Please Help! I'm so frustrated :(

First off let me explain a bit about my weight gain. Before getting pregnant I was 125lbs. When I got pregnant I went up to 144lbs. After I had my son, I had the Mirena which was back in 07 and up until now I gained 30lbs! I am now 180lbs. After 6 yrs of having the Mirena I finally decided to take it out and let me just say that I feel sooo much better! Before I decided to take it off I started eating healthy and drinking more water (I was such a soda person) plus working out more often. I stopped soda completely for a month but yet no weight loss whatsoever! Now I'm taking GNC Lean Shake for breakfast, eating healthier, working out for an hour daily (30 mins kettlebell workout, 15 mins core rhythms workout, and the rest are spent doing squats, sit-ups, push-ups and crunches). I also just started taking the Lean Shake after workout right before 8pm that way I won't get hungry until I go to bed. The GNC Lean Shake has been working for me in the sense that it does keep me satisfied for hours. I've been doing this for about 3 days and still I haven't seen the scale go down! I did lose 5" in my stomach area but I 'm wondering is it supposed to be that slow of a process? I've heard of people losing at least a lb a day or so. I really need some tips and advice as to what can I do or what am I not doing, or doing wrong.


  • kahyee
    kahyee Posts: 63
    The only thing I see you doing wrong is not being patient with yourself and giving yourself time. When I got off the birth control pill, it took about 9 months for my weight loss to begin. I really believe it has to do with the hormones. Make sure you're tracking everything. Also, how many calories are you eating. If it's the standard 1200 MFP gives, you may need to adjust using a calculator online. A lot of people use the TDEE method, that may be an option for you. Just keep going and don't get discouraged b/c the scale hasn't moved in 3 days.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    The process is slow and requires a lot of patience.

    You've only been doing it for 3 days. Give it time. Maybe weigh yourself once a week or even every other week. The faster you lose weight, the more likely you are to gain it back.

    - Take pictures..frequency is up to you, but you'll see the biggest results if you space them apart by a month at least
    - Take measurements about 1 a month
    - Remember the scale doesn't tell the whole story
    - Eat at least some of your workout calories back if you're following MFP's method (if you do TDEE-20% you don't have to worry about this)
    - Give any method you try 4-6 weeks before determining if it works or not
  • blunderwhere
    blunderwhere Posts: 24 Member
    It is a VERY slow process. Do not lose heart. You said that you've lost 5" in your waist, and that is fantastic. Not all "loss" is seen on the scale, especially as relatively small as you are. For me, I approach this as a lifestyle change. I do not "diet," but rather, I have calculated what a person of a healthy weight (for me) should eat daily, then added back in the calories needed to walk around at my current weight (which declines as I lose weight), and I shoot for a half pound per week. Although you will see differing opinions, my research from places like Mayo Clinic, and reputable sources, tells me that the slower I lose weight, the more likely I am to keep it off, and in any case, no one should lose more than 2 lbs per week (on average). I am on track, even though not every day is perfect. Perhaps the most important and helpful thing I have learned "this time" is that this is a moving target, and when I make poor choices, it is not irreparable, and I can just start again with the next day, the next meal, or even the next bite. Relax and learn from your body and your new mental perspective.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    The only thing that has helped me is doing low carb. I did Jenny Craig and it took me 3.5 years to lose 35 lbs. Thyroid started acting up and gained it back over the last 2 years. Then started thyroxine (didn't feel any different) and low carb diet about 1 month later with approval of endocrinologist. Much happier with weight loss on low carb diet (I limit mine to 25 carbs per day total--I don't subtract out sugar alcohols or fiber). Still rather slow but at least it is steady. I don't eat lots of calories either. Weight to start was 163 end of Feb and May 1 was 146. I am also on low carb friends group, you can google it, there are many methods of low carb. I am doing the medi weight loss, and fairly satisfied.

    You can give it a try, I looked up the shake that you are taking and it is 30 grams of carbs per serving (more in one serving than I have all day).

    I eat lean meat (except today, I really felt like steak), low carb yogurt (greek nonfat, dannon low carb), eggs, fat free feta, and 2 cups of salad with 1 fat (typically in the form of a canola or olive oil dressing). I weigh my food too on a food scale, and log it so I don't forget. I haven't had any fruit since I started, and only had alcohol 3 times (which stalled my weight loss even though I ate the same number of calories).

    I am MUCH happier at the rate of weight loss on low carb than I was on Jenny Craig, and calories are similar, the proportions are different, and I am 7 years older! I don't know if it will work for everybody but it is working for me.

    Good luck! I have 25 lbs more to go, which is more than I have lost so far, but hopefully I will persevere!
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Losing 1lb per day is unrealistic, likely just water weight, and probably dangerous. Why are you looking for the quickest path, if I may ask?
  • Wendyvail
    Wendyvail Posts: 8 Member
    if people are losing a lb a day, they are not eating. you should look for 1-2 lbs a week. but you have to keep in mind that if this activity is new for you that your body will possibly increase in weight. your body will add muscle faster than it can lose the fat. so there will be an overlap for a while. up to 4 weeks of not seeing much progress then all of a sudden you will start to drop. dont worry, your doing the right things, just be patient with yourself and let your body catch up:happy:
  • karenmi
    karenmi Posts: 242 Member
    I think the person who is losing 1 lb a day would probably weigh 380 lbs, not the 180 that you do.

    If you're disappointed that you're not losing anything after three days then you're not being realistic.

    You said that you lost 5" off your stomach area.....heck, I'd be thrilled if I lost 5" from my waist but no pounds on the scale!
  • libertychoury
    libertychoury Posts: 57 Member
    First off let me explain a bit about my weight gain. Before getting pregnant I was 125lbs. When I got pregnant I went up to 144lbs. After I had my son, I had the Mirena which was back in 07 and up until now I gained 30lbs! I am now 180lbs. After 6 yrs of having the Mirena I finally decided to take it out and let me just say that I feel sooo much better! Before I decided to take it off I started eating healthy and drinking more water (I was such a soda person) plus working out more often. I stopped soda completely for a month but yet no weight loss whatsoever! Now I'm taking GNC Lean Shake for breakfast, eating healthier, working out for an hour daily (30 mins kettlebell workout, 15 mins core rhythms workout, and the rest are spent doing squats, sit-ups, push-ups and crunches). I also just started taking the Lean Shake after workout right before 8pm that way I won't get hungry until I go to bed. The GNC Lean Shake has been working for me in the sense that it does keep me satisfied for hours. I've been doing this for about 3 days and still I haven't seen the scale go down! I did lose 5" in my stomach area but I 'm wondering is it supposed to be that slow of a process? I've heard of people losing at least a lb a day or so. I really need some tips and advice as to what can I do or what am I not doing, or doing wrong.
    Dont be frustrated. I drink the GNC lean shake as well (lean shake 25) for breakfast only. When I wanted to boost my weight loss I replaced two meals (breakfast and dinner) but I don't do that anymore as I am fairly certain this is not enough calories for me. That said, It is a slow process. It will take time. I have been losing since the end of last July and and with MFP since August and using the lean shake since september. My prior weight loss without MFP was 15lbs, and since I have lost 59 more.
    Remember that its a process. I haven't used Mirena, and I don't think I ever would because I know my body reacts adversely to hormonal birth control But that has likely caused some disruption in your body. Get to drinking about a gallon of water a day and it should help to flush your system a little. At least, it has for me. You can do it!!
  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    You lost 5" off your stomach?! That's amazing! Why are you not super stoked about that? Not everything is about the number on the scale because it doesn't give the whole picture. If you're doing kettle bell exercises and squats and all the rest, then you are more than likely building muscle. Take a deep breather and recognize that you are making great progress.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    Who cares about the scale? you lost 5 INCHES! That is so much better. All that exercise is maintaining your muscles, there may be some water retention (and possibly some newbie muscle gains) masking your weight loss. Seriously, the inches are what counts. Keep measuring, try on previously tight clothing, take progress pics every month or two. FORGET THE DANG SCALE! and BE PATIENT. (I'm not yelling, I'm emphasizing) :flowerforyou:
  • Dimplez413
    Dimplez413 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks everybody on your responses. I'm new to all this losing weight and trying to get fit. I do as much research as I can on every workout I do and every diet I do but I wasn't sure on how long it takes to lose and why isn't the scale going down but now I get it and it makes me feel much better. I lack patience and I'm sure that's obvious but learning about this is making me be much more patient. I definitely feel good about myself, much better than when I was on the Mirena. The main reason why I'm in such a hurry to lose weight is because this is the biggest I've ever been and to finally learn that it was the Mirena that was preventing me from losing and now that it's finally out I just want my body back. But now not only do I want my body back, I want a fit body.
  • AidaLott
    AidaLott Posts: 13 Member
    Dimplez--Aida hears you, honey. I've only been trying to lose weight for 63 years, but I do understand. It's not the calories I'm tracking that sabotage me. It's the calories I'm not tracking. I may have been a dog in one of my previous lives because I live to eat and will eat every scrap of food I can get my paws on (I mean hands on).

    I go to the 3 gym 3 days a week. The scale still isn't moving. I'm building muscle, they tell me. Well now that's a big consolation! At 63 I can still hope to look like one of those jocks admiring themselves in the mirror all day. And if I look at one more shake or protein bar, I'm going to have a panic attack.

    For today, I'm just embracing life one minute at a time. I eat a healthy balanced diet comprised of foods I enjoy and instinctively know are healthy. Apples are healthier than apple pie, yogurt is healthier than Haagen Daaz. I know, you're rolling your eyes about now. But if we really accepted this, would we still be struggling with our weight?

    I eat smaller portions of my favorite foods on weekends if it's something I should normally avoid. I understand now that when I treat myself to a pancake, it should be about the size of compact disk (CD)---not a manhole cover.

    Dimplez--we are more than our weight. A scale should never dictate our daily emotions, and our sense of self-worth should never be contingent upon our clothing size. Otherwise, even if we wind up looking like runway models, we will never have fully appreciate how beautiful we already are and how important our existence on this planet is.