8lbs in 5 weeks

Will I be able to do it? Had quite a dismal weigh in this week, due to to fact that I had far too many wines this week and then of course I get the munchies in the evening. So my own fault, going to put alcohol totally off the agenda this week and see if that makes a difference. Don't know whether my goal is attainable and I have been trying to lose this last bit for what seems like ages. The only exercise I'm doing at the moment is swmming and walking.
I really need a kick up the bum to get me on track. Is anyone else like me and finding it hard to get motivated?


  • CarolinaGirl74
    In my opinion, Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred would be great....maybe your body has gotten "used" to the exercises that you are doing....which are great ones but I have read that stepping it up a notch and doing something totally different gets things going. I only paid around $10 for the DVD at Wal-mart and I think you can get it at Target too. Good luck to you! You can do it!:wink:
  • LittlePam
    LittlePam Posts: 40
    I quit smoking 10 weeks ago and used the online support at quitnet.com. It really helped.

    I've been doing Shred and it seems to really help. Rough on my knees though.

    Good luck!