New to this site

Hi there! My name is Valerie and I am new here. Someone from my gym told me about this site today so I thought I'd get started right away. I hope to lose weight before going back to work (next month), and thereafter. I have been working out like crazy, and eating all the right foods, and I'm STILL not losing weight. Hopefully this site will give me a little boost...okay....a BIG boost! :laugh:


  • talenamarie
    Welcome to the team. :) good luck and keep logging in, it helps. Have a wonderful weekend.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    Welcome! Goodluck! :) This website has helped me alot to stay on track
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Welcome to MFP. You will love the support and information that you receive here. IF you want advice though, it is helpful to make your food diary public. Eating healthy has different connotations for different people and it depends on what nutritional values you are making that judgment against. Good luck on all your efforts!