Ready for your hear attack for the day???

Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
edited September 21 in Chit-Chat
Thought it would be fun to let you guys in on some of the craziness my fiance' puts me through.

He is a skinny mini and well likes to eat horrible things.

ANYWAYS! Anyone heard of a Bacon Explosion?

Well, I have and I have eaten it too. Just a little bite though. I could not handle it. Here is the link and let me know what you think!

Edit***I meant heart attack lol


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
  • TruSunshine
    TruSunshine Posts: 178
    OMG!!! The old me would have loved to try this:love: . The new me is just shaking her head :huh:
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    I can't find the nutrition info on this now but it has a whopping 5,000 calories!
  • kcdrake
    kcdrake Posts: 512
    Now, I like bacon and everything, but that's a bit much. lol
  • bjerkins
    bjerkins Posts: 107 Member
    Oh boy. I am almost ashamed to say that it looks good. I would not eat it though. TruSunshine has it right. The old me would have.
  • AprilChampion
    AprilChampion Posts: 184 Member
    I can't find the nutrition info on this now but it has a whopping 5,000 calories!

  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447

    my boyfriend can eat ANYTHING and look skinny still lol (i hate him!)
    but id seriously slap him if he wanted to eat this lol
  • hallswan
    hallswan Posts: 90
    i wanna bite - Just one little bite - just to taste it (to me honest, i don't think i could take much more LOL :)
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    LOL you guys! I am a complete meat eater and this was WAY TOO MUCH meat for me to handle. I had practically a sliver of a piece and it was still too much. But you better bet on it all the guys just mowed it down!
  • fowlmeli1093
    fowlmeli1093 Posts: 199
    Yum!!! I would try it with hamburger, onions and bbq sauce rolled in bacon!!!
  • trice
    trice Posts: 43 Member
    Let's split one 20 ways. I just wanna try it. Makes my mouth water.
  • luv4chelle
    luv4chelle Posts: 15
    The picture makes it look so good. But I know it can't be healthy. Oh my!! But something I would try once (just a little bit).
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member

    Edit***I meant heart attack lol

    I thought you were going to scream at us. :laugh:
  • navstar
    navstar Posts: 113 Member
    I'm sure you'd get less pork on a whole pig!!!! but it does look tasty!!!
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