Homemade baking and self control! Help!


Any ideas on how to find self control when making cookies and unhealthy baking For family and for self once in while. I Find it very hard to find self control when cooking and I love to cook Help plz!


  • cavswife
    cavswife Posts: 5
    I have the same problem. I know this may not work for you but I had to stop baking for a couple months and when I did start I made sure I gave some of it away so there wasn't has much temptation sitting around in the house. I also found then when I have a sweet craving I eat some fruit or get a big glass of water or go for a walk. Good luck!!!
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    I think I will try giving away most of it! Cooking is like Yoga for me very relaxing! Tks!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    I stay away from baking the sweet stuff as I know that I will eat it. As for meals, I have taken to making a lot of rice recipes that contain a lot of veggies and some meat (fish, chicken, or shrimp) for protein. I am actually making my wife's favorite right now which contains pineapple, coconut, and shrimp for serving value of 277 calories.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    You could have your spouse hide it on you so you don't know where it is :)
  • theatremack
    I've tried to find "better" baking options. I use whole wheat flour in all of my baking now (well a mixture of white, wheat, flax seed, and wheat germ) for more fiber and just better overall health. I also try to bake when I'm least likely to eat it, because I've already eaten and then I chew gum on top of that or brush my teeth. I know you like to make special things for people in your life but remember their health important too, so finding lower fat options will be good for everyone and make the other versions once or twice a year as a real special treat.

    You can also make simple switches like using applesauce or yogurt instead of oil and using egg whites instead of whole eggs and not see too much of a difference in the final product. I use greek strawberry yogurt in brownies and it's really good, makes them creamy, gooey and adds a little flavor.

    Regardless don't completely eliminate it then you'll just want it more, build it into your calories if you need to and enjoy it - everything in moderation.

    Good luck and remember how great it will feel once you loose the weight!!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    I LOVE to cook and bake, it's my version of therapy. I end up sending most of into work with my husband - I get it out of the house and the guys at his office love me.
  • beautyqueen1979
    beautyqueen1979 Posts: 151 Member
    I love baking - what I do is I'll bake, then give half to my parents and half to the BF's parents. Then have one for myself and give him a couple. Still get to bake, but spread the calories around the family, lol. Oh and to stop nibbling while baking I chew gum :)
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I chew gum when I cook to stop from "tasting" all the time.
    I stopped baking. I only bake when I know that I am taking it for a get together.
    The rest of the family doesn't need the sweets either......
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    I love cooking but I just cook healthy recipes! I have been staying away from baking (besides bread) for now unless I am taking food to a potluck or something like that where I won't have all of the cookies sitting around the house tempting me! I have found several really good whole wheat bread recipes and I usually limit myself to one piece if I make bread anyway.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I love chewing mint gum or drinking hot peppermint tea. For some reason, if I have something minty, it makes the sweet stuff lose it's appeal?? Try brushing your teeth before baking also.

    I don't bake nearly as often as I used to, usually only when I have to make something for my kids.
    I make healthier recipes now too!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I have the biggest sweet tooth. With 6 kiddies in the house I bake every single day..i've learned that I cannot keep from tasting my sweet delectable treats, so I now only make things I do not like :laugh: , like butter tarts, and anything with coconut, and pies, not big on those. Things like brownies, cookies, and anything with marshmallow I make only once a week, That way I have my baked goodie without having 6 others along the way! lol
  • april522
    april522 Posts: 388 Member
    I went to culinary school for baking and confectionary arts . . . and during that time (graduated in December 2008), I was on an extremely strict diet - meaning I BARELY cheated. It was really hard to resist eating all the pies, cakes, cookies, etc. we made in class and got to bring home. Well, I didn't bring them home because I'd be the only one eating them (the boyfriend's not a huge sweets person). So instead, I took everything we made (and I'm talking a LOT of stuff in bakery production class) to my dad's office job and let them have it! Only occasionally would I save myself a cookie, bar, or slice of cake, depending on what it was.

    And I agree with what someone said - while you're cooking - chew gum! If I hadn't done that in bakery production class, I would have probably wound up eating 1/4 cup or more of cream cheese icing while I was making it!

    I bake a lot for people who order stuff from me out of my home, and I have finally made it a habit not to lick my fingers (of course I'd wash with soap before doing anything else). My MAIN reason for not doing that is I know how horrible it would make me feel. If I ate a tablespoon of cream cheese icing on an empty stomach now, it would REALLY make my stomach hurt from all the sugar in it.

    Definitely keep on baking and cooking - just give the goodies to someone else and keep a few for yourself!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I chew gum when I cook to stop from "tasting" all the time.
    I stopped baking. I only bake when I know that I am taking it for a get together.
    The rest of the family doesn't need the sweets either......
    I'm with Steph on this, I quit as well, on the baking part. I still love to cook, I used to love to bake but I agree I don't want to eat it anymore unless I can tweak it to make it far healthier. I also agree a piece of fruit works for me now.

    I totally understand theraputic baking, I used to love to do all that and give it away but the more I lost the more I realize I don't want to be the enabler in others lives even if they still eat it I don't want to be passing it along to them. I dunno, something just clicked and I quit baking brownies and all jazz for guy friends that apparently when single have no other source. :laugh:

    Looking forward to baking bread again though, with some far healthier recipes I've found.:heart:

  • Dreaj79
    Dreaj79 Posts: 212
    I love to bake! That's therapeutic for me as well. I actually got through my first batch of cookies without taste testing. I let my husband be the taster. And almost as soon as I finish baking, I get them the heck out of my house! If I know we are going to someone's for dinner, I bring dessert. If people stop by the house, I'm offering up whatever baked goods I have around and encouraging them to take some for the road. Desserts go much faster that way! Sometimes I find that just the smell is enough. I don't actually have to eat them. Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    Tks all!

    I hope that it clicks for me to stay healthy and no more crap for me or my loved ones!
  • missyhughes
    It is very hard to not bake... especially when you have a major sweet touch like I do. So I pretty much switched all my recipes over to whole wheat and surprisingly they are just as good and some i even like better. I use allrecipes.com and they have a ton of healthy baking ideas that make you feel a little less guilty.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    I, too, love to bake. It's a great stress reliever for me.

    Someone suggested this to me. At first, I was skeptical, but I decided to give it a try.

    Whenever I got a craving for something not healthy, she suggested I drink a little bit (like a tablespoonful or even less) of apple cider vinegar. That REALLY and TRULY did get rid of my desire to "taste test".
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    Tks so much for the Apple cider vinger trick, I've been wanting to try it out I just here it is really yucky tasting. How do you take yours?
  • rtmama
    rtmama Posts: 403 Member
    I bake a lot of sweet bread (banana, zucchini) and I reduce the sugar content drastically. I also bake with whole wheat and other enhancers like sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, flax, wheat germ, etc

    Then I figure out the serving size, and measure out 2 servings and freeze 'em in little baggies for later. That way it's away from me, because I would be tempted to continue eating!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Police Depts and Fire Depts will almost always accept Homemade goodies. Also you might check with the Local Senior Citizen Center or Nursing Homes.