as fast as I would like and I am wondering if I cut out alcohol completely if it will speed things up for me. I usually drink about 3 regular size glasses of wine each evening, and I do make space for those calories in my allotted calories for the day. I just don't even feel really good about it anymore. Just wondering if anyone else has made that sacrifice to not drink, except on a rare occasion, and then found you lost weight at a faster rate? Thanks in advance for your opinions!


  • sjr1016a
    sjr1016a Posts: 39 Member
    I didn't cut it out completely, but I have scaled it back alot to just twice a week, which is usually on the weekends. Even then, I may have 1-2 glasses of wine max. :-)
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    I've thought about it.

    Then I open a bottle of wine and laugh and laugh...
  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    Yes at one point I cut it out and lost more than when I drink
  • Kat5343
    Kat5343 Posts: 451 Member
    Im starting the new Bob Harpers Jump Start to Skinny. This program calls for absolutely no alcohol for the 3 weeks you do this. I enjoy a vodka and Coke Zero a few nights a week... but I am going to see how this will affect my weight loss.... Worth a shot.
  • weinbagel
    weinbagel Posts: 337 Member
    I think cutting out alcohol, or least cutting it down A LOT is important to losing weight. At least for me it is :)

    If I do drink it's vodka soda, though that bloats me as well haha
  • MrsTorresisBACK
    MrsTorresisBACK Posts: 98 Member
    i have only because i hear it slows your metabolism and frankly it's been making my hands a feet swell to a point of tears...just not worth it to me (right now). I do enjoy a L.I.T. every once in a blue.

    Every body is different.

    Go with what works for answer is a right or wrong one.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    I'd suggest just cutting back-- you still want to enjoy what your eat and drink after all. But yes, if you cut out alcohol completely you will cut out a lot of calories.
  • kimberlypayne
    kimberlypayne Posts: 9 Member
    *Read below, maybe this will help answer your question, I was given this in a weight loss seminar that I tool last year*

    When it comes to alcohol, the biggest question I get is "what is the best drink to have calorie-wise if you are watching your weight.?".
    The tricky thing is that caloric content isn't the only thing to consider. Light beer, a 5 oz. glass of wine (yeah right), or a shot of liquor has a mere 150 calories or less. Not too bad right? But here are some other things to consider.....

    Successful weight loss is all about keeping your body in "fat burning mode". A car engine only has gas to use for fuel, but your body on the other hand can draw from a number of sources such as carbohydrates, fat, protein, and ACETATE. The source of fuel it chooses largely depends on its availability. So let's say you have a few drinks ...
    Alcohol is converted in the liver to a substance called acetate - a premium choice of fuel for the body. Therefore even a small amount of alcohol causes a sharp rise in acetate and puts the breaks on fat burning/fat loss. This is very similar to how your body reacts to sugar and simple carbohydrates. The body uses these preferred sources for fuel, and fat gets pushed to the back of the line - exactly what you DON'T want when trying to lose weight/body fat.

    Alcohol also decreases testosterone levels for up to 24 hours making it impossible for your body to repair or build lean muscle (yes, even for women!). People who drink on a regular basis (more than twice a week) tend to carry a lot less muscle and more fat regardless of how hard they weight train or exercise in general. Even people with small amounts of body fat will not see as much muscle definition. There are other causes for lack of muscle, of course, but this can be a big one.

    Alcohol increases your appetite and decreases your resolve to be good and not overindulge. And although we think it will help us relax, sleep more, and feel better, it actually interrupts sleep patterns, and over time can cause anxiety and depression. You see the vicious cycle there?

    So bottom line, if you are serious about feeling better, losing weight, and/or seeing some of that lean muscle show through, skip the alcohol or limit it to one or two drinks ONCE a week or on the weekend - not every day.
    If that truly is a challenge for you, at least for a short time, you might need to ask yourself some tough questions.

    Find another way to unwind and relax. Re-define your fun!
  • ywestover
    ywestover Posts: 4 Member
    I have cut out vodka/soda Monday - Thursday and just stick with 2 glasses of Red Wine. I try to keep to 1200 calories a day and am losing about .8 to 1.0 pounds a week.
  • KidP
    KidP Posts: 247 Member
    Yes - i have done it before & it's helped. If i stop drinking completely for a while, i usually lose about 5 to 10 lbs automatically. Like you, i try to allot calories for alcohol if i know i'm going to have drinks. That's all well and good, but truly, my body would be happier with say 500 cals from fruit/veg/healthy stuff than 500 cals from beer. My taste buds, well, different story.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    there are health benefits to alcohol, and cutting back some might be helpful. also the types of alcohol or cocktails you're drinking can affect your weight loss

    but if you like it, it's going to be the same as restricting yourself from eating a favorite food. one day you'll binge drink and get really sloppy.

    you want to allow for a drink a night? fine, enjoy. but if it's something you pour, make sure you are measuring accurately.
  • Damiego
    Damiego Posts: 1 Member
    Funny you should ask....:) I have recently cut back to just weekends, not so much as too lose any extra weight, but I have found in the last month that alcohol and my menopausal symptoms have not been co-existing too well! I have been waking up in the middle of the night with a racing heart and have a difficult time getting back to sleep. I would typically drink anywhere from 1 to 3 glasses per night. Since stopping, I have easily lost extra pounds and sleep has returned to "almost perfect". I'm 50 and very active in triathlon, so lack of sleep is BAD! Easily dropping extra pounds is definitely a nice side effect!
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    I don't drink a whole lot to begin with. Maybe once a month. I would love to have a glass of red with dinner sometimes but I can't go through a bottle that fast. My wife won't drink it because it knocks her out even if she has one glass. I eb and flow with my weight loss but I seem to be losing more often than not. I would suggest cutting it out for a few weeks and see if the scale moves.
  • KendleX
    KendleX Posts: 275 Member
  • CillitBang
    CillitBang Posts: 33 Member
    Not a snowball's hope in hell's chance of that happening to me! I usually just drink one night of the weekend, sometimes two, and don't bother at all during the week. I exercise each night during the week and I find after that the last thing I want is an alcoholic drink!

    I'd say try to cut out the midweek drinking and save it for when you're going out. Maybe just have a glass of iced water and a slice of lemon with dinner :-)
  • AnnieO1967
    AnnieO1967 Posts: 1
    WOW....that was explained so very well. I enjoy my wine or a mixed drink after a hard days work too but I am finding that since I started with myfitnesspal and tracking everything, I am realizing that the weight isn't coming off like I think it should and likely as not, the booze is to blame as I watch my food intake very closely. It is difficult especially when your husband has no health issues and wants to sit outside after work and "relax" with a drink. It is hard to sit with a glass of water instead!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Helllll naaaaaahhhhh Playa!!!!! I need my nighttime buzzzz on! Its my way of winding down after a good days work.
    This is how I make up for it!

    1.) Run an extra Mile at the gym!
    2:) Lift HEAVY!
    3.) Drink lots of water during the day. Hydrate!
    4.) MULTIVITAMIN up!!!!
    5.) Alot of Sex! Usually after I get my buzzz on :devil:

    Thats how I roll!!!!
  • mcdonoughjl
    mcdonoughjl Posts: 34
    bump... for good reminder :smile:
  • mstrickland9
    mstrickland9 Posts: 102
    I really appreciate all the input. Sounds like most of you at least have cut way down on drinking if not stopping altogether.
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    What kimberlypayne said is exactly spot on and should be seriously concidered.
    If you are serious about losing weight and getting in shape I think the alcohol should go.