BMR 1200 but can't get below 1200 cal?!

Hi my calculated BMR is 1200 cal but I am told that I can't eat less than 1200 cal. So how am I gonna lose weight? -.-
Also, I'm eating around 900 cal daily and I feel great. I eat all the healthy stuff like fruits, veggies, fish, lean meat. I eat till I feel full and can only get to 900 cal per day. If I have to eat more than 1200 cal, first it will be hard for me to lose weight, second, I have to eat even if I'm not hungry at all. I'm a tiny person (5'2'' 106 lbs) I just want to lose a little excess fat. Is eating at least 1200 cal varies among people? Since I'm a tiny person even if I don't eat at least 1200 cal, I won't have any health problems? For example, larger people need 1200 cal but tiny people may only need 900 cal.


  • I generally eat around 1000-1150 calories a day without even trying to limit myself and feel completely fine - no lightheadedness, headaches, weakness, whatever is supposed to happen. It's just my natural amount of food, I guess. (5 feet 0 inches, 127 lbs)

    Were you told you can't go below 1200 because of a health condition?
  • jenndymond
    jenndymond Posts: 117 Member
    You need to eat ABOVE your BMR. Ideally about 20% below your TDEE.
  • vggirl
    vggirl Posts: 3
    Hi thanks for the reply!
    Even if I'm not trying to lose weight, I would normally eat around 1200 cal daily if I'm not eating outside food.
    A lot of people here say that going below 1200 cal a day is bad. And MFP warns you if you eating less than 1200 cal per day.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Your BMR is what your body needs just to survive if you were in bed all day. You need to factor in your activity level as well, that includes everyday things we do, like your job, as well as exercise. That is your TDEE. It is from that number you need to create a deficit from, not your BMR.
    Fat2fitradio has a TDEE calculator.

    Plus you are on the low end of the scale as it is for healthy weight so any deficit should be small.

    Eating too few calories over a prolonged period will have a negative impact on your health and metabolism.
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    Lose a little body fat? Lift weights. 5'1" at 106 is fairly petite. You don't sound like you need to lose weight, probably just tone up. Drop the cardio and seriously look into lifting weights. More muscle will help to reduce any bodyfat %. Although, I'm really curious about your measurements and if you need to lose anything!
  • nagniho
    nagniho Posts: 132 Member
    I am between 4'11 and 5'0 and try to eat closer to 1400. So I am tinier than you:-) If you are exercising and eating only 900 cals then you are netting way below 900 and probably not doing your metabolism or muscle mass retention any favors!

    Do you exercise and if yes then what type of exercise?
  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    Hi I'm very similar to you.
    I joined MFP a few years ago, I was 5'2 and 104lb, trying to gain weight though.
    At 104lb I still had a tummy and flabby thighs, but I was also pretty much skin and bones everywhere else.
    I now weigh 115lb and lift weights and have a flatter stomach and my thighs are thinner than ever. I eat 1800 cals (cutting down to 114lb from 119lb). But maintenance has me eating 2000 cals.

    My advice.. Ignore the number!
    Invest in some weights and use them.
    I went from not being able to do a push up on my knees to being able to do 80 real ones. I can squat and deadlift my own weight-- I couldn't even carry a bag of cat food without my arms wanting to fall off before!

    I've been 5'2 ever since the 4th grade, was 97lb, and have never been happy with how my body looks until now.

    Look up Strong Lifts 5x5 and New Rules of Lifting for Women, visit the Fitness forum and ask lots of questions.
    Oh, and remember to eat! Food is fuel, I tried a 400 cal diet for months thinking it would make me skinny, but all it did was make me tired.. It will catch up to you.
  • vggirl
    vggirl Posts: 3
    Your BMR is what your body needs just to survive if you were in bed all day. You need to factor in your activity level as well, that includes everyday things we do, like your job, as well as exercise. That is your TDEE. It is from that number you need to create a deficit from, not your BMR.
    Fat2fitradio has a TDEE calculator.

    Plus you are on the low end of the scale as it is for healthy weight so any deficit should be small.

    Eating too few calories over a prolonged period will have a negative impact on your health and metabolism.
    My TDEE is pretty low (1540 cal) because I sit all day long for most of the days. So that means it will be slow for me to lose weight if I eat just about 1200 cal at my weight?
  • spats2013
    spats2013 Posts: 3
    I am new to this, just finishing my second week. I haven't lost a lb in 2 weeks. and have actually fluctuated from the same weight or +1 lbs. Frustrating, when I am not going over 1200 calories, usually I am under. and I work out 5-6 days a week. what am I doing wrong?!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Your BMR is what your body needs just to survive if you were in bed all day. You need to factor in your activity level as well, that includes everyday things we do, like your job, as well as exercise. That is your TDEE. It is from that number you need to create a deficit from, not your BMR.
    Fat2fitradio has a TDEE calculator.

    Plus you are on the low end of the scale as it is for healthy weight so any deficit should be small.

    Eating too few calories over a prolonged period will have a negative impact on your health and metabolism.
    My TDEE is pretty low (1540 cal) because I sit all day long for most of the days. So that means it will be slow for me to lose weight if I eat just about 1200 cal at my weight?

    Yes. You have very little to lose as it is which makes it difficult. I also agree with the people suggesting body recomposition as opposed to trying to drop weight.
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    Hi I'm very similar to you.
    I joined MFP a few years ago, I was 5'2 and 104lb, trying to gain weight though.
    At 104lb I still had a tummy and flabby thighs, but I was also pretty much skin and bones everywhere else.
    I now weigh 115lb and lift weights and have a flatter stomach and my thighs are thinner than ever. I eat 1800 cals (cutting down to 114lb from 119lb). But maintenance has me eating 2000 cals.

    My advice.. Ignore the number!
    Invest in some weights and use them.
    I went from not being able to do a push up on my knees to being able to do 80 real ones. I can squat and deadlift my own weight-- I couldn't even carry a bag of cat food without my arms wanting to fall off before!

    I've been 5'2 ever since the 4th grade, was 97lb, and have never been happy with how my body looks until now.

    Look up Strong Lifts 5x5 and New Rules of Lifting for Women, visit the Fitness forum and ask lots of questions.
    Oh, and remember to eat! Food is fuel, I tried a 400 cal diet for months thinking it would make me skinny, but all it did was make me tired.. It will catch up to you.

    This this this. I like you. This.
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    I am new to this, just finishing my second week. I haven't lost a lb in 2 weeks. and have actually fluctuated from the same weight or +1 lbs. Frustrating, when I am not going over 1200 calories, usually I am under. and I work out 5-6 days a week. what am I doing wrong?!

    Search "In Place of a Road Map" on here. Read the entire first post. Thoroughly. And then read it again. Find out your TDEE and BMR. Make sure you are eating enough for your body, extreme under-eating will actually hold you back from losing adequately. Keep in mind it will take your body about 2 weeks or so to get used to the new change, so don't get impatient. Stay with it.
  • spats2013
    spats2013 Posts: 3
    So I think my TDEE is about 2200, and it says to -500 or so and that should be my calorie intake?! So instead of 1200 I should be eating more like 1700 calories/day? So maybe I am just not eating enough.. I work full time, and have 2 small kids... its hard to get much more food into me! lol
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    If you only need to lose a few pounds, then your deficit should be only a couple hundred calories. Even at 1200 you are at a 350 calorie deficit. Your body can only burn so much fat at a time, if you go too far with the deficit you're just going to end up dropping muscle instead of fat.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    So I think my TDEE is about 2200, and it says to -500 or so and that should be my calorie intake?! So instead of 1200 I should be eating more like 1700 calories/day? So maybe I am just not eating enough.. I work full time, and have 2 small kids... its hard to get much more food into me! lol

    It isn't hard to get up to 1700 without stuffing in a whole lot. Add some peanut butter (tbsp is 100 calories), handful of almonds or cashews, an avocado is 200 calories, or start making some smoothies with peanut butter, almond milk and banana so you can drink a couple hundred. Alternatively, eat the same things but just increase amounts a bit.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Hi my calculated BMR is 1200 cal but I am told that I can't eat less than 1200 cal. So how am I gonna lose weight? -.-
    Also, I'm eating around 900 cal daily and I feel great. I eat all the healthy stuff like fruits, veggies, fish, lean meat. I eat till I feel full and can only get to 900 cal per day. If I have to eat more than 1200 cal, first it will be hard for me to lose weight, second, I have to eat even if I'm not hungry at all. I'm a tiny person (5'2'' 106 lbs) I just want to lose a little excess fat. Is eating at least 1200 cal varies among people? Since I'm a tiny person even if I don't eat at least 1200 cal, I won't have any health problems? For example, larger people need 1200 cal but tiny people may only need 900 cal.

    You will not get rid of this fat you see by losing more weight. If anything, you will make matters worse by decreasing your muscle mass which actually helps you to burn the fat! You need to get your head on straight here, and get into some strength/weight training and forget the scale number. I have seen a 5'5 female weighing 140Ibs, so lean from having a lot of dense muscle that she fits a size 0-2 USA, no joke, she was tiny. The scale doesn't show anything really, especially when you are already at the lower end of normal for your height.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    At 5'2", 106lbs, 21 years old, female your BMR should be 1309. Even with a sedentary TDEE this should be about 1,570 calories for maintenance. 1,320 will give you half a pound a week loss,
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    I have seen a 5'5 female weighing 140Ibs, so lean from having a lot of dense muscle that she fits a size 0-2 USA, no joke, she was tiny. The scale doesn't show anything really, especially when you are already at the lower end of normal for your height.

    yup, my sister weighs about 130 and wears a USA 0, too. It's all about that dense muscle, she looks amazing.
  • Can someone help me figure how many calories I should be eating to lose weight?
    I am 55, female, I am pretty much sedentary most of the time (I have a desk job). I am 5'5" and currently weigh 138.
    I want to get down to 130 by July.
    Thank you for all your help.:smile:
  • spats2013
    spats2013 Posts: 3
    I think I am confused about the whole 'deficit" part of TDEE is 2203; so how many calories should I be eating if I want to lose even 1 lb a week? I still would like to lose at least 15 lbs, I know that doesnt sound like much, but I am short. So even 5 lbs is noticeable in my size. thanks for all your input! i appreciate it