help with snacking

I need help. I continually over snack I can eat up all my calories in just snacks. I keep a little snacks like cake pops, potato chips in the house for the child and hubby. If I start snacking I can't stop so I try not to keep alot of them in the house. And the only thing that stops me from eating is that I try to leave some for someone else. My meals are fine, not too unhealthy. I walk an hour everyday and I think that keeps me from putting on the pounds. Does anyone else have a problem with over snacking? I need help figuring out how to stop after one portion.


  • JenniferDomas
    JenniferDomas Posts: 16 Member
    Keep all snacks out of the house or at least not sitting on the kitchen counter where you see them all of the time. Also, try chewing gum and/or brushing your teeth often. Drink lots of water as sometimes I feel like snacking when really I am thirsty. Also, have lots of healthier snack options ready to eat, apples, string cheese, carrots, hummus etc.:smile:
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I usually weigh and measure out one serving, then put the bag/container away and leave the kitchen. I also try to wait at least thirty minutes before going back for more so I can decide whether or not I'm actually hungry or if I just want to eat. There are also certain snacks in the house that are not mine. They belong specifically to my husband or son when he's home from college. If it's family food I might be tempted to dip into it, but if it's something that I convince myself is not "mine" to take I leave it alone. Or chose snacks you don't really care for but the rest of the family likes.
  • idagaines
    idagaines Posts: 18 Member
    I totally understand that. I have 2 growing kids, 11 and 15 plus a husband that aren't watching their weight so why should they suffer. So I have to hide food from myself. I would rather eat shacks than eat a meal. I cant stand that full feeling but I cant do that so I'm learning to balance. Not easy at all. Buy you some apples. And you aren't alone on over smacking. I binge
  • lmknelson
    lmknelson Posts: 2
    I really like the 100 calorie pack of Emerald Almonds. It is already pre-portioned so you know the calories and stop when the package is empty. And it is high in nutrients and protein!
    For a higher calorie snack, but still better for you than cake pops and potato chips, try the FiberOne Protein bars or Nature Valley Protein bars. Some celery with a little peanut butter is another snack I enjoy. But I also agree with all the advice that JenniferDomas gave you as well. Drinking lots of water gets me through a lot of those times that I think I NEED a snack. I find out I really didn't NEED it...I just WANTED it!! Good luck!!
  • heidihorton
    heidihorton Posts: 110 Member
    I keep snacks in the house for the hubby and kids too. But it's stuff that doesn't appeal to me. Hubby loves milky ways, I don't . Kids love Pringles, not me. I do keep ruffles in the house for me but I buy one bag a week an it has to last or I don't get any the rest of the week. Always weight and put away! It works. If you deny the cravings you do worse when you give in. Find snacks you love and tweak them to healthy! I love banana bread!! I now make them muffins ( ask for the recipe if you'd like) they are now 59 cal each and I thinks I'm cheating when I take two. Lol. Keep it up you will learn your best options and your worst cravings
  • WinCherry
    WinCherry Posts: 30 Member
    Thank you all for all the advice.
  • seaya5
    seaya5 Posts: 4
    Hi. Keep focused on snacks that are good for what you are trying to achieve. I recommend apples with 1-2 tbsp of organic almond butter. Very flavorful! I also recommend strawberries with sugar free, plain yogurt. Originally, the plain yogurt was tough for me as the taste was not the best. Mixed with a raw, fresh fruit made it like having a big sundae.

    I find planning my meals (on paper) including my snacks really helps me. I go by the plan and if family members eat other things, I just stick with my plan.

    Here's is to your total well-being!