What is your weight loss the equal to?



  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    haha..... SWEET! I lost a bald eagle!!!!!
  • Dianafrance8
    Dianafrance8 Posts: 126 Member
    People say ," Don't have a cow." We'll looks like I've had a baby one, yea...
  • lunaleah
    lunaleah Posts: 18 Member
    I find it incredibly ironic that I've now lost the equivalent to the amount of pizza Americans eat in a year considering that I WORK at a pizzeria and I don't even eat pizza. Hilarious.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    love this post i am at

    a cinder block almost half a pound shot

    or an average 2 year old with a Chihuahua and 2 Guinea Pig
  • cristina3980
    cristina3980 Posts: 44 Member
    Woohoo I've lost a car tire!!!!
  • bunnymum150
    bunnymum150 Posts: 311
    an automobile tire - and on my way to the amount of pizza one consumes in a year - 23#'s. Woo Hoo! I weigh in monday and would love to see continued success. If not by this monday perhaps next monday! Pizza - here I come:smile:
  • jlcrph
    jlcrph Posts: 41 Member
    WOW! A new born calf :-)
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    a little more than the average 2 year old :3
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Total- Average Fats and Oils an American eats in a year.
    Me too!
  • AmyBecky74
    AmyBecky74 Posts: 437 Member
    Awesome post. Thanks :heart: I lost a tire so far (my spare tire I guess LOL)
  • Etafaga
    Etafaga Posts: 2
    Found this list, think it's a great way to visualise how much you have lost. Especially when people say they have 'only' lost a pound - that's a guinea pig! LOL. I've lost the chemical additives an American consumes each year (odd!).

    1 pound = a Guinea Pig
    1.5 pounds = a dozen Krispy Kreme glazed donuts
    2 pounds = a rack of baby back ribs
    3 pounds = an average human brain
    4 pounds = an ostrich egg
    5 pounds = a Chihuahua
    6 pounds = a human’s skin
    7.5 pounds = an average newborn
    8 pounds = a human head
    10 pounds= chemical additives an American consumes each year
    11 pounds = an average housecat
    12 pounds = a Bald Eagle
    15 pounds = 10 dozen large eggs
    16 pounds = a sperm whale’s brain
    20 pounds = an automobile tire
    23 pounds = amount of pizza an average American eats in a year
    24 pounds = a 3-gallon tub of super premium ice cream
    25 pounds = an average 2 year old
    30 pounds = amount of cheese an average American eats in a year
    33 pounds = a cinder block
    36 pounds = a mid-size microwave
    40 pounds = a 5-gallon bottle of water or an average human leg
    44 pounds = an elephant’s heart
    50 pounds = a small bale of hay
    55 pounds = a 5000 BTU air conditioner
    60 pounds = an elephant’s penis (yep, weights more than his heart!)
    66 pounds = fats and oils an average American eats in a year
    70 pounds = an Irish Setter
    77 pounds = a gold brick
    80 pounds = the World’s Largest Ball of Tape
    90 pounds = a newborn calf
    100 pounds = a 2 month old horse
    111 pounds = red meat an average American eats in a year
    117 pounds = an average fashion model (and she’s 5’11”)
    118 pounds = the complete Encyclopedia Britannica
    120 pounds = amount of trash you throw away in a month
    130 pounds = a newborn giraffe
    138 pounds = potatoes an average American eats in a year
    140 pounds = refined sugar an average American eats in a year
    144 pounds = an average adult woman (and she’s 5’4”)
    150 pounds = the complete Oxford English Dictionary
    187 pounds = an average adult man
    200 pounds = 2 Bloodhounds
    235 pounds = Arnold Schwarzenegger
    300 pounds = an average football lineman
    400 pounds = a Welsh pony
  • I've lost a newborn calf in all. Or an Olsen twin. You know.
  • discobarbie1971
    discobarbie1971 Posts: 55 Member
    Bump......I need this point of reference in my life!
  • CanadaChick74
    CanadaChick74 Posts: 59 Member
    I love this! Thanks for sharing.
  • PamazonDreams
    PamazonDreams Posts: 32 Member
    I've lost "a human's skin".... Eww. Goal: a tire.
  • Hahaha… my targeted weight loss is equal to that of an elephant penis. Awesome.
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    Another pound and I'll have lost a cinder block. My goal is somewhere between the worlds largest ball of tape and a newborn calf lol.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    120 pounds = amount of trash you throw away in a month

    But I guarantee that's not quite accurate for me...my husband and I generate about 2 small bags of trash per month, weighing MAYBE 25 lb. Big recyclers ;-)
  • lecounth
    lecounth Posts: 42 Member
    A newborn calf and a bar of gold. . . interesting combination. That is how much I've lost since my highest weight which is not what I use on MFP.

    It also equal to a little more than SIX CINDER BLOCKS used in construction. The thought of carrying 6 cinder blocks stuns me -- and makes me wonder how I ever got around at that weight. Never going back, that's for sure!