Im Soon About To Give Up

i was recommended to this website for wieight loss... im 224-227 pounds and was trying to lose weight for the past weeks... i have 2 weeks remaining.. can anyone help me or give me a workout plan to lose weight.. 10-15 pounds would be good... i work from what i see.. if i see a deduction from the scale..i continue and if i dont, i always give up.. sigh.. i heard you can lose 10 pounds from the first week... is it possible?


  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    as of yesterday i have decreased my body weight by 20.1% yes it is possible.
  • omg how?? and how long did it take you??
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    You're less likely to gain weight back if you lose at a slower rate. The only thing truly needed for weight loss is a calorie deficit. Exercise will make you healthier and look better when you get to your goal weight though.

    Your post lacks in information.
    - How tall are you?
    - What is your calorie goal? (Open diary for best help)
    - How do you judge exercise calories burned?
    - Do you eat your exercise calories back?
    - How long have you been doing this? (you say weeks, but that isn't very helpful)
    - Do you take measurements? (Not all changes will happen on the scale)
  • Tldavis3s
    Tldavis3s Posts: 83 Member
    10 lbs in a week is NOT very healthy. Weight loss tends to stay off when lost slowly so that your body doesn't go into starvation mode. I would say you should calculate the correct calorie deficit for you by calculating your tdee and eating 15-20% below that number. You should lose anywhere from 1-2 lbs a week on average. There will be weeks( probably in the first few weeks due to loss of water weight) that you will lose more. I have been at this since November and I have lost 40lbs. You should think of it as a lifestyle change and not a "diet". :) Best of luck!
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    Weight loss doesn't always work like that. Some weeks, you do everything right, and lose a few pounds. Other weeks, you do everything right, and don't. I have lots of suggestions, but I'll pare it down to just a few:

    1) Stop obsessing about the scale. Weigh yourself no more than about twice a month.

    2) When you set goals, don't make them about weight. Of course, the point is to lose weight, but as I pointed out, you can't always control that. Goals should be something you CAN control. Like "I'm going to drink eight glasses of water a day", "I'm going to get five total hours of cardio this week", "I'm going to walk ten thousand steps a day with my pedometer" or "I'm going to include vegetables with every meal" or "I'm going to stay under my calorie goal every day this week". Celebrate meeting THESE goals, because every one of them makes you healthier. The pounds will take care of themselves.

    3) I'm not looking at your food diary, but make sure that you are eating enough, but not too much, and eating the good stuff. One good way to do this is to calculate your TDEE (Google it) and set your calorie goal for 10-15% less than this number. And cut down on processed carbs.

    4) If you honestly feel like you're doing everything right and can't lose a pound, see a doctor or a bariatrician or even a dietician. You could have a thyroid issue, or PCOS (which I makes weight loss SLOW), or maybe you're not eating enough calories.

    I hope some of this helps. Let go of the "ten pounds in a week" or the "two weeks left" nonsense and commit to your health from now until forever. And good luck!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    i heard you can lose 10 pounds from the first week... is it possible?

    for someone with so little to lose, No.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    No one should be looking to lose 10lbs in a week. A healthy loss is anywhere up to 3lb at the most.
    If you want to lose weight and keep it off you need to lose it slowly.
    You also need to be prepared to give it time - if you lose 1lb in a week or two and then give up because you haven't lost the huge amount you wanted you will never lose weight.
    You need to give this 4 weeks minimum, esp as you're female and depending on the time of the month your weight will vary significantly.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Unfortunately, this is not The Biggest Loser. It's real life, where proper fat loss takes time and dedication.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    It is possible to lose 10lbs in the first week at your starting weight, but a lot of it will be water weight and a week or so later things will sloooooooooooow right down and this could put you off again.

    How many calories a day have you set yourself at the moment?

    We all want to see fast results, but food is not your enemy, you have to learn to take things at a steady pace.

    If you go all out and reduce your normal diet too harshly then you will definitely fail. It is all about moderation.

    Go to the success topics and see some of the fantastic results with photos and maybe they will inspire you.

    People post on the success topic page and you can see how long it may have taken them to get to their goals.

    Anyone can lose weight, me and you included, but it is doing it in a good and healthy way that will help us see long term benefits x
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    the first 40 pounds took about 5 months. then i gained 10 over the holidays. then i lost 20 more over 3 or 4 more months. then i maintained that for about a year and started back toward loosing again about a month and a half ago. i have lost 7 pounds since then.

    my start weight was 274 and i am currently 218.

    i watch my calories, i eat real whole foods, lots of veggies, fish, lean meats, i don't eat much in the way of bread or pasta, i get my carbs from vegetables. i try to only eat food that looks like food. avoid processed crap most of the time...obviously there are days where that isn't how it goes but i'm living a life not living a diet and i plan to enjoy my life.

    i go to the gym as often as i can. usually 3 times a week. sometimes 4. i do cardio and try to get my heart rate up to my target range for at least 30 minutes. i lift some weights but am currently nursing a rotator cuff injury so i have to be cautious there.

    i'd like to pull the "oh it is such hard work" card but truthfully for me it isn't. when i eat right and work out i loose weight. when i don't i don't pretty simple. i'm 35 years old and have been very over weight (int he 250-274) range since i started high school. this is the first time in my life i have ever even considered trying to be fitter let alone actually done anything about it.

    i'm not loosing weight i am getting rid of it. i have no intention of finding it again.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    2 weeks remaining for what?
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    to troll of course
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    15 months ago, I started this change of lifestyle at the weight you are now. I have lost 68 lbs. If you want the weight to remain off, you have to change your way of thinking of this as a diet and think of it as a lifestyle change. Although we all would love instantious results, it does take time. I'm almost at my goal weight, but the last mile always seems the hardest! Hang in there....if you want it bad enough, you will continue on! Good Luck on your journey!
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    2 weeks remaining for what?

    I had the same question.
  • Forest777
    Forest777 Posts: 30 Member
    i was recommended to this website for wieight loss... im 224-227 pounds and was trying to lose weight for the past weeks... i have 2 weeks remaining.. can anyone help me or give me a workout plan to lose weight.. 10-15 pounds would be good... i work from what i see.. if i see a deduction from the scale..i continue and if i dont, i always give up.. sigh.. i heard you can lose 10 pounds from the first week... is it possible?

    I don't know how tall you are, but if I were you, I would start by trying to focus on eating maybe 1,800 cals a day for two or three weeks. See how much you lose. Adjust from there. Add exercise as needed/desired. If you lose a pound a week, you will be fifty pounds lighter in a year. It's your choice, but don't let the time get in your way. Chip away at it, slowly but surely every day. Hang in there.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    to troll of course

    i'm leaning more toward language barrier than troll
  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    It's taken me two years to lose my weight one here. It's not a quick fix, it's a lifestyle change but stick with it it works and you'll feel so much better when you do
  • ok im going to aim for a shorter goal im 64inches tall... waist 42..and hips 51
  • 04ward
    04ward Posts: 196 Member
    First of all, you can't give up this easily and this quick! You didn't gain your weight in 2 weeks and it's not going to come off in 2 weeks. I weigh 192 and I have been doing the MFP calorie counting for 60 days. The scales keeps showing the same 2-3 pounds gained one week and lost the next BUT I did measure before I started which is what you need to do. Measure all your body parts and write it down. Follow the plan for 30 days then measure again and I bet you'll see what's happening. I've lost 17" and I know I have a lot of fat to burn FIRST before the pounds start coming off. Use patience, Drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, walk or move at least 3 times a week. If you can't do cardio, try just doing some easy dumbbell weights. Go to for some workouts. Also, I bought this at Target It is amazing the stretch and burn you can get from these simple, low impact exercises. If you work your muscles, you burn fat. Don't give up! Give it a few months then you'll be hooked! :)
  • I can only speak to my own experience, but the first month is the hardest. Most people are drastically changing their eating habits and exercise habits. Your weight will fluctuate and it will be difficult. As long as you're being honest with yourself, putting in the work, and accurately keeping track, it will work. There is no quick fix, miracle solution, super weight loss secret kept hush hush for people in the know.

    Stick with it and you will see results, it just takes time.

    Good luck!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    the first 40 pounds took about 5 months. then i gained 10 over the holidays. then i lost 20 more over 3 or 4 more months. then i maintained that for about a year and started back toward loosing again about a month and a half ago. i have lost 7 pounds since then.

    my start weight was 274 and i am currently 218.

    i watch my calories, i eat real whole foods, lots of veggies, fish, lean meats, i don't eat much in the way of bread or pasta, i get my carbs from vegetables. i try to only eat food that looks like food. avoid processed crap most of the time...obviously there are days where that isn't how it goes but i'm living a life not living a diet and i plan to enjoy my life.

    i go to the gym as often as i can. usually 3 times a week. sometimes 4. i do cardio and try to get my heart rate up to my target range for at least 30 minutes. i lift some weights but am currently nursing a rotator cuff injury so i have to be cautious there.

    i'd like to pull the "oh it is such hard work" card but truthfully for me it isn't. when i eat right and work out i loose weight. when i don't i don't pretty simple. i'm 35 years old and have been very over weight (int he 250-274) range since i started high school. this is the first time in my life i have ever even considered trying to be fitter let alone actually done anything about it.

    i'm not loosing weight i am getting rid of it. i have no intention of finding it again.

    I love the bolded line! :flowerforyou:
  • kahyee
    kahyee Posts: 63
    i was recommended to this website for wieight loss... im 224-227 pounds and was trying to lose weight for the past weeks... i have 2 weeks remaining.. can anyone help me or give me a workout plan to lose weight.. 10-15 pounds would be good... i work from what i see.. if i see a deduction from the scale..i continue and if i dont, i always give up.. sigh.. i heard you can lose 10 pounds from the first week... is it possible?

    The question you should be asking yourself is if I give up, where will i be. Just because you don't see a loss on the scale every time you step on, doesn't mean you aren't getting closer to wherever it is you want to be. Seems like you're looking for a quick weight loss type program, and unfortunately those only set people up for failure. Try to shift your focus from the scale and a number to other goals. Good luck.
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    the first 40 pounds took about 5 months. then i gained 10 over the holidays. then i lost 20 more over 3 or 4 more months. then i maintained that for about a year and started back toward loosing again about a month and a half ago. i have lost 7 pounds since then.

    my start weight was 274 and i am currently 218.

    i watch my calories, i eat real whole foods, lots of veggies, fish, lean meats, i don't eat much in the way of bread or pasta, i get my carbs from vegetables. i try to only eat food that looks like food. avoid processed crap most of the time...obviously there are days where that isn't how it goes but i'm living a life not living a diet and i plan to enjoy my life.

    i go to the gym as often as i can. usually 3 times a week. sometimes 4. i do cardio and try to get my heart rate up to my target range for at least 30 minutes. i lift some weights but am currently nursing a rotator cuff injury so i have to be cautious there.

    i'd like to pull the "oh it is such hard work" card but truthfully for me it isn't. when i eat right and work out i loose weight. when i don't i don't pretty simple. i'm 35 years old and have been very over weight (int he 250-274) range since i started high school. this is the first time in my life i have ever even considered trying to be fitter let alone actually done anything about it.

    i'm not loosing weight i am getting rid of it. i have no intention of finding it again.

    I love the bolded line! :flowerforyou:

    thanks! i am fortunate enough to live in an amazing culinary city. i'm not letting that slide by me ;-)
  • ok im not trolling or whatever.. 2 months ago i bought a dress as a large hoping to use it for motiation for a wedding im going to the 16th of may... i wanted to fit in it but i guess is not going to happen
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Healthy weight loss and immediate gratification do not go together, I'm afraid. From your post, it sounds like you need to work on the mental aspect of it all - sign yourself up for the long haul, really come to grips that this will be a GRADUAL process and then start in with the healthier eating. Quick fixes rarely work and most end up gaining back the weight and then some and you end up worse off than if you never even tried.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    i heard you can lose 10 pounds from the first week... is it possible?

    You may lose 10 lbs but you are not going to lose 10 lbs of fat in one week unless you have lipsuction. Weight loss that quickly will be mostly water, along with a little fat and muscle.