Parters help in you weight loss?

Do you find your partner helpful or a hindrance to your weight loss goal?

Although very helpful the constant...How was your weigh in today? Or how much weight have you lost questions on weigh in day actually drive me crazy!!

I have tried the approach of keeping my weight loss to myself but obviously food that comes into the house changes and we have tried working together. I have said Id prefer not to be questioned about weigh in results but it keeps cropping up in conversation obviously because its quite a part of my life.

I appreciate the support from my partner, I really do however...... I feel if Ive had a bad week and the weigh in is not as expected then I have double guilt from my partner and my own.


  • lattarulol
    lattarulol Posts: 123 Member
    My husband is essential to my success. He does not badger me with weight questions or anything like that though. His support is necessary because
    1) we have two very young children so he often picks up the slack when I am exercising or preparing meals
    2) he has to eat all the meals i make and love them
    3) he has to listen to me talk about it all the time and pretend to be interested
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    My partner only aids my weight loss if I'm weighing myself with my wallet on.
  • sweetheart1982
    My BF is very supportive..he and I excercise and go on hikes together and he is very encouraging to me. Although for some reason when we are together during the weekends I tend to eat more because we cook together, or go out to dinner etc. Im going to have to stop doing that though because we are moving in together the end of this month and I want to keep losing weight and not gain.
    With that said my experiences with my ex-husband years ago were not the same. He was not supportive at all with eating healthy. He insisted on stocking the house with junk food galore and we lived a different less active lifestyle. So anyway I can see how some ppl could be very unsupportive!
  • Zampa13
    Zampa13 Posts: 75 Member
    I think sometimes she is TOO supportive! However saying that the last time we did it together I lost a good 50lbs!

    I often think that she can be a bad influence on me. All this week when I have beem off work Ive cooked healthily. I had to do two 12hr shifts in a row and each night Id get in and she has made two VERY unhealthy meals, its just a little frustrating.
  • JennieMae42
    JennieMae42 Posts: 3 Member
    I had been wanting to lose weight for some time - but I wasn't very far overweight, so I never broke down and tried. And no - my boyfriend was not really on board either. He'd go for a walk every now and then, but only very short walks, like 5 minutes and slow or it was out of the question. He was recently told by a doctor to lose some pounds, drop blood pressure, etc - so this got him on board real quick. Together we have changed the food in our house, cut back on random cookies and cakes, and started working a little more. I have lost a little over 30 pounds, and he had lost 40 pounds a month ago - and he's still dropping. I am so proud of him, and very happy for myself and my almost flat tummy.

    He has to weigh at the doctor, since our old scale is very crummy. But every time he seems to look forward to the weigh ins (since they're about a month apart or so). I have had the odd blip in my weigh ins (which are a lot more frequent), but those can be attributed to hormonal water retention (lol), a random whatever, and probably the fact that the scale is probably a little broken. I am fine with my weigh ins, since I never really felt bad about my weight - and I am generally making very good progress on the whole. Weight is just a number. How I look and feel is the real result that matters!

    As far as non-partner support, my coworkers are great with support. 3 weeks after I started losing weight, a coworker stopped me "JENNIFER ARE YOU LOSING WEIGHT!?!" she had noticed my face had thinned out a little. I have been telling all my coworkers about the programs I use (I started using by using an Android program called Noom. Just switched to MyFitnessPal a few weeks ago, because some of my coworkers are interested in dropping pounds, but they have iPhones - so I needed something compatible with them) and that I'm just being careful, watching my calories, eating more reasonable portions, and doing a little bit of extra cardio and pilates. I have nothing but support around me, and it is amazing. The only coworker who took some convincing to get on board was the one who would bring doughnuts every other week. After turning her down a few times (with her response of "your bf doesn't need to know you cheated on your diet at work") she has gotten on board and asked me about calories, and if she could borrow some of my pilates DVDs. :)

    Feeling the love, feeling the support all around.
  • amariecruz89
    amariecruz89 Posts: 83 Member
    My boyfriend has been so encouraging. He really helps me appreciate the small progress I make beyond just the pounds lost. He is always telling me how proud he is and holds me accountable. He likes to work out with me when he is able, I wish we could do it more often. I really appreciate that he listens to me share about my weight struggles but doesn't put up with me speaking negatively over myself.
  • mygrl4meee
    mygrl4meee Posts: 943 Member
    My husband is really supportive and has even been known to weigh food when cooking and tells me how proud he is of me. In some ways, he does tick me off cause he tells me I should try to work harder in zumba to get the calorie count up. I burn an average of 420 to 450 and just can't seem to get it higher. I get worked up how someone who is thin and sits on he couch can tell me how to burn more. Do zumba and then tell me that.
  • StArBeLLa87
    StArBeLLa87 Posts: 1,582 Member
    My fiancé has been great walks and goes to the gym with me almost on a daily basis I feel like I lucked out with him!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    There were definitely times that I didn't want to talk about my weight loss efforts with anyone. So I understand where you're coming from. SO's want to be supportive, but many times don't know how. Let your partner know in what way's he/she can be helpful - whether you want to talk about your week or not - or what the parameters are.

    I once had a friend who knew my weigh in night was Tuesday nights, and he'd call me and say, "DIET PATROL!!" That was his way of asking me how things went. It did help - that way I could tell what I wanted to tell instead of him saying, "So, did you lose any?" or whatever.

    This time, I told everyone in my office, all my family members, etc. THey all know I weigh in either Monday's or Tuesdays. They know if I don't say anything, then it means I either didn't weigh in, or it wasn't pretty when I did - so they can approach it with caution if they want.

    My husband is supportive, and started using MFP about 18 months ago, although he hasn't been very active lately (humph!!).

    The thing is - don't let what you think your partner's going to think guilt you or shame you. You're human. Human's are imperfect beings. That means you're going to stumble from time to time - or mother nature or even hormones will sometimes make you carry extra water. This is your journey - nobody else's. You don't have to live up to anybody else's expectations. As long as the numbers are generally going down, then you're a success!!
  • justynapolonia
    I have a tendency to fall off the wagon. I like to exercise and like eating a balanced diet, but I do cheat once in a while. I wish I could stop doing that. Has anyone felt this way?