TOTALLY bummed :(

lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
so im sort of in a friend triangle..i have these two friends..they are best friends with each other..but just good friends of mine. anyways one is a total gymaholic...goes 6 days a week paid a HUGE price for a trainer..she tried to talk me into joining. but the cost was going to be about $70 a month and I just didnt want to pay that much!
so then our other friend..she just jumped on the heathy eating bandwagon a month ago and has been working out at home. she invited me to start joining I did. i can only meet with her 2-3 times a week but i love having that friend to workout with. she told me how our other friend was on her to join the gym..but she too just didnt want to spend that much.

WELL...the other friend got her a 2 week pass to the gym.....NOT one for me. so crush me right there wont ya. so now shes been busy at the gym and cant meet at night bc she doesnt wanna work out twice in one day. but shes been telling me she is NOT joining the gym. THEN i just get a phone call from her...........apparently the gym has something called piggybacking and she can join on our other friends contract for only $40 a shes going to do that next week.

I am totally AGAIN i have lost my workout partner. not to mention our little friendship triangle is starting to make me feel like odd man out. im upset that this friend never offered to get me a 2 week pass or allow me to piggy back..i sure would have at that price! and im totally bummed that once again ive got to go at this alone


  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Maybe you could tell your gymrat friend that you would like a pass as well, if she has any others. If not, why not ask your friend that just joined if she would be willing to still work out at home with you those 2 or 3 days a week like you were doing, since you can't afford a $70 a month gym fee right now. I think it is so important to have someone to work out with as well. Really keeps you motivated and accountable. Good luck. Hope that it was just a silly assumption on the gymrat's part and that was why she overlooked you for that pass and piggybacking offer.

  • slcobb001
    slcobb001 Posts: 39 Member
    Unequal numbers of friends NEVER work with girls. Found this out raising my girl and my granddaughters... Find something you like to do.. Focus on you, get the body moving and when the gym gets boring they will be back. I love to cycle but for you it could be walking, swimming, video workouts... whatever... just get the body moving and have fun.
  • joyciebear
    joyciebear Posts: 13 Member
    First of all, don't take it personally!

    I don't think they were out to make you feel like the odd one out. Maybe the other friend didn't think you'd be interested in trying out the gym for two weeks, or piggybacking. Maybe they only gave her one pass? If it bothers you that much you need to assert yourself in a diplomatic way and just ask if they have an extra pass because for that price, you'd love to go to the gym with them.

    If all else fails, you can still work out without a partner! Try new activities. Look for a new workout partner. Maybe you can find a friend who has been trying to get in shape, but you don't know very well. And get to know each other better! :) Don't be so down, chica. Life's too short to sweat the small stuff. And it's all small stuff. :)
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    thanks...ya i just need to take it as a hint to do my own thing. i just find it is soo much easier to have a bud to keep you on your toes. idk why the other friend never offered me the piggyback pass..BUT the two of them are closer so...

    and its not so much that i cant afford that $70..i just wasnt comfortable signing a contract and locking me in at that price when i could go to another really nice gym here for half that. it was like i would be paying double just to have the friend there..and i figured id be screwed when she decided to quit going.
  • diet45
    diet45 Posts: 392 Member
    So sorry to hear of your situation. It is always nice to have a workout partner, but I found out that I don't end up doing the workout if they cancel or something else comes up. I am now just accountable to myself. I can do my workout whenever I want and wherever I want. I belong to the gym and find myself working out at home more than I go to the gym because of my four kids and husband's schedule. I hope you don't get discouraged....
  • lizziewhan,

    I don't mean any disrespect or too belittle your problem here, which I'm sure is very real and exists for you.
    But I just wanted to point out that this is a classic example of "men are from mars and women are from venus" (or whatever it is).
  • Don't feel too bad, Lizzie! I know how it hurts when Friends do things like that to us! Please do not let this stop you from all the hard work you have been doing!!!---REMEMBER, you are doing this for you and for your family, no one else, and if your friends seem like they are excluding you, then tell yourself, that YOU CAN DO IT!! I know you can do it, Lizzie--Don't give up!! I wish alto of the time, that I had a workout partner, but I have my best friend in the world, my dog, Koda, and he NEVER lets me down!! If you have a dog, take him/her for a walking wokout--trust me, they can be the best workout buddie you will ever have, without all the drama from a human friend!! Take care, Lizzie, and believe in yourself--don't let this get you down!! :)
  • Hey now!!! I tried to get you to join gold's gym with me, and you didn't want to do it, now I've not even been going!! I need to go back, I think you and I both do better at the gym rather than by oursleves, especially since we have the trainer watching!! LOL Call Gold's and see if they are running a special??
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    oh micah micah. back then i didnt want to make the yr long commitment..and then i was worried about being able to meet up with you with your crazy schedule. but i do think we need to start walking together atleast once a week just to hang out!
  • I know LOL!! I do have a crazy schedule, but we do need to try and walk or jog!! LOL, I feel like we pushed harder at the gym, or at least I know I did rather than what I do at home!! Lisa said she'd love to push me, LOL I don't know if thats good or bad! No I know it would be good. But chin up we're going to get this done one way or another!! I think the next time I work the EC is next Saturday. Are you going to go to the boot camp class tomorrow? And are we still on for the farmer's market tomorrow morning?
  • aklindsay
    aklindsay Posts: 27 Member
    i know how you feel! my two best friends and i started working out in January, which is when i joined MFP. one of them moved away and has fallen off of the workout wagon. the other is super busy with school and stopped having time to workout with me. the one that's busy with school, however, seems to make time to go workout with one of her school buddies. all these changes mean that i have to workout all alone now...bummer.

    i realized a few months ago though that i'm not making this change in my life for them. this is for me! and sure they are part of the reason that i want to live a longer, healthier life, but ultimately it has to be for myself.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I don't mean any disrespect or too belittle your problem here, which I'm sure is very real and exists for you.
    But I just wanted to point out that this is a classic example of "men are from mars and women are from venus" (or whatever it is).

    Hey girls, big surprise, this poster is a GUY!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Didn't need to look at the profile to tell, but did anyway:bigsmile:

    Don't agree that this situation describes the mars/venus thing, however.

    As to what to do. Move on and take care of YOU would be my advice. If you decide to join the other gym that is more convenient and less costly, you will likely find some workout buddies there. Good luck!!
  • lizziewhan
    lizziewhan Posts: 148 Member
    thanks ladies for your nice words! hubby actually showed interest in doing P90x and i told him im in! he and i will be working out together so this works out much better!
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