Panicking! Am I doing this right?

jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
Hey guys,

Those of you who read my posts etc will know that I recently switched from MFP's recommendation of 1200 cals to dieting the TDEE-20% way. I've probably been eating at my upped calorie figure for around 3 or 4 weeks now.

Now before I go in to the reason for this post I will say that I'm well aware that my body needs to adjust to my new eating regime (I'm now on 1675 a day plus exercise) and I know it could take time to see results. However, I am feeling slightly disheartened.

So far with my new way of eating I have lost about 1.8lbs which I have since put back on. So currently I haven't lost any weight with the TDEE method. Not overly worried about that as I also haven't gained anything! So hurrah!! I have been doing the 30 Day Shred and I have lost a couple of inches here and there. Today will be Day 11 for me.

What I want to know really is:

1) I'd like to hear from people who have been using the TDEE method and how successful it has been for them. I'm well aware that everybody is different, I'm just interested to know how people are doing and more importantly if anyone is having the same experience as me.

2) Anybody that has done or is doing 30DS......when did you really start to SEE the physical results, if at all? And when did you move from Level 1 to Level 2? Again, I know that will be all to do with the individual but I'm intrigued! And is the 30DS enough exercise for one day or should I be doing more?

3) I'm very aware that I'm not getting enough protein into my diet. Could this possibly be impacting any results I'm seeing on the scale and with measuring? I've read numerous times that protein is key if you are doing any sort of strength training which I am with the 30DS.

4) I've been toying with the idea of protein shakes......are these as good a fix before or after working out as eating a chicken fillet would be? And are they generally a good way of getting protein in to my diet if I'm lacking?

I'm basically looking for reassurance that I'm doing the right things. It may seem pathetic and needy to some but I need that bit of encouragement!

As always, any helpful information is always appreciated. Anyone who wants to stick the boot in.....jog on to someone else's post please :laugh:

Thanks lovelies!!

Note: My diary is open to anybody who wants to take a has recently been my birthday so I have been eating a lot of CAKE!! Haha This is not usual protocol as you will see if you look further back :smile:


  • peachfigs
    peachfigs Posts: 831 Member

    I'd like to see answers for the TDEE part.

    I'm doing 30DS too, and I haven't been losing any lbs. Last week I stayed the same. However, I have lost several inches from all over, and my body feels "tighter" rather than squishy. Perhaps due to the intensity of 30DS it may be better to measure to get a better idea of your results? :smile:

    I'm not sure if 30DS is enough, but I try to do some walking/spinning/jogging as well.

    Edit: Re-reading I see you HAVE lost inches (ignore above then)... Surely that is reassuring, right?
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    I do like the fact that I've lost inches but then I I measuring right? Lol As I only have a tape measure. I always wonder if I've measured in the same place as last time!
  • smaihlee
    smaihlee Posts: 171 Member
    I've switched my numbers around several times since starting MFP, but generally they're between 1600 and 2000 calories per day. Eating less than 1600 makes me ravenous and *****y, while eating more than 2000 (unless there's a lot of wine calories lol) makes me feel blah. I did calculate my TDEE-20% and TDEE-30% and the numbers are closer to the 2000 calorie range. I am working out 4-6 days per week, usually 300-400 calories per workout. I have been tracking my macros and micros, as well as my calories burned per day (per Fitbit) and per workout (per HRM).

    Through all of this, I'm losing at a rate of about 1 to 1 1/2 lb per week. Some weeks I lose nothing and some weeks I'll lose 2 lb or even 3. I'm only getting 3 weeks of "useable" progress per month due to TOM weight gain.

    The most maddening thing, and I think this is probably the way you feel, I honestly haven't had an aha! moment. The most important thing is that I find a new way of life that is SUSTAINABLE. So many people fail because they adopt these crazy new ways of eating and then wonder why they gain all the weight back a few months later. I've come to accept that I just lose more slowly than other people, but I am continuing to lose.

    I have noticed that I seem to track my biggest losses in spurts, during a single week of each month. Not sure what that's about but again, as long as the overall trend is down I'm fine with that.

    I can't speak to 30DS because I haven't actually started it yet, but I have watched it and a lot of that stuff is similar to what we do in boot camp. I know some people have posted significant changes in one 30-day round, but with boot camp it took me well into the 2-month mark to start seeing significant changes in my muscle tone. Part of that I think is because I had (and still have) a lot of body fat.

    They say it takes 28 days for a new habit to stick, and I tend to think that the body is probably like that, too, sometimes.
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    Thank you Smaihlee :)

    I'm more than happy with losing slowly and I've definitely been happier with eating more calories. I feel like I can pretty much eat a bit of everything with 1675 cals plus exercise! I'm never hungry, it's great! :)

    Hopefully in a week or so I'll start to see some pounds drop off. Is it likely that doing the 30DS means I'm gaining muscle? As before I started, my exercise consisted almost 100% of just walking.
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    Bumping for all my US friends who will now be awake :)
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    It does appear you're doing things right. I don't use the TDEE-20% because I really don't know where my lifestyle falls. I sit on my bum almost all day in front of a computer but then do a crossfit type circuit training class 5 days a week for 45-60 minutes per session that burns an average of 350 calories per session. For me I set my goal to net 1600 per day. On days I don't work out, it's just the 1600. On days I do workout, I eat back my calories bases on what my Polar heart rate monitor calculates. I average 1.6lbs loss per week.

    I think you are making progress if you're measurements are changing but your weight is the same. The scale can be such a b**** for monitoring weight loss. So many things influence the outcome - time of day, time of month, when you last ate, big sodium meals, etc. I also incorporate progress pictures, tape measurements, how I'm feeling, and how my clothes fit to gauge if I'm being successful or not. Prime example, one week I "gained" 2.4 lbs but the jeans that were a tad tight the previous week fit perfectly the morning I logged my gain.

    Upping your exercise can cause weight gain as your muscles will hold on to water and sugars to help repair themselves. You may have lost fat that week but since you're retaining water/glycogen, you don't see that on the scale. This seems to be the case for you since you're losing inches but not weight. I wouldn't worry too much at this point.

    Progressing on 30 Day Shred - I've always been told to move when you can comfortably complete all the exercises w/out stopping in your current level. If that takes 3 days or 15, that's when you move. Whether or not you want to incorporate something else is up to you. You might not be getting the calorie burn you want with just 30DS so you could incorporate cardio session as well - biking, swimming, eliptical, running.

    Protein - yes, you need protein to help maintain the muscle mass you have while losing weight. I use Syntrax Matrix protein for my breakfast smoothie most every day. I'm not a morning person so I need something quick and easy or I won't eat anything at all. It has 3 types of protein that have different release rates so it keeps me satisfied longer than just whey protein. As for if it's better than eating a filet of chicken - it depends on who you talk to. Some people advocate for eating as unprocessed as possible. Some advocate for getting your macros in any way you can. Honestly, for some of this stuff you're going to have to figure out what works for you, your goals, your time, and your budget.

    I hope this helps.
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    Great feedback ChangingAmanda, thank you :)
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    Great feedback ChangingAmanda, thank you :)


    For unsolicited suggestion - I was reading your profile about not wanting to cook when hungry - I'm the same. Also with my work and workout schedule, I usually don't end up able/wanting to eat till 8:30pm and by then I absolutely don't want to cook. What's helped me is making things in the crock pot over the weekend and freezing the extra portions for later in the week. I just pop one in the microwave for 3-10 minutes depending on how long I've had it out to thaw. So simple and easy and better for me than fast food.
  • jadermary
    jadermary Posts: 105 Member
    Maybe I am reading your post wrong but as I understand TDEE minus 20% - you should NOT be eating back workout calories. Maybe that is where you are going wrong.
    Also I have done 30 ds many times, not sure of your calorie burn but I use a HRM and I only burn like 150-170 calories with that workout. Could you be over estimating your calorie burn?
    Good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • Woolified
    Woolified Posts: 65 Member
    I've had some mfp buddies tell me recently to try the TDEE-20% as well, but I am skeptical. I think in lies in the fact that my entire life it has been drilled into my brain that to lose weight, you have to restrict calories... that being said:

    I started Insanity! one month ago, and I lost 5 lbs initially (in like 1 week) and have been stuck at the same number on the scale since.

    Insanity says I should eat 2115 calories (that is my weight 155 x 13 (moderate lifestyle - work out 7 days a week/work in an ICU) +600 for Insanity work outs and minus 500 to "lose weight")

    TDEE said I should eat 2791 (Holy S^&t!)

    and MFP gave me a limit of 1200.

    I have been eating about 1000-1500 calories, the lower days because of the long hours at work and odd sleeping times. I know I need to increase it, but I am afraid - however after seeing a few positive comments about increasing intake on this post, I may give it a try and see. Great question - I am thankful for this post, in knowing I am not the only one wondering, what I need to be doing.
  • sarahevenstar
    sarahevenstar Posts: 70 Member
    Did you include your exercise in your activity level while figuring out your TDEE? Then you do not eat them back.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Did you include your exercise in your activity level while figuring out your TDEE? Then you do not eat them back.

    ^^ This ^^

    In your post you stated goal cal plus exercise. If you are using TDEE - 20% you do not eat back your exercise calories unless you worked out more than you stated when calculating it.
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks peeps :) When I calculated my TDEE I went by the sedentary calorie suggestions as I still want to be able to log my exercise using MFP. Am I right in thinking that if I did it that way then I can eat back some of my exercise calories as they wouldn't have been included when I claculated my TDEE??
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    I use a modified version I call TDEELE-20 (LE-Less Exercise) but it is basically the same thing. My work schedule makes my workouts too sporadic to calculate a TDEE in it's truest form.

    I calculate my TDEE as sedimentary (which it is if I don't workout) and no exercise. Then I use this less 20% and when I work out I eat back most of my exercise.

    Using this method I have lost a steady 1.35 lbs per week over about 110 days.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Thanks peeps :) When I calculated my TDEE I went by the sedentary calorie suggestions as I still want to be able to log my exercise using MFP. Am I right in thinking that if I did it that way then I can eat back some of my exercise calories as they wouldn't have been included when I claculated my TDEE??

    Correct in my opinion! (see my post)
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    Thank you bgmgreg, very good to know it's working for you! My exercise also isn't consistent enough to calculate my TDEE based on average exercise across a week! :)