Yoga X Alternative?

I really hate Yoga X, it takes too darn long when I have two kids, a messy house and maid of honor duties to attend to. Can anyone recommend a good replacement?


  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    At least do the first 45 minutes. In the beginning, everybody hates yoga (well, almost everybody), but it's going to help you develop your strength even more and increase your flexibility to prevent injury.

    If you are absolutely dead set against doing it, at least try Tony's One-on-One workout...Fountain of Youth Yoga (40 minutes) or Patience Hummingbird Yoga (35 minute). They can be found here:

    And here's Tony's take on Yoga...
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    If you like yoga and just not the length, try Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown, only 40 mins and $9 at Walmart or Target.
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I should say that I love yoga, it's just the long workout that gets to me.
  • pchristie
    pchristie Posts: 38
    When I did P90X, I felt the same way about yoga. Because of when I began the program, I was scheduled to do yoga on a Thursday, and I just didn't have the time. I also have young children at home. They actually do many of my workouts with me, It's pretty cute :) But anyway, what I did was change the day to Saturday and I played my own music in the background - I know yoga is supposed to be quiet and theraputic, but I was just bored out of my mind. In the morning, I would listen to a rock station I like that played a combination of talk and music. That helped me get through it. It really is important. I noticed my flexibility improving tremendously after just a few weeks, and I know that was due to the yoga. I actually preferred the second half to the first half. If it's really tortoruos for you, then you won't stick with it, so I would suggest finding a yoga alternative rather than cutting it out completely. How about the stretching cd from P90X? That is shorter but still increases flexibility? I hope you stick with it because the results really are amazing.
  • zeeohhsix
    zeeohhsix Posts: 41
    okay okay I'll admit it sometimes I dont have the time for youga either so what I do is.... I do the first 45 minutes no matter what then i usally fast foward through to yoga belly x and i also do the hamstring stretches cause i like them , and thats it . This usally cuts it down to close to 1 hour. I only do this when i dont have time to do the whole tape. Im not saying this is correct and im sure doing the whole tape as the program was designed is much better for you. This is just what I have done on busy days i figured something is better than nothing
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    When I did P90X, I felt the same way about yoga. Because of when I began the program, I was scheduled to do yoga on a Thursday, and I just didn't have the time. I also have young children at home. They actually do many of my workouts with me, It's pretty cute :) But anyway, what I did was change the day to Saturday and I played my own music in the background - I know yoga is supposed to be quiet and theraputic, but I was just bored out of my mind. In the morning, I would listen to a rock station I like that played a combination of talk and music. That helped me get through it. It really is important. I noticed my flexibility improving tremendously after just a few weeks, and I know that was due to the yoga. I actually preferred the second half to the first half. If it's really tortoruos for you, then you won't stick with it, so I would suggest finding a yoga alternative rather than cutting it out completely. How about the stretching cd from P90X? That is shorter but still increases flexibility? I hope you stick with it because the results really are amazing.

    My 3-year old does a mean down-dog! lol I need to get a picture of it!

    Music is a great tip, that might help keep me motivated. Thanks!

    And thanks everyone!