Why won't the scale move??

Although I'm not going to give up, I'm wondering why the scale just won't move! I've been good about my calories...I exercise....MFP tells me that 'in 5 weeks' I'll weigh less, but nothing is happening. Has anyone else gone through this? I've lost 46 lbs and still have about 50 to go. Any thoughts?


  • MakeLifeBright
    Although I'm not going to give up, I'm wondering why the scale just won't move! I've been good about my calories...I exercise....MFP tells me that 'in 5 weeks' I'll weigh less, but nothing is happening. Has anyone else gone through this? I've lost 46 lbs and still have about 50 to go. Any thoughts?

    I went almost 2 months without losing anything. I am serious!!
    So I changed up my exercise and started eating a little more then usuall.
    Then after a week I went back to my normal cals and started losing .
    Some times if you change up your routine It can make a difference!!
    You may also be losing inches, and gaining muscle. Some times we can go down a size
    without the scale changing much ;)
  • StarryEyedGirl
    Silly question but is the scale accurate? digital? I was using an old scale until I went to the doctor and realized I was about 5 pounds less then my home scale, decided to buy a new one and it matches the doctors scale.
  • sharonsylvester
    sharonsylvester Posts: 52 Member
    are you incorporating weight into your exercise regime. Weights helps you to produce muscle which in turns burns fat.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Yay! You've hit a plateau! It might seem horrible, but really it's fine. Think about it this way... You're getting smaller, so your body needs less calories now. You can try eating less, but that might not work either. (Especially if you're already eating 1200) You might need to starting eating more! If you exercise, try eating your exercise calories back! And if you already eat your exercise calories back, try not eating them. The body works in strange ways. You have to experiment a little. You could google weight loss plateaus for advice and you'll find tons of help. Or just search the MFP forums for "plateau." Good luck.
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    Plateaus are common. Just keep at it and don't lose faith. Did you base your calorie needs on your original weight or your goal weight? If you used your starting weight, you may need to adjust your calories down.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I think most of us who are have been trying to lose 30+ pounds of weight have gone through it, so you are NOT A L O N E! I think the solution though is probably different for each of us. I lost my first 30 pounds fairly quickly, then I hit a brick wall and it just wouldn't budge! Surprisingly, I increased my caloric intake from around 1200 to closer to 1500 and began losing again! Have since tried to zigzag my calorie intake and also tried different exercise options (did yoga for 12 weeks, now attempting the 30 day shred a couple of times a week), while still doing my elliptical once a week and a 4 mile walk once or twice a week. Variety worked for me. You just have to remember that if you "quit or give up" you are only going to gain weight, so please just keep with your program, eat healthy and work out when you can. You will eventually start to lose weight again. Not sure what goes on within our bodies, but all of us have experienced what you have, so it is completely normal even though it is totally frustrating!!!
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    I have totally been there.. been here about 7+ weeks now and the scale has barely changed. But I am not giving up. I know my body will figure out eventually that this is a life plan I have put myself on and that it has no choice in the matter.. It will start to give up weight. It's really hard to stay motivated when you don't think you are getting results but maybe your results are more intangible. Are your clothes fitting differently? Do you feel better? Hang in there.. it wil come and soon that needle will start to go back down. Good luck.
  • bonnymom
    bonnymom Posts: 107 Member
    Plateaus happen and sometimes you have to change things up a bit and sometimes your body needs to take a break. Are you measuring inches? If not, you should. Are you losing inches? The fat may be getting replaced with lean muscle (which would weigh the same, but not take up as much space.).

    Another idea - have you tried going through the guided goals again on MFP. You should redo the goals every decade of pounds that you enter.... 200s, 190s, 180s, etc.
