Help, really need advice on what to do!


Thanks in advance cause this means a lot.

Anyway's, for the start of my weight lost battle (two months). I was put on Orlistat (Alli but double the strength), this amazingly helped me lose 20 lbs. But now I've stopped losing weight via it and I honestly don't want to be on it anymore due to the side effects! It give's me a noisy stomach, constantly in the bathroom and smelly farts. Oh don't forget the oil! Even even I stayed under 25-30g of fat a day. I'm done with that!

I stopped taking it about a week and a half ago, still sticking to MFP and haven't lost anymore weight. I now weigh myself in KG's and I'm actually stuck between 109 kg - 111 kg. A mate told me to eat 1370 calories a day and workout for 30-60 mins a day or every second day.

Yet I'm still not losing and it's doing my head in to be honest, like do I really need these pills to lose weight because my body's against me that much?

Here's some facts:

Starting weight - 120 kg / 264 lbs
Current weight - 110.5 kg / 243.1 lbs (Weighed myself today)
Goal weight - 59 kg / 130 lbs
Height - 5"7'
Age - 19
BMR - 1913 Calories/day
TDEE - 2658

My workout is 30-60 mins on my exercise bike, as I dislike going out cause of thinking everybody stares at me for being fat. Don't ask.

Before it get's asked, no I don't know my current TDEE or BMR. I have worked it out before and read all them pages about deducting 30% of one of them in order to lose weight. But still nothing's happening!

I suffer depression and this is really beating me up, I stare at the mirror and all I see is a fat b****. I'm seriously about to breakdown if I can't get below 109 kg and my goal weight? Seem's impossible.

Sorry about it being long, I just need help and advice to actually drop more weight. I have 114 lbs to lose.. and it seems like it's never going to happen.



  • ClaireSmith811
    ClaireSmith811 Posts: 32 Member
    It will happen it just takes time, a lot of time! It's taken me 7 months to lose 25lb and I've stuck to 1200 calories religiously and only go out a walk a couple of times a week. You've only been off the pills for a week and a half and your body will have to get used to this change.

    Like you I weigh everyday just to make sure I'm not gaining. Some days I gain a few ounces but I know it must be water retention and try not to get too upset about it but it does get me down. I was stuck at 133lb for weeks and was going off my head wondering what was going on, what I was doing wrong then all of a sudden 4lb came off within a week. We didn't gain our weight overnight and it's not going to fall off overnight either!

    Please don't be depressed. The weight will come off, might only be 1lb a week but it's better than nothing at all. Sometimes it takes me 3 weeks to lose 1lb.

    Keep doing what you're doing, give it a chance and you'll see results. Keep your chin up honey - be happy! :)
  • knitwit0704
    knitwit0704 Posts: 376
    I'm having the same problem, but without the medication. I'd be happy to see this too, as I'm the same height and around the same weight.
  • Bioc
    Bioc Posts: 96
    It will happen it just takes time, a lot of time! It's taken me 7 months to lose 25lb and I've stuck to 1200 calories religiously and only go out a walk a couple of times a week. You've only been off the pills for a week and a half and your body will have to get used to this change.

    Like you I weigh everyday just to make sure I'm not gaining. Some days I gain a few ounces but I know it must be water retention and try not to get too upset about it but it does get me down. I was stuck at 133lb for weeks and was going off my head wondering what was going on, what I was doing wrong then all of a sudden 4lb came off within a week. We didn't gain our weight overnight and it's not going to fall off overnight either!

    Please don't be depressed. The weight will come off, might only be 1lb a week but it's better than nothing at all. Sometimes it takes me 3 weeks to lose 1lb.

    Keep doing what you're doing, give it a chance and you'll see results. Keep your chin up honey - be happy! :)

    Ah okay, thank you ♥♥
  • Bioc
    Bioc Posts: 96
  • jesdemers
    jesdemers Posts: 8
    The first thing you need is patience. Weight loss that is slow is easier to keep off for the long term. I lost 80lbs by gradually changing my dietary habits and adding more exercise. When I would hit a plateau (which happened A LOT!!) I re-evaluated my current diet/exercise routine and made adjustments accordingly.

    There will be times that the scale even goes up, but that dosen't necessarily mean that you have put on fat. Your weight fluctuates daily due to water retention, how much you have eaten ect.

    If you focus on healthy eating and do some form of exercise daily that you enjoy, you will lose weight. Your body does not want to be unhealthy, and will glady lose weight if you give it time.

    Never think about how much weight you have to lose. It will stress you out and potenially cause you to slip on your lifestyle change, because you are overwhelmed. Focus on small goals (5lbs, fitting into old clothes ect) and be proud of all your accomplishmens.

    Lastly, focus on what you love about yourself and be confident. :flowerforyou:
  • wswilliams67
    wswilliams67 Posts: 938 Member
    FIRST... do not beat yourself up.

    Next... the formula is simple. Stay at a caloric deficit to lose weight. No fad diet, pill, book or 'As Seen On TV Gadget' is going to get the job done the right way. You must eat healthy, exercise and stay with it.

    It takes Knowledge + Commitment + TIME!

    Time is the biggest thing people forget. You did not get heavy overnight and you will not get fit overnight. Your body is an amazing machine, but sometimes it likes to stall out. You just have to keep going and push through it.

    I'd also recommend adding strength training. Resistance bands work wonders and will let you train alone until you gain more confidence.

    There is no quick fix. There is not a single success story where the person lost massive weight (and kept it off) in a short period of time.

  • bbyrley
    bbyrley Posts: 9 Member
    Water is so important, I shoot for 10 - 12 glasses a day. That is 8 oz a day!:wink:
  • greenfalls107
    greenfalls107 Posts: 87 Member
    Awe honey, I know your struggle. I have been stuck at a plateau up a lb, down a lb, up two lbs, down two lbs. I have not been able to get under 210 for over 2 months now. It is very frustrating, especially when yesterday the scale said 213.8. I have thought about giving up, but I have some health issues and feel like I can't afford give up. It would be giving up on myself.

    However, my husband and I had some pictures taken last week and I almost didn't recognize myself. I looked so much thinner than I did less than a year ago. Its only a 25lb difference but wow, what a difference. I know I feel better and I look better. If I never lose another pound I know I am in a better place than a year ago.

    My goal is to keep going and lose more, but I know I will be lucky if I lose 10 lbs by the end of the summer. I am a slow loser, but I will not give up. This is my life, and my slow journey. I imagine if I was more strict on my food intake and my exercise i would lose more faster. But with my health issues, I run the risk of doing too much and ending up in serious trouble. Slow losing and increasing my walking is the best I can do. So, I keep going. At my own pace, not others. I will tell you, I get frustrated but I find Non scale victories where I can.

    Good Luck to you... it will happen you will lose weight. Just might be slow and steady, which is better than losing and gaining it back.
  • mromnek
    mromnek Posts: 325
    Got some support and some tough love. :smile:

    Drink lots of water. Check your sodium intake. Check your balance of protein, fats, and carbs. Make sure your carbs are complex carbs, not processed carbs. Dig in deep to the bulletin boards to learn how your body works. Last but not least, DON'T give up!!!

    Now for the tough love... you didn't gain your weight overnight. In fact, you probably didn't gain your weight at a rate of 1-2 lbs per day. You probably had periods where you went months without a single pound being gained. The reverse applies as well. It has taken me a long time to lose my weight. I have been at a virtual plateau for about 5 weeks (which has been frustrating, because I was competing in a Biggest Loser contest).

    A plateau is not a bad thing. On this plateau, I have increased my aerobic capacities and athletic capabilities tremendously. Keep it up, and be proud of your progress to date!!!
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    You can totally do this! Loads of people lose weight without orlistat and in fact I think it's probably not very good for you.

    If I recall correctly, all orlistat does is stop you from absorbing some calories in fat, which is the food highest in calorie density. So all it's really doing is giving you a calorie deficit, which you can do all by yourself. The problem is if you go off orlistat and eat the same as before, you are absorbing more calories without eating more food.

    This is really why diet pills don't work. Once you go off them you haven't learnt anything about how to feed your body for weightloss or maintenance.

    It's still going to take a long time though and you should consider breaking it down into smaller goals. Don't think about your goal weight but think of your loss in increments, 5lbs at a time is usually a good one. The goal is to lose, don't worry about how long it takes to do it. Once you start nearing a weight that feels right for you then focus on goal weights and such.

    If you are getting a lot of different advice form every direction it's really hard to keep focus and keep doing what you're doing. I know I've been guilty of this. I start doing my thing for a week then people tell me I should be doing something else, like eating 5 times a day, so I adjust and do that, then after a week someone tells me I shouldn't eat X product anymore so I have to keep that in balance too and it's all too much at once.

    Here is a secret, most people don't know what they are talking about and they 100% don't know what is going tow ork for you. Only you can do that.

    I know this sounds stupid because i just gave you a bunch of advice but these are just suggestions that worked for me. If you read some advice or a suggestion that you don't think is going to work for you, or is waaaay too far off your current plan don't just trash everything and assume someone else knows better, because they don't.

    But if you find advice that kind of makes sense to you, and especially if it's from someone in an similar position to you, slowly adjust your diet towards that change.

    I'll use my own experience as an example.

    When I started a couple of months ago I was hearing a lot about low carb and keto (if you don't know what keto is, it's where you lower carbs down to about 20g a day. Which isn't much at all. 1 slice of bread and you'd be done). Doing full keto just seemed impossible but lowering carbs made sense to me, so everyday I would change up my diet just a tiny bit to lower my carbs, such as cut rice portions in half, only have 1 slice of toast with breakfast instead of two. Now I hardly eat any at all (compared to what I was used to), and if I really wanted to go full keto, it would just be a very small adjustment now. But If i had tried to jump straight in I would have failed miserably, because it was too big a change.

    Basically I'm saying to believe and trust yourself. You have to because no one can do this but you. When you make changes, make them in small stages. Think of your goal as lots of small goals instead of one big daunting one. Slow down and figure out what you need, because no one else knows you better than you.

    Also do a bit of research! Learning more about diet and fitness can really help arm you to do this.

    This website is full of really good articles, ideas and facts about weightloss, nutrition, fitness and how the body works
  • Hotesse
    Hotesse Posts: 3 Member
    I have 114 lbs to lose.. and it seems like it's never going to happen.

    NO!!!! you do NOT have 114 lbs to lose!!
    you have one pound to lose. The next one.

    When I feel like you just described I ask my self this:
    How is my sleep?
    How is my water intake in the last hour?
    When will I have my time of month next? (forget about losing weight in the days before that)
    Do I breath deep or shallow (we have to breathe to burn energy)

    Like me you are way way way over weight honey. Let's face it Big and beautiful !!! Sexy mama !
    What women in our position need to do is QUIT listening to others and start listen very carefully to our bodies. We must educate ourselves about what is best for us.

    The 1300 calorie thing is a nasty approximation invented by people who are NOT over weight, never were and never will be. It is NOT that simple. We do not eat calories. So when you eat food that gives you 1300 calories what are you eating? Does it include grain or processed food??? Or are you getting fresh vegetables, protein ? Do you know good fats from bad? Have you tried coconut oil as you main fat source? It goes straight to the liver and says to it: "Yo Liver, let's burn some fat shall we"
    Have you tried Maca? Have you tried intermittent fasting? Herbal te? How is your vitamin D level? Sometimes for us fatties brisk walking for 2 hours is better than hard workout for 45 minutes. Do you ever cave in for chocolate, then have you tried cocoa nibs is stead?? Does not taste great the first time but you only need a 50 cal worth to get the candy effect for about 300 cal at least.

    Trust me I'm 40 and I have tried everything. I lose weight like a Hollywood actress and then put on again. Along the way I have picked up things I know work for me. I ate half a watermelon for lunch. This does not work for most people but it works for me today. In 3 weeks then the painters visit again I will have a depression filled battle. There will be casualties but I'm trying. Educate your self. DO NOT GIVE UP. You are so totally absolutely NOT alone.

    Hugs :)
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Working out as you do... are you taking your measurements? Usually - as long as you are being honest with yourself in logging and staying on track with your nutrition / calories your body may be adjusting. You may be surprised that your waistline, thighs, etc have all dropped - but the scales won't show it. Then again on a weigh in day you will see it drop again. Don't be depressed over this. The body is a wonderful machine and at your age, I'm guessing that's what is happening. Hang in there - it will happen for you!!! :flowerforyou: