So far what I have accomplished ( not done though)

Seraphemz Posts: 84 Member
My name is Angel. I pretty much was the fat kid, then the fat guy all me life.

I was almost at 300lbs when I decided that i needed to do something.

My brother bought this video called P90X. So I thought that I would try it. And I really liked it.

It was the first workout that I actually like to do. ( this isnt a P90X infomercial, and I dont sell anything )

I kept at it and 90 days later I was pretty happy where I got.


Im was happy at what I had done, and I think that it got to my head and I stopped working out.

Since then I have tried Insanity but only got through about a month..twice lol. Im planning on starting that soon and doing the whole thing. I just need my schedule to change.

Im currently at 244 ( about 10 lbs away from where I was ) and my goal is to keep at it until I reach my goal weight of 205lbs.

So I hope to be back soon with my update pics.

Hope this helps someone, as all the other stories here have helped encourage me to do it !!



  • Michow08
    Michow08 Posts: 19 Member
    congrats you're looking great!!!!! :)
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    Great work! I am on month 2 of p90x. Very inspirational for me to see that you liked it. Why don't you try another round of p90 x since you like it? I know I plan to. I love Tony Horton and his 'do your best, forget the rest' attitude. :) Great post, thanks for sharing.
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
    Holy **** dude!

    I can only see your face in my news feed and when I see you posting.. I just assumed you were in good shape and never looked at other pictures.

    That's an incredible transformation so far brother.

    Can't wait to see where you get a few more months down the road.

    You can bet your *kitten* I will keep pushing and motivating you man.

    Pleasure to have you on my friends list, you're killing it.
  • llmcconnell
    llmcconnell Posts: 344 Member
    Great job!! Were you also tracking nutrition on MFP?
  • Seraphemz
    Seraphemz Posts: 84 Member
    @Brill - Thanks man, like I said, looking at your transformation inspired me. So thanks for that.

    @llmcconnell - I actually just started with MFP because I hit a plateau. So I thought that this would help.

    @msaestein1 - I actually have been debating between P90 and Insanity, so I might end up doing a hybrid actually...not sure just yet.

    Thanks to the others for the kind words.
  • brillmer
    brillmer Posts: 1,268 Member
    Allow me to try and inspire you again.

    I did p90x the first time I lost all my weight. Went from 220 - > 170.
    I gained all the weight back, and more, and got to 240.

    p90x is a fantastic program. Insanity is as well.. But they are mainly HIIT / cardio types of workouts with small amounts of weight lifting in them.

    Something I wish I had started years ago, and something I would suggest for you to start now.. is actually lifting weights with the goal of getting stronger. The more muscle you have in your body, the more fat you will constantly be burning throughout the day. More muscle = Less fat = Lower body fat % = Better body composition.

    I started in January.. Here's my progress.

    I would be more than happy to go over some program options to figure out what works for you/your schedule/what you have available to you.

    If not - keep doing what youre doing - its obviously working.
  • judithcamilleri
    judithcamilleri Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, you have come so far! It is really inspiring to see that hard work pays off. Sometimes this eating healthy and working out stuff can get so discouraging if you do not see the numbers, but your transformation is inspiring. I am looking into P90X right now....
  • Seraphemz
    Seraphemz Posts: 84 Member
    Wow, you have come so far! It is really inspiring to see that hard work pays off. Sometimes this eating healthy and working out stuff can get so discouraging if you do not see the numbers, but your transformation is inspiring. I am looking into P90X right now....

    Finding something that you like and works for you is key!

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