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Hello, My name is Nancy. I have battled weight issues through out my whole life. I now weigh 268 pounds. This number is down from a year ago. I'm trying to work with my Doctor on "Healthy Life Style Changes". With his help and suggestions my weight has come down and clothes are getting smaller. My two biggest problems are portion sizes and getting enough activity that actually burns calories.One - I love food and two - I have some permanent injures that interfere with getting enough activity. My daughter suggested this site. She felt keeping tract was beneficial to helping me succeed. I going to give it a try. I am positive that in time I will achieve my goals. I hope that you will all be able to achieve yours. This is a long road that we are one - it is good to have friends and family to travel it with me. You all have a terrific day and may God bless you all.


  • jmlf4
    jmlf4 Posts: 28 Member
    I have been up and down on the scales all my life and would like to make a permanent change to a healthy life. Always good to have people "in the same boat" to help ya thru. If ya like you can add me...and it would be good support for me too:)
  • Rag_Doll
    Rag_Doll Posts: 49 Member
    Hi Nancy, welcome to mfp. Your daughter is right, this is a very useful site/app to help with the weight loss. I have been shocked by how many calories certain foods are - either way, too high or very low. It does help you think you should have a little less or more of it come meal time.
    I wish you luck on your journey. I read a lot that weight loss is 80% diet 20% exercise which is a handy thought when you can't exercise as much.
    Log every active thing you do though, gardening, walking, cleaning...
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Hi Nancy - from another Nancy! :) I know it can be daunting to lose the weight. Just remember that the weight did not come on overnight and it won't come off that quickly either. Just start making healthier choices, watch your portion controls and move as much as possible. If you don't already have one, you may want to invest in a food scale. This will help tremendously in figuring out the correct portion of the foods you eat. Try to keep your plate with 1/2 veggies, 1/4 meat, 1/4 starch/carb. It will help. Also, there are a lot of exercises you can do with limited mobility - are you able to lift weights? If so, get a 2 or 3 lb weight (kettlebells are the latest craze) and keep it near your chair in the living room. As you are watching tv or talking on the phone, you can just lift it. If you are able to walk, then do that. I have read stories of people that can't even walk to the bathroom because of their weight...but that is how they started...just walking up/down the hallway and then eventually increasing that to out to the mail box or down the street and back. Every little bit will help you.

    Add me as a friend, if you'd like. - Nancy