New life, new start!

hatmum61 Posts: 6 Member
I joined the site ages ago, but never got going. Recently found the courage to strike out on my own and move into my own flat at age 51 after being a mum for 31 years and with two failed marriages behind me.

Now I think it's my turn to be selfish and think just about myself, I'm loving having my own space and really want this to be the time I finally shift the lard and get a bit fitter and healthier. Especially important given my age, I want to enjoy the new me for a long time!

I seem to have been trying to lose weight forever! I must have lost the equivalent of a small village over the years, on every diet going, but have ended up with a hell of a lot to lose!

Planning to investigate the site properly over the weekend and shop accordingly ready to make a good start on Monday.

Looking forward to using the site, from what I've seen it looks fab

Good luck to everyone

deb xx


  • icandiane
    icandiane Posts: 6 Member
    GOOD for YOU, hatmum!

    I'm 51 and "new" to actually trying to work this also, so we have that in common.

    Fee free to add me, if you'd like!
  • AshleyAnn9
    AshleyAnn9 Posts: 56
    Good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me for support :)
  • LaviMc
    LaviMc Posts: 355 Member
    Hello! You can do this! Please feel free to add me as well and welcome to MFP!!! :flowerforyou:
  • hatmum61
    hatmum61 Posts: 6 Member
    Well it's Monday and I've started! Done some exercise and had a sensible breakfast. Starting is always the easy bit though isn't it. Definitely in a good place in my head this time, so fingers crossed.

    Thanks for the replies and the words of encouragement, here's good luck to us all :)

    xALEXANDROx Posts: 3,416 Member
    you got this.take it a day at a time.and stick with it.
  • hatmum61
    hatmum61 Posts: 6 Member
    thanks for your lovely reply. How did you get that tickertape progress thing at the bottom of your posts?

    I'm figuring at 51 its now or never, its only going to get harder and affect my health more so it has to be done.

  • barbz2119
    barbz2119 Posts: 124 Member
    Good luck Deb I just started too...on Friday. So far the tracking has been easy and I got through my weekend and kept under my allowance!
  • hatmum61
    hatmum61 Posts: 6 Member
    thought i was replying direct to someone's post above, lol. I'll get the hang of this forum eventually!
  • hatmum61
    hatmum61 Posts: 6 Member
    Well done you! Not easy starting just before a weekend, and a sunny bank holiday at that!

    Day at a time, that's definitely how I'm approaching it this time.