Okay ladies and gents! It is time to post your reasons!!

Why is it YOU are losing weight? What made you start?
Even if it is a wrong or not so right reason, post it. We will encourage you and help you. :)

For me, I want to lose the weight because I am moving in the next 4-5 months and I do not want to out of shape to move. Plus I want to look better and feel better!

So what is your reason? :)



  • yasminara
    yasminara Posts: 247 Member
    I have a couple, some good, some bad:

    1) My abusive ex always said I wasn't beautiful because of my weight...and that was when I way tiny. I always now wanted to lose weight to kind of prove I was better without him.
    2) My wonderful current boyfriend wants to take me out dancing all the time and stuff, and I want to feel pretty in dressed with him.

    Frankly I know this is all in my head, as I would never talk to an abusive ex, and my current boyfriend loves me the way I am...but the real reason I found was that I wanted to prove to MYSELF I was beautiful to my own standard and then maybe other peoples opinion good or bad wouldn't affect me. :)

    I'd love to be friends and that's my answer!
  • VegaOrionn
    VegaOrionn Posts: 10
    Darn those down putting people in our lives but bless those wonderful encouraging people in our lives!! You are beautiful! Seriously, wow! :) Do not let anyone tell you differently...kick them in the shin! Heh!
  • AngelicxAnnihilation
    AngelicxAnnihilation Posts: 336 Member
    Moving and I wanna look awesome!! :) also, my fiancé has 2 incredibly gorgeous, fit sisters and well.. I want to be liked in their family :P as well as be in shape..

    ETA: I'm also getting married after I move!
  • BlueObsidian
    BlueObsidian Posts: 297 Member
    I've got a number of reasons, large and small, but a few of my big ones are:

    1) My health. I wound up with some uncommon health issues due to my weight, and keeping it under control keeps me off medications that I hate. Even what I've lost so far has made a huge difference.

    2) I'm tired of not being able to do things I enjoy. I love nature and hiking, but any kind of steep climb was just out of my reach because I was so out of shape. I also have found that I enjoy running and I would love to compete in more races.

    3) My significant other and I would like to have kids, but because of the aforementioned health issue, I really need to be near my goal weight before trying to conceive. I'm not getting any younger, so I need to focus on my health now if I want this to happen.
  • jjeanne2
    jjeanne2 Posts: 4 Member
    My reasons are several, I don't want to feel sad about being overweight anymore, I want to be able to walk up the stairs without being winded, I want to quit smoking ( but I am petrified that I will get fatter) and... I want to look good in a bikini. :-)
  • VegaOrionn
    VegaOrionn Posts: 10
    You guys are all awesome. The tough times are tough but with help. motivation, prayer, and goals, you can make it no matter that challenge! Remember the good reason are good for a reason! ;) They are there to show you, YOU CAN DO THIS!! There is nothing that can stand in the way.

    Praise God!

  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    the kid
    to look and feel sexier
    new clothes
  • EVH67
    EVH67 Posts: 56 Member
    my good: my help n my self
    my bad: i'm going to wedding n november and i wont to look good
  • Uselessly_Irrelevant
    Uselessly_Irrelevant Posts: 58 Member
    I want to not feel like an alien in my body.

    About a month ago I had this overwhelming urge to buy a cute frilly dress. I am a rather tomboyish lady, so this was a big deal for me. I went with a friend of mine and we picked out a ton of adorable stuff. When I went to try it on, there was an all around mirror. I was completely and utterly shocked with how I looked. In my head I was mildly chubby but in the mirror I was a morbidly obese blob.

    That damned mirror opened my eyes. I want to look in that mirror again and actually have my inner self match my outer self. AND buy one of those freakin cute dresses!
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    My mother had her first of at least 3 heart attacks at age 33. I am 42. I am not terribly overweight just about technically about 10lb although I would like to lose about 20. I do worry about going down that path so I am nipping it in the bud now.

  • natbraz33
    natbraz33 Posts: 2
    I have always battled with my weight and wish to be a happy, fit and healthy role model for my daughter. I want to pass on good eating and lifestyle habits so that she doesnt expereince the struggle I did.
    Also to feel fit, healthy and energetic, everything seems more challenging with a few extra kilos. And ofcourse everyone loves to look and feel sexy :)
  • LuHox
    LuHox Posts: 136
    I want to not have to worry about my health or potential health problems.

    Also, I'd like to tie my shoes without my belly getting in the way. I think that would be nice.
  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    been chubby my whole life, teased my whole life. i had depression when i first gained at age 13 and i've never been able to lose it due to bad habits and drinking lots of liquor.

    i've been single for 3 years because i don't feel secure enough about myself to be in a relationship. i've passed up great guys because of this. i'm doing it for health reasons, but mainly confidence reasons aswell.
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    A) I want to look marvelous as I say I do
    B) 9 long years of infertility I've had enough, it's time for me to take charge and make this happen or atleast help the process a little bit.
    C) I refuse to get diabetes (currently IR)
    D) I'm just so happy with everything else in life, I want to be happy with my body too, this is the missing puzzle piece to absolute bliss.