Calorie help

Ok so I know the math you 3500 calories equals 1 pound you gain so if you eat 3000 calories a day which would be cutting back 500 calories and you burn 500 calories at the gym is it right to say that you would be burning 2 pounds within a week


  • calikid32190
    calikid32190 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks so I do have the app for this website I am 5"8 175 pounds and my Goal is to get to 155 so I can have my abs back I wanna loose 2 pounds or more a week and the app said it would be best for me to do 1200 calories a day so would I actually loose more weight then 2 pounds since I'm not even close to the 3500 or would it still be the same thing I guess I'm trying to figure out how to loose 2 pounds a week because I think the 3500 minus 500 less calories plus burning 500 calories is going to be equivalent to 2 pounds so would I actually be loosing more considering I'm only taking in 1200 calories
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Thanks so I do have the app for this website I am 5"8 175 pounds and my Goal is to get to 155 so I can have my abs back I wanna loose 2 pounds or more a week and the app said it would be best for me to do 1200 calories a day so would I actually loose more weight then 2 pounds since I'm not even close to the 3500 or would it still be the same thing I guess I'm trying to figure out how to loose 2 pounds a week because I think the 3500 minus 500 less calories plus burning 500 calories is going to be equivalent to 2 pounds so would I actually be loosing more considering I'm only taking in 1200 calories

    You're 23, male, and want to lose 20 pounds. 1200 calories really isn't much to live on, especially for a guy. Consider checking out the above links and figuring your BMR, TDEE, and TDEE %.
  • calikid32190
    calikid32190 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks guys I'm going to have to check these links out and 1200 actually fills me up I mostly only eat dinner and that normally will get me right around my 1200 but I will have to check out the links you guys provided and try to figure it out
  • I can't contribute much besides what has been said already but MAN oh MAN do I wish I could eat 3000 calories and lose weight. It would be WONDERFUL! Lol

    Try to figure out your TDEE I find 1200 easy at first then almost impossible and hit a pleateau really quickly and had lots of yo yoing weights. I'd recommend TDEE minus 20 percent its much easier to maintain and you'll have a lot more energy for the gym.

    1200 you'll lose fast but won't 'gain much muscle cos that won't meet your basic needs.
  • calikid32190
    calikid32190 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks ill definitely have to look at everything I really want and first that's why I don't mind going down to 1200 calories jus to get them then go up in calories once I have them
  • calikid32190
    calikid32190 Posts: 19 Member
    Ok so I did my tdee and it came up with 2888 calories then i multiplied it by 0.80 and got 2310 so that's what I should be aiming for but since I'm doing even less then that at. 1200 calories will I loose weight faster i always keep myself occupied so I normally don't get to hungry only around dinner time because I know I have to eat something so I hope i can shed weight quick if I stick with 1200 to kind of give you guys a example of today I logged it with the app I had a full 32 oz Gatorade which is 200 calories only are dinner which consisted of pepperoni about 60 which totaled out to 560 calories then I had about a 1\4 cup of to hunts tomatoe sauce which is 30 calories because I had homeade pizza rolls and didn't put much sauce they also had string cheese end them which ends up totaling 320 calories because for string cheeses were used then I had 510 calories because the actual wraps were 170 calories every three and I had a total of 9 wraps and that's totals out to 1620 calories today Still 700 calories less then the 2310 but I went over by 420 calories
  • calikid32190
    calikid32190 Posts: 19 Member
    So it's probably good that today I went over I had 1620 I listed everything I had so you can see what I ate an drank to get a idea
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    Ok so I did my tdee and it came up with 2888 calories then i multiplied it by 0.80 and got 2310 so that's what I should be aiming for but since I'm doing even less then that at. 1200 calories will I loose weight faster i always keep myself occupied so I normally don't get to hungry only around dinner time because I know I have to eat something so I hope i can shed weight quick if I stick with 1200

    You would think so, but the body can only metabolize so much fat per day. It isn't worth it to eat so little.
    Many will tell you "Been there, done that, and then gained it all back plus more."

    I would suggest reading the reasons why in the links, not just the "how to calculate."

    Good luck.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Ok so I did my tdee and it came up with 2888 calories then i multiplied it by 0.80 and got 2310 so that's what I should be aiming for but since I'm doing even less then that at. 1200 calories will I loose weight faster i always keep myself occupied so I normally don't get to hungry only around dinner time because I know I have to eat something so I hope i can shed weight quick if I stick with 1200 to kind of give you guys a example of today I logged it with the app I had a full 32 oz Gatorade which is 200 calories only are dinner which consisted of pepperoni about 60 which totaled out to 560 calories then I had about a 1\4 cup of to hunts tomatoe sauce which is 30 calories because I had homeade pizza rolls and didn't put much sauce they also had string cheese end them which ends up totaling 320 calories because for string cheeses were used then I had 510 calories because the actual wraps were 170 calories every three and I had a total of 9 wraps and that's totals out to 1620 calories today Still 700 calories less then the 2310 but I went over by 420 calories

    If you can lose 1.5-2 lbs eating 2310 why would you eat 1200 to lose the same amount? And, some one correct me if this is wrong, the 1200 calorie diet will result in more lean body mass loss in the long run.
  • calikid32190
    calikid32190 Posts: 19 Member
    So if I actually eat at 2310 which is what my recommended tdee is because I'm 23 5"8 and 175 pounds and am going to the gym at least 5 days a week for a hour and a Half how much calories would I have to burn to loose 2 pounds a week based on this information
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    So if I actually eat at 2310 which is what my recommended tdee is because I'm 23 5"8 and 175 pounds and am going to the gym at least 5 days a week for a hour and a Half how much calories would I have to burn to loose 2 pounds a week based on this information

    As a rule of thumb, the following weekly targets would give a balance between minimizing these negative side effects and seeing a reasonable weekly weight loss:
    More than 75 lbs: 2 lbs/week
    40-75 lbs: 1.5 lbs/week
    10-40 lbs: 1 lb/week
    Less than 10 lbs: 0.5 lb/week

    You don't have as much to lose. The closer to goal the slower the loss, naturally.
    Stick to the 2310 for at least a month, then reassess and adjust according to your own results. The calculators are just a starting point.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    If you figured your activity level accurately when you filled in your information TDEE -20% should put you at losing 1.5 lbs a week I think. You only have 20 to go to reach your goal so the loss might slow down as well. It's natural when you have less to lose and makes it easier to maintain once you do reach goal.
  • calikid32190
    calikid32190 Posts: 19 Member
    I guess my last question would be how many calories would I have to burn based on everything that we have here to make sure I'm loosing 1.5 pds a week or I won't have to burn any calories since I'm not going to be going over 3500 i will try to get to at least what my tdee is which is the 2310
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    Just ignore 3500, for now, it seems to be confusing you.
    Keep it simple and stick to the 2300 to start.
  • calikid32190
    calikid32190 Posts: 19 Member
    So if I only eat 2300 how many calories of that would I have to burn to loose 1.5 to 2 pds a week
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    So, basically, when you put in all your info and calculated your TDEE, you said that you are moderately active which gave you a TDEE of 2888. If you eat 2300 calories each day, you are eating at a 558 calorie deficit per day and should burn 1 lb of fat each week (in theoretical land where everything works out according to calculations). If you want to burn 2 lbs of fat per week, you should be eating or burning an additional 500 calories per day or 3500 calories per week. That is 500 calories of increased burn above and beyond what you considered when you calculated your TDEE or 500 calories below 2300 (so 1888 calories consumed per day).
  • calikid32190
    calikid32190 Posts: 19 Member
    So if I understand you correctly since I'm already at 558 calorie deficit I could still loose a pound without working out but if I wanted to do the 2 pounds I would have to loose a additional 500 calories in the form of working out so basically when I go to the gym as Long as I loose 500 calories and stay at 1800 calories 500 under my tdee I will loose 2 pounds
  • Ok so I did my tdee and it came up with 2888 calories then i multiplied it by 0.80 and got 2310 so that's what I should be aiming for but since I'm doing even less then that at. 1200 calories will I loose weight faster i always keep myself occupied so I normally don't get to hungry only around dinner time because I know I have to eat something so I hope i can shed weight quick if I stick with 1200

    Initially, but your metabolism will come to a screeching halt more than likely and you won't lose any weight.

    If a person's metabolism comes to a halt, can that person reset it?