PLEASE HELP- healthy, filling foods on a tight budget?



  • 100% whole grain/100% whole wheat pasta
    Large containers of greek yogurt
    Large containers of eggs
    Family sized bags of frozen vegetables/fruits
    Large packages of skinless chicken breasts
    Large containers of oatmeal
    Large containers of quinoa
  • ashteal91
    ashteal91 Posts: 7
    Love this thread, keep it going. *gets paper & pen out*

    I know, never thought I would end up with so many options!
  • pmteet
    pmteet Posts: 69
    There are fresh produce co-op all over the country, you just need to look for them. The one in my area (rocky mountains and some of the west coast) is called Bountiful Baskets.

    I rarely buy produce anymore and every week the it's different... it's like christmas! See if you have something like this in your area.

    I know people who do this and LOVE it. I think that you can get more from stores like Aldi's but there pro's and con's to both.
    I have done it a couple times and was happy and it was quick and easy (ordered on line) aand one stop.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    For me its eggs, oats, rice, fruit, veggies and meats. Stick to things that are on sale and you should be able to keep in budget. Stay away from the center of the supermarket and from any premade or prepared foods and you should be ok.