What am I doing wrong?

I'm not sure what is going on. I'm trying to eat healthy and working my *kitten* off but yet not losing any more weight. What am I doing wrong?



  • MistressAella
    MistressAella Posts: 99 Member
    That definitely is frustrating! It depends on what you are doing :) Your diary is closed so that will be one thing that will be asked of you. Also what are you doing to create a calorie deficit? Are you eating below your tdee, or doing cardio, or weight lifting or a combination of them?
  • sexymom04
    sexymom04 Posts: 263 Member
    I opened it, you should be able to see it now.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I checked your diary - what are you doing for exercise? I mean I see it logged as Circuit Training, but wondered about specifics. Also wonder how accurate the recorded burn is because MFP is notorious for overestimating.

    That being said, on many days, even if you cut the burn in half, it would appear you're not eating back exercise cals, or not enough anyway. Example - last Friday your intake was 1399 cals, your burn listed at 796 = 603 net cals, pretty low. Even if the burn estimate is high - if we cut it half, and say you burned 398 cals that day, it still leaves you with a net of less than 1200 cals, and that's not good. Another day you have intake of 1218, burn of 802 = 416 cals, which leaves you pretty much out of gas for the day.

    Food is fuel, goal means GOAL, not several hundred cals under, especially when you're set at the bare minimum goal for women. If you can get yourself a HRM to track calorie burn a bit more accurately, that helps, but you need to either eat those burned cals back and get your daily net up to goal, or cut back on the workouts so you don't have such a huge deficit every day.

    Eat too little for too long and you're giving your body a reason to store fat rather than burn it.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I checked your diary - what are you doing for exercise? I mean I see it logged as Circuit Training, but wondered about specifics. Also wonder how accurate the recorded burn is because MFP is notorious for overestimating.

    That being said, on many days, even if you cut the burn in half, it would appear you're not eating back exercise cals, or not enough anyway. Example - last Friday your intake was 1399 cals, your burn listed at 796 = 603 net cals, pretty low. Even if the burn estimate is high - if we cut it half, and say you burned 398 cals that day, it still leaves you with a net of less than 1200 cals, and that's not good. Another day you have intake of 1218, burn of 802 = 416 cals, which leaves you pretty much out of gas for the day.

    Food is fuel, goal means GOAL, not several hundred cals under, especially when you're set at the bare minimum goal for women. If you can get yourself a HRM to track calorie burn a bit more accurately, that helps, but you need to either eat those burned cals back and get your daily net up to goal, or cut back on the workouts so you don't have such a huge deficit every day.

    Eat too little for too long and you're giving your body a reason to store fat rather than burn it.

    This. If you actually are burning that many calories in a work out you really do need to eat them back. MFP already has your deficit figured in.
  • sexymom04
    sexymom04 Posts: 263 Member
    I do Jillian Michaels, shed and shred. So you're telling me I need to eat more?
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    I checked your diary - what are you doing for exercise? I mean I see it logged as Circuit Training, but wondered about specifics. Also wonder how accurate the recorded burn is because MFP is notorious for overestimating.

    That being said, on many days, even if you cut the burn in half, it would appear you're not eating back exercise cals, or not enough anyway. Example - last Friday your intake was 1399 cals, your burn listed at 796 = 603 net cals, pretty low. Even if the burn estimate is high - if we cut it half, and say you burned 398 cals that day, it still leaves you with a net of less than 1200 cals, and that's not good. Another day you have intake of 1218, burn of 802 = 416 cals, which leaves you pretty much out of gas for the day.

    Food is fuel, goal means GOAL, not several hundred cals under, especially when you're set at the bare minimum goal for women. If you can get yourself a HRM to track calorie burn a bit more accurately, that helps, but you need to either eat those burned cals back and get your daily net up to goal, or cut back on the workouts so you don't have such a huge deficit every day.

    Eat too little for too long and you're giving your body a reason to store fat rather than burn it.

    This. If you actually are burning that many calories in a work out you really do need to eat them back. MFP already has your deficit figured in.

  • sexymom04
    sexymom04 Posts: 263 Member
    Today I did level 1 of she'd and shred, a mile of intervals on the treadmill, biked for 20 minutes and walked for 2 hours. I thought I wasn't doing enough exercise. ....
  • ropermom
    ropermom Posts: 52 Member
    Are you having dressing on those salads? Pickled(high salt) stuff. Are you measuring everything? I noticed your sodium was high quite a bit-may be retaining some water. Also, I noticed that you eat out pretty often, and when you do that it's never totally accurate with regard to calories, etc.
    You might try eating at home more where you can be absolutely sure, at least until you're at goal. Those last few pounds can be SO hard!!! Hope this helps!:smile:
  • FaerieCae
    FaerieCae Posts: 437 Member
    Good grief, do less exercise. You dont need to beat your body into submission. Focus on an hour a day, with intensity. Dont forget to have rest days.
  • Villasenorita

    I think they mean in order to have proper nutrients for your body, you need to refuel after your workouts. That is the one thing I have learned. I eat 6 small meals a day.. 200 calories each meal. I try to balance it with a veggie or fruit, protein, and a complex carb. On days I weight train, I eat more because I've burned more. And on weight days, I drink a protein shake afterwards.

    I haven't peeked at your diary, but as long as your meals are balanced then you should start losing weight. If your eating the wrong foods/high calorie and still exercising then you are just maintaining your weight... Does this make sense?

    It look me forever to figure how my body worked with food. Good luck on your journey (:
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Today I did level 1 of she'd and shred, a mile of intervals on the treadmill, biked for 20 minutes and walked for 2 hours. I thought I wasn't doing enough exercise. ....

    1. I have a heart rate monitor and I don't find that MFP is that far off on the calorie count.
    2. Eat back your exercise calories.
    3. That is like 3 hours of exercise. It is possible to OVER exercise so that your body isn't doing any of it wholeheartedly. 30DS has me toast.

    Pour it out for an hour a day...and there is no need to do more. Your body builds muscle during times of rest, so make sure you are giving it what it needs for a strong workout the next day.
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    Today I did level 1 of she'd and shred, a mile of intervals on the treadmill, biked for 20 minutes and walked for 2 hours. I thought I wasn't doing enough exercise. ....

    That's TONS of exercise for one day.
  • sexymom04
    sexymom04 Posts: 263 Member
    Oh wow. Ok so I'll slow down on the exercise. I just thought I wasn't doing enough. So exercise less and eat what I burn but better. Wow.
  • Retiredmom72
    Retiredmom72 Posts: 538 Member
    You might want to track your water consumption. If you eat quite a bit of sodium, you might want to up water intake. Good luck.
  • sexymom04
    sexymom04 Posts: 263 Member
    More water??? Ok
  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    Go do a search on cardio and cortisol. Too much cardio freaks your body out -- its really stressful, because its really unnatural, hormonally speaking.

    And cortisol makes it hard to lose weight, makes it easy to gain weight, and puts that weight right around your middle in the most unhealthy place.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Today I did level 1 of she'd and shred, a mile of intervals on the treadmill, biked for 20 minutes and walked for 2 hours. I thought I wasn't doing enough exercise. ....
    Great article here about over training and under eating: http://www.shapefit.com/overtraining-exercising-too-much.html

    I'm 45 years old, 5'8", and have had my best success eating 1800+ calories a day, working out about an hour or less 5-6 days a week. My body has been happily shedding fat for the past year. :bigsmile:

    More good info here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/974889-in-place-of-a-road-map-short-n-sweet
  • StrongAndHealthyMommy
    StrongAndHealthyMommy Posts: 1,255 Member
    I checked your diary - what are you doing for exercise? I mean I see it logged as Circuit Training, but wondered about specifics. Also wonder how accurate the recorded burn is because MFP is notorious for overestimating.

    That being said, on many days, even if you cut the burn in half, it would appear you're not eating back exercise cals, or not enough anyway. Example - last Friday your intake was 1399 cals, your burn listed at 796 = 603 net cals, pretty low. Even if the burn estimate is high - if we cut it half, and say you burned 398 cals that day, it still leaves you with a net of less than 1200 cals, and that's not good. Another day you have intake of 1218, burn of 802 = 416 cals, which leaves you pretty much out of gas for the day.

    Food is fuel, goal means GOAL, not several hundred cals under, especially when you're set at the bare minimum goal for women. If you can get yourself a HRM to track calorie burn a bit more accurately, that helps, but you need to either eat those burned cals back and get your daily net up to goal, or cut back on the workouts so you don't have such a huge deficit every day.

    Eat too little for too long and you're giving your body a reason to store fat rather than burn it.

  • OMGeeeHorses
    OMGeeeHorses Posts: 732 Member
    I do a different thing than MFP, its called in place of a road map. I do this so I don't have to eat my calories from exercise back as its going off my TDEE and already has that calculated into my daily food intake. I did this as it made it so much easier to just eat what it gives me for numbers and not worry about the rest

    Also if you are high in sodium, drink lemon water. It will flush your system and not let the sodium make you hold on to it. I did this and was amazed at the 2lb drop from just switching that in.

    :) hope I helped in some way :P

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    You aren't eating enough for that type of workout.