An I eating too little?

Hi, I'm an 18 year old girl eating an average of 1300-50 calories per day. Some days I net only 1000 but others (though rarely) 1500-600.

MFP calculates my daily calorie goal as 1450 for 1/2 pound weight loss but I just put in my stats into the calculator thing on scoobys workshop and it says for 15% calorie reduction (which I'm assuming is average) I should be eating closer to 1700. Which is right? Am I really eating too little?

I don't weigh myself often because we don't actually have a set of scales at home but based on clothing and the last time I weighed myself at a friends house, I'd say so far I have lost weight- I've dropped an dress size- but is this healthy and am I going to "plateau" as they say?

Stats: 155cm (5'1), 63-64kg (140 pounds), mostly sedentary (I sit at a desk at school all day, try to walk 30 mins 3 times a week, work 5 1/2 shift at a busy cafe every Sunday where I am always on my feet- waitressing, cleaning, on till)



  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Your lowest net should be 1200 cals (and even that is usually way too low), so on the days you are only eating 1000 cals you are eating too little.

    TDEE is usually right, but with MFP you eat back your exercise calories so they should come out at about the same.
  • vmy19
    vmy19 Posts: 6
    The only day that I net 1000 is on Sundays when I work. Apparently, you burn 100 calories or so per hour for the kind of work I do so that comes to 500 calories loss but I usually only log half of that because it seems way to much to burn from working tbh. I try and eat most of it back though and Sundays is usually the day I eat junk and sugar because its the day I burn the most calories.