New to myfitnesspal



  • vendetl
    vendetl Posts: 2
    Hi everyone, I have been on Myfitnesspal for 6 days now and the scale said I am down 5 pounds already That's motivation! I know that won't happen every week, but it's a nice jump start. I too recently dropped my WW membership. I have been an avid fan of WW all my life, but this past year I just can't seem to get back on it. Myfitnesspal is similar where you are tracking your food intact, which I love! The only issue I have with the tracking is the amount of sugars the plan sets. I have 24 grams allowed and one banana can cut that right in half. Can anyone tell me if the sugars are something I should be very concerned with regarding weight loss? It seems I go over the amount everyday, and I am eating extremely healthy!
  • chickadee1166
    chickadee1166 Posts: 27 Member
    I also dropped ww to come on here. The support you get on here is amazing, I try to log everything even if its a bad day.
  • SlimShadyJ9
    SlimShadyJ9 Posts: 1 Member
    I did WW but I think this site is better and as a bonus it is free. I also use runkeeper which syncs to this and tracks the extra calories I can have if I work out. I only walk the dogs or do gardening but every little helps. If I am having a hungry day I go for a walk with the dogs and hey presto I can have a cake :) Good luck it really works providing you are honest about what you are eating and track everything. I have lost 4kgs in 3 weeks which is more than I lost with WW. Maybe I was overdoing it a bit with the "free" fruit and veg on I track it and let's just say I have cut it down lol.
  • kiwiana1970
    new here myself , looks good , hope it helps , i really need to motivated and shed a few kgs :)
  • iowaoly
    iowaoly Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks everyone!