20,000 calories in 30 days.

ktp6 Posts: 19 Member
Starting today - 26th April 2013 and ending 26th May 2013.

Who is with me?


  • ktp6
    ktp6 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok 9 days in.

    Day 1 - 81 - Yoga
    Day 2 - 122 - Yoga/Walk
    Day 3 - 122 - Cleaning
    Day 4 - 702 - Elliptical
    Day 5 - 760 - RPM
    Day 6 - Rest
    Day 7 - 337 - Elliptical
    Day 8 - Rest
    Day 9 - 675 - Weights/cardio/stretching

    Total of 2799 calories! Average of 311 calories per day. About half of what it should be! But, I am frequenting the gym a lot more than I otherwise would to meet this challenge. May revise the goal number next month, but it is a good push for now. Onward!
  • ktp6
    ktp6 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm wearing a heart rate monitor and exercising for up to an hour at a time. I think my numbers are fairly high as I'm unfit. Over time I expect the numbers to stabilise to show my increase in fitness, especially in RPM.
  • ktp6
    ktp6 Posts: 19 Member
    Day 10 - Rest
    Day 11 - 390 - Elliptical
    Day 12 - 81 - Yoga
    Day 13 - 250 - Elliptical
    Day 14 - 430 - Elliptical

    Still averaging around 282 calories a day. Have reached 3950 overall at halfway through. Am now adjusting my goal to 10,000 calories!

    This is an excellent challenge as it's getting me to gym more regularly. Would like to add in more weights and a couple of classes.

    6,050 to go!
  • ktp6
    ktp6 Posts: 19 Member
    Suffered an injury over the weekend with some epic soreness at the base of my spine. After vigorous massage and a "click" into place I had a lot of relief. Not sure what this is called - but it was very sore and felt inflamed. That said, it's gone now - so back into some moderate exercise at gym tonight! My average has suffered, I hope to claw back!