Do I need to eat the calories I burn off atthe gym? :-)



  • madasanatter
    madasanatter Posts: 39 Member
    I best start eating more then....I worked off more than I ate yesterday
  • tizmi
    tizmi Posts: 19 Member
    I have been confused about this also.

    I'm 5' tall, 200lb and aiming for 112lb - my calories have been set at 1200, as I have a desk job and unless I go to the gym am about as active as a rock.

    I do Curves three times a week and burn around 450 each time, plus I burn around 350 on Sat/Sun when I go for a walk. I've been erring on the side of caution since I started tracking calories three weeks ago because I'm desperate to lose weight and see some sort of result to keep me motivated to continue.

    I heard that Curves can be overly generous in calculating how many calories you burn during one of their workouts so I was leery of using those earned calories. I just don't want to end up eating the wrong stuff to use up those extras - I already often go over my sugar allowance because of the fruit and a low-fat dessert I eat.
  • JohnDun
    JohnDun Posts: 140
    Hi JohnDun,

    I'm loving the strawberry's and ice cream idea and will have to make sure I stock up for a gym night.

    Well folk seem to think that you cant eat so many good things on a diet but if you check out things you will find that there is a low cal ice cream that does taste as good as the full fat stuff...also fresh strawberries mmmmmmmmmmmm.....Hope you enjoy them when you end up with some.....