Hello world

Hello everyone.

I am taking this oportunity to describe myself to this community and talk about my recent weight-loss succes (still on going).
My name is Serban. I am 26 years old and I live in Bucharest, Romania.
I was always overweight even since I was little. There were times when I was thinner, but even so, I still had an over-weight problem.
As most of you probably know, this kind of problem never comes alone but with a whole package that really pulls you down.
I've experienced self-doubt, shiness, rejection and depression. I've always fought with those feelings and thoughts and ever wanted to change something. However the road from wish to change is very long so I always ended up worse than before.
This is how I got to 126Kg at a height of 172 cm. Even my current scale could not handle my weight. I had trouble breathing, sleeping and even walking. I was becoming a wreck and that thought really scared me, still I was unable to stop eating.
I was trapped in a circle. I had problems because of my eating disorder, problems that made me sad. To be able to cope with sadness, I ate a lot and so on.
Everybody rejected me and sometimes even made fun of me.
One day, I heard about a girl I know (also fat) that she had an operation and cut her stomach. She managed to lose weight but with the cost of loose skin and more operations.
The costs were enormous and I was sure I did not have the money for that. Even so, the whole idea made me sick, as I want to consider myself whole.
Then, one day, I had a revelation. I finally understood that the only process that helped her lose weight, was actually eating less. I realised that all was just a mind barrier that I had to cross and that I was the only one able to help myself.
I did not know where to start though. This is the part where my fiancee ( a medical doctor) helped me. She calculated the calories I should eat to loose weight.
All good until this point. I decided to try this, I found myfitnesspal, created an account and started to count calories as I ate.
The first days were a living hell. I felt SICK. I was dizzy, felt like fainting, and wanted to give up every second. The first day was the worst. The second day, a little better but still crazy. I was feeling very bad.
Despite all this, I kept counting the calories. I started drinking Coke Zero, because I wanted something sweet, but with low calories, and I also started a sit-up program (Runtastic Sit-ups PRO) with the goal of 100 unintrerupted situps.
This idea seemed impossible, as I was out of breath after only 10 situps. A hundred was a real SCI-FI.
But I kept going. Week after week, day after day, hour after hour and even second after second. I felt it all.
The time was passing, and I was starting to see some results. I had a loss of about 2 kg per week in the first three weeks and after that, a loss of only 1 Kg per week. It seemed useless, but I kept going.
My health improved quickly, I started feeling better, the breath was becoming better, no more chest burns and above all I started walking faster. Day by day.
I started this proccess in the second half of January. As I stated, I was 126 Kg back then and was able to do about 10 to 12 situps.
Today, I am proud to announce you all that I weight only 105 Kg and I am able to do 150 situps in a row. I feel great! The self esteem grows bigger everyday.
My goal is 70Kg, and I will probably reach it by the end of this year. However, I lost 21Kg by now, and still counting.

The reason I wrote this message is that I wanted to tell you all new starters that THIS CAN BE DONE, by hard work, power of will and perseverence.
The second reason is that I wanted to thank myfitnesspal creators, for making such a powerful tool. It works wonders.
Bottom line: If you want to lose weight, just start and keep moving forward. It's all in your mind and you need to talk to yourself and convince yourself that you deserve this, that you can do this and after that JUST DO IT.

Best regards to you all, and good luck!



  • brendabuffington10
    brendabuffington10 Posts: 17 Member
    Congratulations, I love reading other peoples stories
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    Amazing story :) I am glad you feel so good! It's hard when a process is so drawn out but your living proof that its worth sticking it out. Thank you ! Your story has motivated me!
  • serbanre
    serbanre Posts: 4
    I am glad to hear that! We all need some motivation from time to time.
  • serbanre
    serbanre Posts: 4
    Thank you! I hope you'll find my story useful. It took a lot of courage to write it.
  • tanderson4
    tanderson4 Posts: 1 Member
    Very impressive story, Serban. Keep up the great work!
  • serbanre
    serbanre Posts: 4
    Thanks a lot! I will!