I feel exhausted :-(


I started an eight week challenge on IG from @mankofit and I am exhausted. I'm trying to eat at least my BMR (1800 calories) and I'm trying to eat as clean as I possibly can but you will see that every once in awhile there will be something on my food journal that shouldn't be there like the 1 1/2 biscuits I had this morning because I was too tired to get up early and make myself my egg white and spinach scramble. Should I start supplements? I have Jack 3D at home (only have used it like 3 or 4 times in my life) but starting to think that maybe I should really get on it. I drag myself in and out of the gym - I get home and I barely have energy to do the simplest things. I really can't keep on like this, I have a 4 and 6 year old that I need me to be as equally energized as they are. Hopefully this is temporary -


  • Tallye2012
    Tallye2012 Posts: 2
    Be kinder to yourself and PLAN all meals and snacks and think ahead of what you're going to have so you know you'll be waiting on that food for your meal. It's a mind game that will become second nature to you in 2 weeks.

    Do not wait until you are starving to eat and forgive yourself when you slip up and just keep moving toward your goal!!! When we slip up we tend to say to ourselves well we messed up so let's just keep going today. Don't do that.

    Try on something that doesn't fit and make it your goal to be able to wear it in 3-4 weeks w/regular try-ons. I'm wearing a pair of size 12Petite pants that when I received them they were tight and no way was I going to wear them in public. Today I slipped them on and they fit great! I'm so proud of me!!!!

    If you're the type that has to eat the minute you get up before anything else do so. I'm not -- I can wait until 9-10 a.m. because I get up at 7:30. But I know that I'll be starving by 11:30 if I don't eat so I try to eat 2-2.5 hours after I get up.

    Do not drink with your meals. Do not drink 30 minutes before you eat so you are getting full on your food. Drink water or tea after you eat. Also, eat plenty of food that have natural energy elements in them. Chew your food more so you are truly tasting it and think of what you are eating while eating it so you recognize that it is good for you and not a quick fix.

    I've up'd my calorie intake from 1,200 to 1,500 8 days ago and I lost 7 pounds doing so. I eat healthy and hearty. I try to stay away from preservatives and processed food.

    Good luck.
  • johngensburger

    The Jack 3D is great if you actually have the time to put into the gym. Personally I try to avoid it if possible. On days when you don't have the energy to make a healthy breakfast prepare something the night prior that is easy and quick i.e chopped fruit etc. I am a U.S Soldier currently deployed overseas and have to face the facts that diet can only go so far when the food presented isn't always the best for you. I use a protein shake (Syntha-6) to help keep my calories down. I also eat alot of tuna, canned chicken, and items to prevent my meals from controlling my life. I used to be really heavy all my life (over 300 lbs in high school) so I know the difficulties and trust me its very easy to fall into old habits. I do alot of cardio, unfortunately the base I am on in fairly small so I am reduced to treadmills, ellipticals, or stationary bike, however I do what must be done to stay in fighting condition. Hope this helps you somewhat. If you need any other advice please feel free.
  • Tallye2012
    Tallye2012 Posts: 2
    Also, goggle what is your calorie intake to lose weight and then see what it should be for your height. I'm 5'1 and 50. I'm suppose to intake 1200 a day. Well that's too low for me and I was always going over to 1700-1900 and way too much sodium. I switched to 1500 and it's just falling off!
  • transformationofsoul
    transformationofsoul Posts: 58 Member
    Be kinder to yourself and PLAN all meals and snacks and think ahead of what you're going to have so you know you'll be waiting on that food for your meal. It's a mind game that will become second nature to you in 2 weeks.

    Do not wait until you are starving to eat and forgive yourself when you slip up and just keep moving toward your goal!!! When we slip up we tend to say to ourselves well we messed up so let's just keep going today. Don't do that.

    Try on something that doesn't fit and make it your goal to be able to wear it in 3-4 weeks w/regular try-ons. I'm wearing a pair of size 12Petite pants that when I received them they were tight and no way was I going to wear them in public. Today I slipped them on and they fit great! I'm so proud of me!!!!

    If you're the type that has to eat the minute you get up before anything else do so. I'm not -- I can wait until 9-10 a.m. because I get up at 7:30. But I know that I'll be starving by 11:30 if I don't eat so I try to eat 2-2.5 hours after I get up.

    Do not drink with your meals. Do not drink 30 minutes before you eat so you are getting full on your food. Drink water or tea after you eat. Also, eat plenty of food that have natural energy elements in them. Chew your food more so you are truly tasting it and think of what you are eating while eating it so you recognize that it is good for you and not a quick fix.

    I've up'd my calorie intake from 1,200 to 1,500 8 days ago and I lost 7 pounds doing so. I eat healthy and hearty. I try to stay away from preservatives and processed food.

    Good luck.

    I am kind to myself; I use to do exactly what you said, " I already messed up, I guess I'll have to start tomorrow" and I'd eat bad for the rest of the day however I don't punish myself anymore instead I say to myself "Well whatever you ate something you shouldn't of (it's ok) just get back on track." I don't eat below 1800 calories since 1800 calories is how many calories my body needs to maintain me at rest and I'm working out a minimum of 5 days a week for an hour. I'm motivated - I'm just physically tired and don't want to feel this way anymore.
  • transformationofsoul
    transformationofsoul Posts: 58 Member

    The Jack 3D is great if you actually have the time to put into the gym. Personally I try to avoid it if possible. On days when you don't have the energy to make a healthy breakfast prepare something the night prior that is easy and quick i.e chopped fruit etc. I am a U.S Soldier currently deployed overseas and have to face the facts that diet can only go so far when the food presented isn't always the best for you. I use a protein shake (Syntha-6) to help keep my calories down. I also eat alot of tuna, canned chicken, and items to prevent my meals from controlling my life. I used to be really heavy all my life (over 300 lbs in high school) so I know the difficulties and trust me its very easy to fall into old habits. I do alot of cardio, unfortunately the base I am on in fairly small so I am reduced to treadmills, ellipticals, or stationary bike, however I do what must be done to stay in fighting condition. Hope this helps you somewhat. If you need any other advice please feel free.

    First and foremost, thank you for your service. I definitely don't touch Jack 3D unless I know I'm going to work out; I just don't use it because I'm not big on supplements (it's kind of my "in case of an emergency.") I have Syntha-6 as well even though I haven't been drinking it. I am planning on drinking it prior to going to bed since it contains casein (slow digesting protein). I like working out, I enjoy it .. The gym is my to go to place to 'not think.' I'm simply just tired .. I want to get my energy back.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Are you sleeping well at night? Are you taking rest days from workouts? I checked out your diary - some days you are below 1800 (not good if that's your BMR), but don't see exercise cals logged? Are you tracking those too?

    If you're pushing yourself really hard with the workouts and not eating enough, that could do it.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    If you BMR is 1800 and you are just reaching it barely you will be exhausted because you are running out of fuel. Try upping your calories by 100 or 200 a day and making sure you get some good complex carbs (brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread, oatmeal) in there to fuel you up.
  • transformationofsoul
    transformationofsoul Posts: 58 Member
    Are you sleeping well at night? Are you taking rest days from workouts? I checked out your diary - some days you are below 1800 (not good if that's your BMR), but don't see exercise cals logged? Are you tracking those too?

    If you're pushing yourself really hard with the workouts and not eating enough, that could do it.

    I'm not logging my workouts but I am working out. My TDEE is 2632 - I've deducted 500 calories for 1 lb weight loss a week. I'm getting about 6 hours of sleep a night and my only rest day is Sunday. I'm giving it my best when I workout but I don't think I'm killing my workouts - I have to take tiny breaks because I tire quickly.
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    I don't understand what you are trying to gain from this exercise program? If you can't function in your normal life with it, it seems like it is doing more harm than good, especially when you start feeling the need to take a substance that has been banned in several countries just to keep up with it.

    I feel pumped and energized after working out, being sore the next day is one thing, but complete exhaustion to the point of not being able to do my normal day-to-day activities is exactly the reason I started losing weight/exercising to begin with, no way would I voluntarily go back to that!

    Please take a step back and don't feel you need to do this just for the sake of an internet challenge. It may not be what YOU need, right now.
  • transformationofsoul
    transformationofsoul Posts: 58 Member
    If you BMR is 1800 and you are just reaching it barely you will be exhausted because you are running out of fuel. Try upping your calories by 100 or 200 a day and making sure you get some good complex carbs (brown rice, 100% whole wheat bread, oatmeal) in there to fuel you up.

    Thanks, I just logged my foods for tomorrow - I made sure to add brown rice to lunch :-)
  • transformationofsoul
    transformationofsoul Posts: 58 Member
    I don't understand what you are trying to gain from this exercise program? If you can't function in your normal life with it, it seems like it is doing more harm than good, especially when you start feeling the need to take a substance that has been banned in several countries just to keep up with it.

    I feel pumped and energized after working out, being sore the next day is one thing, but complete exhaustion to the point of not being able to do my normal day-to-day activities is exactly the reason I started losing weight/exercising to begin with, no way would I voluntarily go back to that!

    Please take a step back and don't feel you need to do this just for the sake of an internet challenge. It may not be what YOU need, right now.

    The thing is that besides cardio I'm lost at the gym and I can't afford a personal trainer so I took up the challenge so that I would have a daily workout routine to follow and in the process learn about different strength training exercises.