Recovering ED friends wanted aged mid to late 20's.


Im rachael, 25, and trying hard to recover from big eating issues. Would love some friends online to help and chat. Would really love to meet a friend in real life who lives in Bristol UK to recover together.



  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    hey I am also 25 though unfortunately I live on the other side in Hull. I have the same trouble, I need someone to do this with. All my friends are already skinny. I will ad you! X
  • earmuff111
    earmuff111 Posts: 36 Member
    hello, i am 26 and also suffer from binge eating issues. i had lost the weight i wanted to last summer only to relapse back into binging and gaining it all back. so i know where you are coming from. it's so hard to talk about with people who don't know what it's like.
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    HI! I'm 25 too, and have Binge eating issues!!! People think it's funny when I eat 10 donuts, 6 JUMBO bakery cookies, and a Burrito in one sitting.... what they don't know is I wanted to stop after the first donut but I couldnt... and what they don't know is that "I"m disgusting for not being able to stop." (what my negative- self-talk says to me.... I call him Frank to disassociate myself from my negative self talk) What they don't know is the shame I feel after; and that I will cry later. Here's what I know... once I start, I cannot stop. I can't have JUST ONE of anything (especially while I'm eating when emotional) Unfortunately I live in California, but I will support you from here :) Listen to your heart; Listen to your Body.... Ignore Frank.
