anyone cut out alcohol completely to lose more weight?



  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Hi there, I am not losing weight as fast as I would like and I am wondering if I cut out alcohol completely if it will speed things up for me. I usually drink about 3 regular size glasses of wine each evening, and I do make space for those calories in my allotted calories for the day. I just don't even feel really good about it anymore. Just wondering if anyone else has made that sacrifice to not drink, except on a rare occasion, and then found you lost weight at a faster rate? Thanks in advance for your opinions!

    Given equal calories, alcohol will not effect weight loss. I would say it is easier to reach a calorie deficit without alcohol than with, but plenty of people have been able to drink alcohol in moderation and still lose weight

    Are you drinking 3 glasses of wine that you weighed out? Or are they 3 plus size glasses that you ball park? You could be ingesting more calories than you think which might be affecting your weight loss.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    I quit drinking alcohol altogether September of 2011, best decision I've ever made. Not for weight loss...but for life loss. I was one of those "can't drink only a couple" people. It seriously was starting to **** up my life.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    I lost weight without cutting out alcohol. I lost weight while drinking large quantities on the weekends. However, 3 glasses every night is probably causing you a lot of problems. You're getting 450 empty calories instead of nutritious ones. If you're eating high-fat foods while drinking your wine (and who doesn't - what's better than cheese, red meat, and chocolate with wine????), the alcohol is preventing your body from oxidizing the fat and using the calories. Unless you're drinking a TON of water, you're probably going through a dehydration/water retention cycle that masks your progress on the scale. I'd suggest either cutting back to one glass a night or picking one or two nights out of the week where you splurge.
  • Tricep_A_Tops
    Tricep_A_Tops Posts: 319
    During my 83 lb weight loss I only drank 12 beers during my 13 month weight loss and was able to get down to 8 % BF. at 42 years of age.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Did anyone actually read the studies that say alcohol reduces testosterone? By the responses, I am guessing that is a big NO. The dosages of alcohol in those studies varies between 10-15 drinks PER DAY. I am not an alcohol advocate, but quit letting "fitness experts" cherry-pick studies and give you misguided information. A lot of big strong guys drink and they probably have more testosterone in their mustaches then a group of skinny jeans wearing teenagers.
  • BhanGoes
    BhanGoes Posts: 75 Member
    Great topic. My friends and I have made a pact to be alcohol-free for one month. I have been *amazed* with the secondary benefits of being completely 100% sober. Here are a few off the top of my head:

    * Save calories and money -- I consider these primary (obvious, immediate) benefits. By not drinking, I probably save 200 calories a day (that's half a Body Pump class!) and ~$30/week (2 bottles of wine). This is a *huge* savings when extrapolated over time.

    * More productive in the evenings: instead of that glass of wine (or two...) triggering my time to unwind and sit on my *kitten* and watch tv, I remain in motion doing chores, taking the dog on longer walks, listening to podcasts while spring cleaning, etc. I bet I have up to an hour of productive time back in my day simply because for me a glass of wine triggers me to stop moving and now I'm not doing that.

    * Better (more recuperative) sleep: by removing the alcohol variable from the equation, I've been able to isolate just a couple remaining causes for my sleep issues, and therefore work toward a resolution. No longer is late-evening wine causing me to need to pee in the middle of the night, or get the less-than-restful sleep that follows a drink or two.

    * Never a groggy morning: Related to the sleep item, but we've all been there. The one or two glasses of wine sometimes has a bigger impact on the following morning than we'd like to admit. This has resulted in impulse eating the next day (burritos for lunch!), increased irritability, lack of energy late into the afternoon.

    All in all, I have decided that unless I *really* have *nothing* going on the following day, even one drink is unnecessary and probably not worth it.

    Looking forward to others' responses!
  • CTCMom2009
    CTCMom2009 Posts: 263 Member
    I don't think I could quit alcohol completely... I have a 3 yr old and he likes to do things that make me want to drink!

    That said, I don't drink much anymore and when I do, it is whiskey and water. I used to drink Captain Morgan and diet... I had one a few months ago and couldn't believe I ever drank that! Too sweet!

    Do what works for you! Even cutting back is a good thing.
  • mstrickland9
    mstrickland9 Posts: 102
    Hi there, I am not losing weight as fast as I would like and I am wondering if I cut out alcohol completely if it will speed things up for me. I usually drink about 3 regular size glasses of wine each evening, and I do make space for those calories in my allotted calories for the day. I just don't even feel really good about it anymore. Just wondering if anyone else has made that sacrifice to not drink, except on a rare occasion, and then found you lost weight at a faster rate? Thanks in advance for your opinions!

    Given equal calories, alcohol will not effect weight loss. I would say it is easier to reach a calorie deficit without alcohol than with, but plenty of people have been able to drink alcohol in moderation and still lose weight

    Are you drinking 3 glasses of wine that you weighed out? Or are they 3 plus size glasses that you ball park? You could be ingesting more calories than you think which might be affecting your weight loss.

    I have not been faithfully measuring out 5 oz. glasses of wine each and every time. I am sure I have underestimated my caloric intake on many a day. I'm really ashamed about that and I just feel the best thing for me as someone else said is just not to drink at all except on an occasional social event, it's just not worth wasting all those calories.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    Did anyone actually read the studies that say alcohol reduces testosterone? By the responses, I am guessing that is a big NO. The dosages of alcohol in those studies varies between 10-15 drinks PER DAY. I am not an alcohol advocate, but quit letting "fitness experts" cherry-pick studies and give you misguided information. A lot of big strong guys drink and they probably have more testosterone in their mustaches then a group of skinny jeans wearing teenagers.

    That's alot of alcohol
  • BhanGoes
    BhanGoes Posts: 75 Member

    Given equal calories, alcohol will not effect weight loss. I would say it is easier to reach a calorie deficit without alcohol than with, but plenty of people have been able to drink alcohol in moderation and still lose weight


    ----> Just wanted to respond to this specifically: I do not believe your statement is true for everyone. For me, drinking alcohol does have a direct, negative impact on weight loss even calorie-for-calorie. Drinking alcohol has so many secondary effects than just calorie ingestion. For me, the secondary ones are what have amazed and impressed me so much these last three weeks.
  • BakerRunnerBadass
    BakerRunnerBadass Posts: 1,359 Member
    I think cutting anything out completely is setting yourself up to fail.

    This has been my philosphy...I have lost about half of the weight that I want to, I have cut back on or changed what I am drinking at various times. My goal is to be healthier, but I also want to continue the things that I enjoy.

    Everything in moderation is how I operate and it is working well for me. I`m not dropping at a super fast pace, but I am losing the healthy way. Any time that I cut things out completely and lost quickly, I ended up putting a lot back on once I went back to the things that I like.

    Good Luck! If you can cut it out completely and are happy with it than go for it, otherwise don`t set yourself up for failure.
  • I have not cut out alcohol all together but I do only drink it every once in a while. I think I have had a 6 pack of blue moon in the fridge for a little over a month now lol
  • ravshizzle
    ravshizzle Posts: 8
    I tried to stop drinking in order to aid weight loss. To summarise, it didn't work. Everything in moderation. Except pies.
  • stetienne
    stetienne Posts: 560 Member
    that's just crazy talk
  • calaz84
    calaz84 Posts: 72 Member
    Helllll naaaaaahhhhh Playa!!!!! I need my nighttime buzzzz on! Its my way of winding down after a good days work.
    This is how I make up for it!

    1.) Run an extra Mile at the gym!
    2:) Lift HEAVY!
    3.) Drink lots of water during the day. Hydrate!
    4.) MULTIVITAMIN up!!!!
    5.) Alot of Sex! Usually after I get my buzzz on :devil:

    Thats how I roll!!!!

    Lmao thats my boyfriend he's the exact same way!!!! I drink maybe 2-3 times and year now use to every weekend hasn't made much of a difference!!
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 66 Member
    You will pry alcohol from my cold, dead, drunk hands.


    lol just kidding, as I don't get drunk, but I do log my alcohol. I havn't really 'cut back' since I don't drink often, and it's sporadic...some days I'll have 2 glasses of wine, then other times I can go for weeks without a drink.
    And that'll change if I'm at a party or something, etc.
    But I'm always aware.
  • hrshygrl00
    hrshygrl00 Posts: 66 Member
    I like this too :laugh: :drinker:
  • Ohnoes
    Ohnoes Posts: 98 Member
    yes i "quit" but not intentionally. getting fit and taking care of myself gave me energy and a sense of well being, and every time i take a drink i feel tired and when it wears off i feel a little down. its not worth it to me, and minus a glass of red with a nice dinner here and there booze does not really fit into my new life.
  • Falenea
    Falenea Posts: 263 Member