3.5 week into MFP...a couple of questions

edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi everyone. Im happy I found MFP, Ive been able to stick with it for 3.5 weeks now. I have lost 8 pounds (cant figure out how to edit my start weight, so ticker is wrong). My goal is 15-20.. Overall I feel great, I dont feel tired or weak. I have really looked at, in the past, what triggers my desire to eat not so healthy things. After the first few days of not eating junk, I dont miss it. I am on a 1200 calorie plan, more depending on exercise. I am having a hard time wanting to eat 1200 calories, Im just not that hungry. I know it sounds nuts, but its true. Hunger pains are minimal, Im not weak or feeling dizzy. Its been very hot here too, so that decreased the appetite as well. I have gone over my protein goals each day with lots of chicken, egg whites etc, so I am eating the volume, but my calorie totals are down because I have really cut back on the calorie stacked carbs. I dont want to force myself to eat if I dont want to, but Im concerned that under 1200 calories is too little. I exercise ( ie I ran 3 miles today and lifted weights) and dont feel a lack of energy when doing so.. I am concerned that this is unhealthy and also that it will detrimental to my weight loss goals. Any feedbaack would be appreciated, as I am sure there are many others that have similar experiences.



  • sweetn3ss
    sweetn3ss Posts: 341 Member
    Hello Tango,

    First off to change your current weight go to "MY HOME" tab, then settings, then weight goals link.

    How many exercise calories are you logging per day? One should try to eat all of there daily calories and at least half of there exercise calories (so I have been told). I understand how heat can effect the appetite. So snack on a spoon of peanut butter to boost you caloric intake for the day, or drink a tall glass of chocolate milk. At least try to get in you 1200.

    Congrats on ditching 8 pounds that is awesome. Best of luck!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I've only been using the site regularly for 2 weeks myself, but I understand how you feel. I've felt similar, especially after the first couple of days when the biggest "junk" cravings were still around. Most days since I started here, I've eaten less than 1,200 calories (more protein, like you, fewer junk calories) and I haven't felt weak, dizzy or anything. I too have been running & doing intense Jillian-style yoga each day. I feel that as long as we listen to our bodies, we'll be fine. IMO, most people have gotten used to eating so many calories just to be satisfied mentally more than physically - satisfying cravings, emotional eating, etc. But if we're eating healthy, balanced meals, including all the food groups, vitamins, etc. our bodies will be just fine on fewer overall calories. Just my opinion, but... it's what works for me. :)

    Congrats on joining the site, from a fellow "newbie"! And, best wishes on reaching your goal!
  • ljm0104
    ljm0104 Posts: 42
    On your profile how many lbs do you have set to try and lose a week. If you have it set on 2 lbs. a week try lowering it to 1. When I first started I had to change things around a few times just to see what worked best for me. Then if you have a plateau you may have to change this around again. Oh! and on how to change your ticker go to check in on the main page and then edit previous entries to look at everything Good Luck!
  • clwatlington
    clwatlington Posts: 54 Member
    I understand completely. I am on the 1200 calories too. I have been under my calories everyday. I think being having what I eat looking back at me in print has been a big help with getting rid of the "just because" eating.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I understand completely. I am on the 1200 calories too. I have been under my calories everyday. I think being having what I eat looking back at me in print has been a big help with getting rid of the "just because" eating.

    Same here!! It's surprising how many "just because" calories I'd been consuming before. Not because I was hungry - I eat fewer calories now and am just as satisfied (yet feel MUCH better) as before I started keeping track of what I eat.
    TANGOCAT Posts: 6
    Thanks for all the replies, this has been a frustrating week. I tracked and followed the calorie plan this week, no cheats at all. As I said before, I was under my calories just about everyday. I ran 2.5-3 miles 4 times this week, lifted upper boday 3 days...so I weighed in today feeling good.....EXACT weight as Monday..didnt lose anything. Im happy Ive lost 9 pounds so far, but to have such discipline this week and not see the scale move sucks. Im gonna have to make some adjustments I guess.
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