Jillian's 30 Day Shred

mommyofbandb Posts: 42
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been searching for a new workout to do that doesn't take too much time but has a big impact. I read alot about Jillian's 30 Day Shred DVD and most everything I read was good. So last night I bought the video and did Level 1 for the first time. It was a good workout! I think I'm going to be happy with it. I would love to hear from anybody that has done any of her other videos and enjoyed them too! But I did find out that I must wear a VERY GOOD sports bra to do this workout =)


  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    if you do a search for this topic you will find tons of threads that should help you
  • karen366
    karen366 Posts: 141
    I completed the shred a few months ago. I was very happy with the results. I lost 6 pounds and 13.5 inches. The biggest impact was to my endurance and it helped jump start my exercise routine.

    Since the shred, I have also used many of the Biggest Loser DVDs..my 3 favorites are Cardio max, Boot camp and Last Chance Workout.

    I understand 100% about the bra comment...it is a must have for the shred.
  • WeightingForSara
    WeightingForSara Posts: 122 Member
    I started the shred last night also, it was a big workout for me! I wore two of my regular sports bras, and that was good. I did an insane amount of sweating. I want to buy the biggest loser ones next since they're only $9 at Walmart currently.
  • katbass
    katbass Posts: 351 Member
    Im on Day 7 of the Shred. Ive started and stopped before, but Im committed to completing all 30 days this time :) So far, so good!

    I love the Last Chance Workout, Cardio Max (GREAT way to change things up and increase intensity. Its a really flexible DVD....can do a 20 minute session, 30 minute session, 40 minute session, or 55 minute session. LOVE this one!), and cardio sculpt. I love ALL of those and will likely add them into my Shred routine as the Shred becomes easier.

    Good luck!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    I love the Shred, I'm also a big fan of her No More Trouble Zones DVD.
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    I just did day 4 of the 30DS this morning and whew..it is still a toughy, but I always feel great after!!
    I've also been doing turbojam which I absolutely love :happy:
  • Love the 30 Day Shred. I was not a fan of the Last Chance Workout one (but got it for like $6 at Costco). It wasn't quite up to the cardio level that I wanted to be doing at the time.

    Good luck with the Shred! It's always a good "go to" one for me!
  • mms1735
    mms1735 Posts: 4 Member
    I have been using this DVD also and have been really happy with it. I just moved on to level 2 and have trimmed down in my hips, legs, arms and abs. Totally worth the $10 I spent on it. I also just bought the Banish Fat Boost Metabolism Jillian DVD for an added challenge.
  • KJLDavies
    KJLDavies Posts: 30 Member
    I really like it! It's a great work-out and as somone else said on here, I think, I went from doing WiiFit, which is somewhat of a work-out, to this. It's a great way for me to start getting into some more serious work-outs. I'll be doing Day 3 Level 2 today. I will say I have to do the modified version of some of the moves because they're kinda hard on the knees and ankles on this one, but I still am sweating like CRAZY!! Best of luck to you! It's a great work-out!
  • I am on day 4 of level 1 and I really love it! It left me very sore after the first day but it gets easier each time...i hope to move to level 2 soon. My sister-in-law does it with me and she has to wear 2 sports bras for the best support...Good luck! I think it is a great investment! :wink:
  • How do all of y'all log this workout into the exercise log???
  • WeightingForSara
    WeightingForSara Posts: 122 Member
    How do all of y'all log this workout into the exercise log???

    I log mine as "circuit training"
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