Family Reunion in June ... oh my !!

I am new to this site and have been looking around at all the interesting things. My family reunion is in mid June and I have a lot of weight to lose. Honestly, I would just like to lose enough weight that when I lie on the beach, people don't scream "beached whale .. call the Coast Guard !!" :tongue: Seriously, I'd love to get and give support ... I'm a great listener and always on the look out for new ideas. Hope to hear from someone soon. Renee'


  • Laultimacocacola
    In the past month and half, I've lost 7 lbs! The only changes I've made are portio control, no chips and a bit of exercise.
    Set a realistic goal and get started! :smile:
  • ellywoni
    ellywoni Posts: 5
    Way to go! I have actually lost more than expected but sadly, it is because I have been really sick. I hope I can get my metabolism back up and running so when I can finally keep food down I won't gain back this weight. Thanks for the boost :smile: