Ready for this new life! Motivating friends want to join?

Good Morning good morning!!! Here it is a glorious Monday and not a bad day to ramp it up!...I joined MFP last Thursday night and started Friday to become more concious My original mind set was to begin this Monday due to MFP week tracking starting that day...Yes yes I know another excuse but starting today excuses do NOT live in my world!....Weekend filled with ups and downs and things I am not so proud of but hey its past and like everything else I can not dwell on it...Let it be and know that from this moment on its changing! I am ready to take it on and have NOTHING stand in my way....I am not even letting myself stand in my way!...I got this I can do this...I am looking for highly motivated friends here who log daily and wish to push/motivate me along with me helping push/motivating them. :) Hope to chat soon!

I began my own self May Challenge. The break down is this:

Push ups
Day 1: 10
Day 2: 13
Day 3: 16
Each day I will add 3 more and by the end of the month I will be doing 100 in one day! :)

Bicycle ABS
Day 1: 20
Day 2: 21
Day 3: 22
Each day I will add 1 and by the end of the month I will be doing 50 in one day! I rep is a full rotation to me.

Day 1: 24
Day 2: 26
Day 3: 28
Each day I will add 2 and by the end of the month I will be doing 84 in one day!

Since today begins my life make over I realized that in my own self challenge I was 5 days behind...buttttt I got up a little early today and I did the reps from May 1-5 and the ones for today May 6. I am all caught up! haha

Looking forward to this new improved life and me!!!


  • mangins40
    mangins40 Posts: 5 Member
    hi feel free to add me I log in every day

    my workout program is as follows I do my wii active2 six times a week and walk to work twice a week which is just over 5mile

    I try and always keep within my calories even just under for the week but at weekend I always allow myself that little bit more not going mad but my down fall is crisps so I allow myself extra crisps at weekend

    ive now learnt now as well[ its took me a long time] if I have a bad day to pick myself up and get straight back on it the day after once upon a time a bad day would turn into a bad week so slowly im getting there