New from Illinois!

:smile: Hi! I'm Nicole! :smile:

I have reached a the horrid weight of 250 pounds :embarassed: :sad: I am 29 years old, 5'6", and fat. :sad:

I hate myself for letting myself get to this point. :frown: Not only do I look bad, but my weight is affecting my knees, ankles, feet, and lower back. :cry: I am depressed most of the time now on account of my weight.

I am determined to lose weight now more than I ever have been before. For those of you that may not know, I have reached the "too fat to sit point". Meaning there are furniture items, such as folding chairs, that I am now over the max weight capacity. My big bottom is breaking down the couch where I sit when we watch our evening movie. The bed where I lay is wearing down too; there is a big dip where I sleep. I am embarrassed and ashamed of myself. :embarassed: :cry:

I am done being embarrassed about my looks every time I leave our apartment. I am done being unhealthy and unfit. I am done crying every night after staring at myself in the mirror. I AM DONE!!! :angry: :explode: :devil:

That all being said, I would love to make friends that will stick with it and lose weight with me. Feel free to message me and add me as a friend on here. :flowerforyou: :smile:


  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Hi Nicole! Welcome to MFP! Today is the first day of the rest of your life!!! You can not live in the past and cannot undo the things that you have done in the past. Just, start making better choices and the results will start to show.

    I have been overweight most of my adult life and have been a yo-yo dieter that now has type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. I started changing my habits in january and there is no stopping me now.

    You can do this too!!! Log on as frequently as you can. Start to weigh and measure all your food and then track everything in the tool. Start moving around. Do whatever you can to move. Start tracking this too. You could easily be at a healthier weight by the end of the summer! I know you can do it!!!

    Add me as a friend, if you want.
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    I'm sorry.

    ...about the Illinios thing that is.
  • kmm8784
    kmm8784 Posts: 102 Member
    Welcome to MFP!!! Feel free to add me... I could use the support as well!!
  • nczuczu;

    I've also done the yo-yo dieter thing, which resulted in me getting really discouraged because even if something worked, the results never lasted. :(

    Thanks for the encouragement, though! I see by your ticker thing that you have lost a lot of weight, good job!!! I look forward to the day that mine starts to move due to weightloss! :)
  • Rottnme;

    Yes, it is very sad... I hate it here. Where are you from? Feel free to add me if you want! When we have saved up enough money, we plan on moving to or near Savannah, Georgia.
  • Welcome to MFP!!! Feel free to add me... I could use the support as well!!


    I just realized I could quote people on here, so hopefully this makes my replies less confusing... lol I sent you an add request too. :smile: I am actually starting to get excited. This site and all the wonderful people I'm meeting on it is so encouraging! If I can do this, so can you! :wink: :smile:
  • BeckyD1105
    BeckyD1105 Posts: 444 Member
    Welcome to MFP. Feel free to add me.
  • wizwitch
    wizwitch Posts: 82
    Welcome, I just started last week!!

    Savannah is great, I'm in Athens, which is about 60 north east of Atlanta. Would love to move to Savannah myself, well except for during hurricane season!!

    Good luck and feel free to add me :smile:
  • crazyweirdo
    crazyweirdo Posts: 11
    Welcome to MFP. Feel free to add me.

    Thanks! I just added you. :):)
  • crazyweirdo
    crazyweirdo Posts: 11
    Welcome, I just started last week!!

    Savannah is great, I'm in Athens, which is about 60 north east of Atlanta. Would love to move to Savannah myself, well except for during hurricane season!!

    Good luck and feel free to add me :smile:

    Thanks for the welcome! Are you anywhere near Appling? That is where we would be getting a start if we move down there, because we would stay with my husband's Navy buddy and his family until we got on our feet. :smile:

    Good luck to you too and I will send you an add request as soon as I post this. :happy: