Really need support

My names Nicola I have lost 3 stone far iam hopefully want to loose 17 lbs so i can finnaly feel good about my self and looking in the mirror and stop crying when i have gained weight.

I lost 2 stone due to i was very ill last year and the other stone was cos i was watching What i ate

Today i weighed my self and i gained 3 lbs in 3 weeks which aint too bad .

I am healthy size between 14 & 16

But i want to loose another stone

My eating habbits aint so good well today i went to hell with it.

I want to start fresh tommrow

So feel free to add me and motivate me to do this ... the right way :)

I really need support :)

Not sure if my first post posted cos my computer broke

oh yeah im the one in the right of my picture :)


  • robinfreer
    robinfreer Posts: 3 Member
    Hang in there you have to do this for yourself
  • SenseiCole
    SenseiCole Posts: 429 Member
    if you oranyone needs help, feel free to add me

    the late and great Zig Ziglar once said

    "If you did have a million-dollar racehorse, would you let him stay up half the night drinking coffee and booze, smoking cigarettes and eating junk food?" "Would you treat your 10-dollar dog or your 5-dollar cat that way? What about your billion-dollar body?"