extreme soreness

nancyrom Posts: 31 Member
Hello does anybody have any advise on how to get rid of this extreme soreness, I have been doing different things everyday of the week. but what really did it was the hike I on Wed , thursday body works and today I did 2.5 hrs of cardio. Im so sore. I took a nap and felt like I left my body


  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    Whey protein immediately after a strenuous workout will help. Stretching afterwards will help too. Massage. Massage breaks up scar tissue that develops in your muscles and thus helps speed healing and alleviate soreness. Aside from that it sounds like you're probably overworking yourself a bit. I would take a day or two off to relax and recharge your body.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    go for a walk or do a little light exercise to get your blood flowing.
  • awesomek001
    awesomek001 Posts: 167 Member
    Along with the protein right after a work out, I take a lot of epsom salt hot baths, and then take an ibuprophen or Aleve before I got to bed. And stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch - - at different times in the day.
  • nancyrom
    nancyrom Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks I Went For A Massage Last Night And It Helped Some Also Was Taking Ibp TomorrowIs My Day Of Sleeping In And Taking The Day Off , Im Looking Forward To It
  • mrswine
    mrswine Posts: 263 Member
    Do some restorative yoga (Hatha). Always makes my body feel so much better after hard workouts. I use beginners videos on doyogawithme.com
  • nancyrom
    nancyrom Posts: 31 Member
    I'll TrySome Yoga Today :smile:
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Along with the protein right after a work out, I take a lot of epsom salt hot baths, and then take an ibuprophen or Aleve before I got to bed. And stretch, stretch, stretch, stretch - - at different times in the day.

    You serious! :sick: I would suggest the OP to not take any kind of drug like ibuprofen just because DOMS is kicking in! :grumble:

    @OP just make sure you have reached most of your macro targets daily and maybe rest more, add a bit of stretching and the soreness should be gone in a couple of days! :drinker:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    go for a walk or do a little light exercise to get your blood flowing.

  • nancyrom
    nancyrom Posts: 31 Member
    Ok I Have No Idea What Macros Are Or The Abbreviated Stuff , I'mNew At Posting Things
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Personally I love that feeling. Hope to get it again this weekend.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have been doing different things everyday of the week.

    That's why you are getting sore.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Thanks I Went For A Massage Last Night And It Helped Some Also Was Taking Ibp TomorrowIs My Day Of Sleeping In And Taking The Day Off , Im Looking Forward To It

    Is that the title of a country-western song?
  • nancyrom
    nancyrom Posts: 31 Member
    I Enjoy The Feeling Of A Good Workout But This Time I.felt Like A Bus Ran Me Over It Was Causing More Tension And Anxiety. lol