Does MFP food Login work while in Germany

Eat2Win Posts: 123 Member
I will be travelling to Germany for two weeks and am concerned over my nutrition and calorie management.
There will be no problem logging on, but with my US sign up, can I log in while in Germany....does MFP
food logs work for me while I'm there?
Thanks in advance for any help.


  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    I used to have a guy on my friends list who was in Germany. You can log in anywhere in the world I presume.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I don't see why it wouldn't.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Yep, no reason why it doesn't work. The only thing to look out for is that if you're using your phone or other mobile device it might be expensive to use roaming internet.
  • Methinksabout
    Methinksabout Posts: 153
    Yeah, it all works fine no matter where you are - even without internet if you just use your recent foods. You need to have internet connection if you need to search for new food or to keep your day ticker updated though.

    <= German gal here, whereabouts in Germany are you going?
  • didntfeelcreativetoday
    I just came back from Germany and Africa and I was able to log in without an issue. As long as you have internet connection you can log in. The site is on the WWW so it doesnt matter where in the world you are at. Just as long as you have an internet connection.
  • Eat2Win
    Eat2Win Posts: 123 Member
    I am flying into Frankfurt and will be spending the majority of time in Bad Mergentheim.
    Also visiting relatives in the Duisburg area for a few days.

    I want to try looking for a Supermarket to have at leat my lunch item chosen from there.
    Dinner I want to enjoy.

    I thought if I log on, I can enter the German items if it works for me. It would really help to enjoy a lot more than worry, lol.
  • SleeplessinBerlin
    SleeplessinBerlin Posts: 513 Member
    Hi, I'm in Berlin and it works perfectly :)
  • Doing_me
    Doing_me Posts: 91 Member
    The logging works but be careful with the time difference. I was in Germany a month ago and lost all my log-in's because of the time :(

    Other than that you should have no problem :)
  • Eat2Win
    Eat2Win Posts: 123 Member
    Such good news, thank you so much for helping my out :)
  • Methinksabout
    Methinksabout Posts: 153
    I am flying into Frankfurt and will be spending the majority of time in Bad Mergentheim.
    Also visiting relatives in the Duisburg area for a few days.

    I want to try looking for a Supermarket to have at leat my lunch item chosen from there.
    Dinner I want to enjoy.

    I thought if I log on, I can enter the German items if it works for me. It would really help to enjoy a lot more than worry, lol.

    Oh nice, Frankfurt is my hometown :-)
    Supermarkets in Germany have the nutritional labels on their food, so you should be good! And yeah, enjoy your dinner! German food is great! :-)
  • drop_it_like_a_squat
    drop_it_like_a_squat Posts: 377 Member
    I am flying into Frankfurt and will be spending the majority of time in Bad Mergentheim.
    Also visiting relatives in the Duisburg area for a few days.

    Duisburg native right hurrrr!
  • Eat2Win
    Eat2Win Posts: 123 Member
    Are the calories measured differently? or CALORIES as ours and also carbohydrates and fats are what concern me. I don't eat much sugar so not a worry.
  • tonytoo
    tonytoo Posts: 307
    In Germany the calories are Euro Standard calories and actually called Haarschmuckfachgeschäft. You'll need the add-on app for MFP that converts them to regular US calories.
  • Methinksabout
    Methinksabout Posts: 153
    not sure what the US version is, but the German one is the same as the UK one - you get kilojoule and kilocalories listed per portion and per 100g usually, and a breakdown of carbs, fat, sat fat, trans fat, sugar, protein - not sure about fibre though..

    And I don't think they have those labels on chocolate bars :-)

    Am sure you'll be fine
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    In Germany the calories are Euro Standard calories and actually called Haarschmuckfachgeschäft. You'll need the add-on app for MFP that converts them to regular US calories.

    LOL. I am assuming this is a joke?

    Everything works exactly the same nutrition wise in Europe as it does in the USA... on and off of MFP. Except you will probably find LESS sugar.

    Source = From England, living in France and moving to Germany next week. Went there a month ago and had no issues as I haven't here or in the UK. Also have a friend using it in Spain.
  • Eat2Win
    Eat2Win Posts: 123 Member
    Haarschmuckfachgeschäft, LOL - yea, I do realize it's a joke here, because I am fluent in German and my parents are German.
    I'm only asking for help because my parents are of old school and don't read any labels, or hardly and would not be of much help
    in this area of my life.
    So, thank you much Khal86790, youve been a wonderful support, because I am taking this serious since I've worked hard enough to get where I am now and would not want two weeks to mess me up too bad. It's been 12 years since I've been to Germany. Can't wait!...........
    Khall86790, where will you be in Germany? next week......I am flying over on the 11th