In this by myself and could use some motivating friends

I've recently started using this app again and thought I would start using the website for support. I'm only down about 14 lbs with 125 lbs to go and would love some supportive and motivating new friends to help me with my journey. I am usually the one giving the support to anyone who needs it, and will help and motivate any of you who would like as well. I currently live with my family, who eats really unhealthy all the time, thus making it difficult for me to ignore all the unhealthy foods and snacks daily. I workout almost everyday doing cardio and weight training using fitnessblender on youtube and the c25k app (currently on week 3). I also play a ton of slowpitch softball 8 months out of the year and am trying to become more fit for the demands of playing that much. I was co-raising my siblings who are now teenagers, so I'm finally free to move out on my own. I know it'll be easier for me because as long as I don't have any bad foods in the house, then I don't want them. So that'll be easier to handle once I'm living by myself. But until then, it is a constant struggle everyday to 1) pass up on pizzas, pastas, cookies and chips and 2) to find healthy options to eat to stay within my calorie range. But I'm sure everyone can relate to this problem. Also looking for tips on beginning to 'eat clean' as this is a new concept for me.


  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    Friend request coming your way. I recently moved in with my in-laws, so I understand what it's like living in a house that's full of temptation.
    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    youre not alone you will have a great motivating family here on MFP.
  • bodaciousbeatnik
    bodaciousbeatnik Posts: 4 Member
    I can definitely relate! My house is covered in chips, soda, pizza and more! I'm rediscovering this as well and I hope we can help motivate each other! :)
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    Feel free to add me :)I gained a bunch of weight very fast cuz of meds I was on for electric shock like migraines. I gained like 45 lbs in 3 months. I joined so I could drop that weight bk down and my Dr has switched my meds so that helped out tremendously. Have lost about 23.1 of it, trying to lose the rest now and be in better shape also. I am a mom of 3 kids, I know its hard and also with a busy lifestyle. Feel free to add me. :)
  • ayankeefan51
    ayankeefan51 Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks everyone. I'll add you guys now.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I understand the temptation of constantly being around junk food, but my desire to be healthier usually wins out over my desire for a cookie. Not always but usually and I'm good with that. I figure if I make the right choices 90% of the time, I can make the not so good ones the other 10% and stay on track.

    Best advice I can give, is log EVERYTHING. When I think of it's just a little taste, well those add up. Sending a FR now as have to motivate a fellow Yankee fan. Anyone else may add me.

    Good luck!
  • ouleanna
    ouleanna Posts: 47 Member
    I can definitely relate. Hubby is NOT interested in getting rid of the "junk food," and even though it's been hard, I've definitely learned how to manage in the past 1 1/2 months. I definitely have those bad days, but as the above posts said, log everything! I love to motivate, and getting the same back! Sending you a FR!
  • royvor
    royvor Posts: 271
    Hi, A friend request has been sent. Congrats on losing 15 lbs. You have chosen to get back to fighting and striving to put your health and goals first. You can do this.
    I am Yvette and am 24 yrs old. I have battled being obese all my life. Losing weight and gaining it right back. I started at 227lbs and my current weight is 166 lbs. I am striving to meet my goal but know that I have to continue this lifestyle forever if I don't want to ever return to the old me. I am also doing workout videos from youtube and follow people on their weithloss journeys who vlog and I am on MFP a lot to keep myself motivated and give support and encourgement. Lets encourage and help one another on this weightloss and fitness journey to a healthier us.
  • mmiller7007
    I'm back after a year and a half. I'm in it for an online class on nutrition and this the first week's homework. I think I will stay with it for me. after all this time, my weight is still the same, no change. Really disheatening. I have so much to lose. Need motivation.
  • maryofthecross26
    I understand that! My sis always eats out, and it suxs seeing and smelling all that food. I know if I go to her room, there will be chocoalte and chips. So I stay away. I also hate that i try to cook everyday healthy, and both my sister and brother never eat my cooking! It's a waste of food, and they're not eating healthy either. So yeah i'll love to add ya as a friend, i just started using this site to help track myself.
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    Good work on your progress so far. It can be really hard to pass up all the temptations when they are constantly around you but it does seem to get easier over time. Feel free to add me if you would like to.
  • jtcc91
    jtcc91 Posts: 88 Member
    Just added you! I can totally relate. If the stuff is not in the house, then I can do without no problem. But when it is in the house, which is more often than not due to other family members, then I find myself dipping in here and there to the chips, cookies, etc.. I am really trying to log everything, good or bad, and stick with it. Keep on keepin' on!! :smile:
  • tanyamg
    tanyamg Posts: 30 Member
    Totally adding you. I also currently live with my inlaws and it doesn't help they go out to eat all the time and my father in law will bring home yummy things, so I feel ya.. goodluck and remember your going to have bad days and good days.. just stick to it and dont' give up!
  • SweetTea111104
    SweetTea111104 Posts: 338 Member
    I think we can all relate in one way or another. So you are not alone in this. We all have your back!
  • ayankeefan51
    ayankeefan51 Posts: 135 Member
    thanks, everyone. You guys are all fantastic. I think I added everyone. If anyone else wants to add me, feel free. I'll try to log on daily as you all do. I look forward to us all motivating each other to meet our weight-loss goals and becoming healthier versions of ourselves!
  • jonti06
    jonti06 Posts: 15
    As someone else mentioned, we're all in this together! Adding you, now :smile:
  • vbchjewel
    vbchjewel Posts: 3
    Hi! I am Julie. I have been slowly gaining weight and finally decided I needed to take the pin in the other direction. I have started the Couch to 5K and this week I have lost maybe 2 lbs of a small goal of 5 for 6 weeks and 40 overall. I still have a ways to go, but I am hoping to get there. Any friends would be great to help me! Thanks!
  • Claudiaaa1528
    You can ADD me too! .. I need support too and I'm pretty motivated now! It's not the first time I tried, I lost 30 pounds then regain it plus 10 more pounds. It's hard! But I know now the secret is just to never let yourself down. Put many motivation sentences in your house you have to see it everyday that you can do it! Also you can eat ANYTHING you want! but with moderation and also not everyday. Don't feel bad if you eat pizza one day because you were with friends (that was a HUGE problem, and still working on it!), if you knwo you'll get extra calories one day cuz you have something with friends just exercice more this week and this day! .. Don't let go because you don't see changes on the scale .. the important is what you see! I used to be impatient with my resuts and give up because I thought it was not working! NO !! any moves produce changes! NEVER GIVE UP , You are beautiful and you can achieve your goal! One step at a time!
  • SWEET31
    SWEET31 Posts: 40
    feel free to add me I also need motivation :wink: