Do I have to track EVERYTHING?????



  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    I only track calories really. I don't have a sweet tooth and rarely go over my salt. I also try and cook most meals from scratch but am not overly strict, I like healthy food but have an inner chef that likes well made things that have flavour too. Common sense with foods is key, you'll get used to when you feel stodged, even if under caloriesand know that's too much and you'll learn when you have sugar hunger. If you've just started just focus on changing a bit of your bad ways. I've been on here two years in total (with a year break) and I still can't give up diet soda. But my bad days aren't as bad as they used to be and although my loss has slowed I feel healthier, am definitely fitter and have more energy.

    Learn what works for you, lots of people on here follow strict ways, clean eating, no carb etc. I don't do that, I eat normal food and just try to not eat too much and exercise more.

  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    Are you eating a lot of prepared 'diet" "low fat" food?
    Is it close to your menstrual cycle? I won't go near a scale around that time.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    Where are you at I'm your cycle? If you are about to start, are on, or just finished your period it's likely just water weight from that.

    It doesn't start for another two weeks :smile:

    Oh Ok.

    Excuse my typo...*I'm* should be *in*, typing on my phone :happy:
  • jettacay
    jettacay Posts: 4
    I do track every thing.... wait let me back up...... I joined some time ago but fooled around with it and didn't track, sometimes went weeks without using FP. Now I am using it and I do track everything and have access to FP through my computer at work, at home, Ipad and iphone so I don't miss anything. I don't really "track" one thing in particular, I add the food and it tells me cal, fat, protein, etc..... I find consistency is the key. BTW where is everyone getting those darling weight trackers. I would really like to have one!! Thanks and good luck
  • jettacay
    jettacay Posts: 4
    OK sorry, apparently I have one and didn't know it!! Great!!!!!