I'm Back

Hi Pals,

Wanted to introduce myself to try and find supportive people to connect with so we may help each other on our journey.

I've copy & pasted my Profile to introduce myself, hope to connect with lots of you.


I am Husband & a Father of 3.
I have tried/lost weight on numerous occasions, only to put it back on for one reason or another (there's something new).

It seems to be after 3 months when a different "spanner in the works" appears.

I have been on MFP before, I joined a year or so ago to initially track my Food Diary after a friend recommended the site.
He has had fantastic results & is in Canada at the moment running his 1st Marathon.

I lost a fair bit of weight last year, then went on Holiday where I put on 7lbs in a week. On returning I was eager to get back into the swing of things - TOO EAGER.
I overdid it in a Spin Class and had severe Muscle Strain in my upper back which meant I didn't exercise for about 3 months.

The weight steadily piled back on in my frustration of not being able to exercise, after it had become "addictive".

I felt ashamed of how I had "failed again" and couldn't bring myself to show my face in the gym - I felt i had let myself and others down.

Time to start AGAIN - for at least 12 months this time - NO LESS !

I want to get in shape to feel better about myself and to be healthier inside and out & at the same time being a good role model for my kids.

Last year I lost 35lbs and I remember fitting into jeans 2-3 sizes smaller - I want to have that feeling again.

One of my goals last year was to be an inspiration to others, which in a small way I achieved when people would tell me how well I was doing and some even said "you're inspiring me when I see your results"


Until we meet again,



  • JenniferPlus2
    JenniferPlus2 Posts: 119 Member
    It is good to see I am not the only one that has struggled with being able to stick with the program of diet and exercise. I just keep trying to make good choices and think about how good I feel when I exercise and eat right. Although results are a good motivator, remember that exercising and eating right are just a healthy way to live no matter what the immediate results may be.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Feel free to add me. You will get the exercise addiction again. Just start out one day at a time!
  • VirkingHard
    VirkingHard Posts: 26 Member
  • It's so encouraging to know others are struggling with this weight loss "battle" definitely add me if you'd like!
  • marysowter
    marysowter Posts: 121 Member
    Hi I love your honesty and good for you for acknowledging that you need a healthy life style I have sent you a friends request and I wish you the very best of luck :smile: x
  • TeeTotall
    TeeTotall Posts: 5
    good luck with your journey, add me to friends if you like
  • cybersheel
    cybersheel Posts: 145 Member
    Good luck - you haven't given up that's the main thing. Good luck, take it slow. Add me if you wish, it's good to get support.
  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member
    Good luck and feel free to add x
  • VirkingHard
    VirkingHard Posts: 26 Member
    Thanks Guys,

    Sorry wasn't aware I had any replies until I checked.
    Is there a way to switch email alerts on for replies?
