Exam Stress and Weight Gain! Please Help

Hi there,

So I've been cramming for exams for about 3 weeks and have hardly left my chair, I haven't been logging because it preoccupies me and I didn't want to distract myself from study. I feel as though I've gained 15 pounds and when I look in the mirror I feel like I've gained lots of weight because all I've been doing is sitting down all day, hardly moving.

My question is will other people notice my weight gain? I don't want to weigh myself now because I know it will possibly harm my study and exams if I do.



  • AshatanViz
    AshatanViz Posts: 34 Member
    Do you really expect us to say yes or no? We can't see you, only you can. All you can do is try to eat better and start exercising again after exams are over.
  • dcyr009
    dcyr009 Posts: 93
    Slow down and re-organize your thoughts. Stop worrying about the weight gain. Take a few minutes to plan your meals for the day. Then study all you want. Yesterday is gone. So what if you've gained 15 pounds. You know it will come off when it's ready too. You are beautiful. I don't think anyone is going to notice a little extra weight. Keep your focus on what is important right now - your studies. If you plan your meals out in the morning it will help you not over eat - It doesn't take more than 15 minutes to do that. What ever you - don't starve yourself. Because you are so busy the weight will come off naturally. Drink water when you feel a need to binge. Flavored water if you can't just drink water.

    Take care of you and stop all this worrying.
  • cattrill
    cattrill Posts: 74 Member
    Nooo, trust me, any other students will not notice as everyone will be doing the same and will be too stressed about exams to notice.

    Having said that, I really recommend going for walks in the middle of a revision session as the potential weight gain will probably play on your mind if you let it. I also know that though you think it will be a waste of time that could be spent studying, you honestly feel so much better for it.

    Hope this helps, just think that they will soon be over and you can resume exercisee properly :)

    Good luck
  • diaryofaskinnygirl
    Slow down and re-organize your thoughts. Stop worrying about the weight gain. Take a few minutes to plan your meals for the day. Then study all you want. Yesterday is gone. So what if you've gained 15 pounds. You know it will come off when it's ready too. You are beautiful. I don't think anyone is going to notice a little extra weight. Keep your focus on what is important right now - your studies. If you plan your meals out in the morning it will help you not over eat - It doesn't take more than 15 minutes to do that. What ever you - don't starve yourself. Because you are so busy the weight will come off naturally. Drink water when you feel a need to binge. Flavored water if you can't just drink water.

    Take care of you and stop all this worrying.

    Thank you for your advice, I'm really trying to plan ahead now but it was difficult to balance the study and the eating! Because I didn't want to eat too little either in case I wasn't feeding my brain the right amount.
    I've never had a problem with binging, it's mainly snacking out of boredom throughout the day.

    Thanks for replying!
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I think it's pretty crazy you don't have time to log your food due to studying (which takes 5-10 mins out of most people's day) but you have time to post this and also clearly to worry about it? Surely it would have been easier to just log?
    Also, none of us can tell you if people will notice especially not without pictures.
    Just weigh yourself and get it over with.
  • diaryofaskinnygirl
    I think it's pretty crazy you don't have time to log your food due to studying (which takes 5-10 mins out of most people's day) but you have time to post this and also clearly to worry about it? Surely it would have been easier to just log?
    Also, none of us can tell you if people will notice especially not without pictures.
    Just weigh yourself and get it over with.

    Wow, that was a bit rude :(

    I'm not saying that I don't have time, I'm saying that because I'm prone to obsessing about my food intake that if I log it is often to the detriment of my studying, and usually when I log I won't eat enough to keep myself energised for 12 hours of study a day.