tbrittman Posts: 2 Member
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
I Have been trying to figure out diffrent ideas,meal plans, etc. of what knd of foods i should be eating (or good to eat). Whats the best exercises to do to get in shape? Is there a such way to lose weight fast if so how? its hard for me to keep track of this calorie stuff so how does it u count up the calories from fat or just the calories? HELP ME PLZ any other suggestions plz relpy:drinker:


  • ctrysing3
    ctrysing3 Posts: 5
    First of all you dont want to lose it fast because it will come right back . You need to make it a "lifestyle" change. Making little changes daily like cutting out regular soda,and switching to skim or 1% instead of whole milk.. ..etc. I use ground turkey and FF sour creme in place of the fat stuff in most all recipes as well as egg substitue and sara Lee light buns and bread. Each day you need to sit down and type in on your food tracker here the name /kind of food you ate and how much.. the tracker will do the rest for you. It will also figure out what your required weight should be and figure your daily calories etc based on how many pounds you want to loe a week. There is NO need for you to figure the calories it does it all for you. Juat have to make yourself accountable and MAKE the time to sit down and enter it in here. It really makes a big difference when you see what and HOW much you eat a day when you see it on paper. Hope this help you and good luck.. I too just recently started myself.

  • ctrysing3
    ctrysing3 Posts: 5
    you can find some great ideas and recipes at and also
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    How funny that he said hungry girls (not sure if this is THE Hungry Girl or what) - I was going to suggest

    You just have to remember - this is not a diet but a lifestyle change. It took a long time to put it on and it's going to take a long time to get it off. Calories in (eating) - calories out (exercising). Truly - it IS the only way! Good luck!
  • uhmmm. well, you need to eat right and you can find great tips on this sight, but the thing isnt just losing the weight, its keeping it off. in my opionion thats really the hardest part. good luck. go run at the track.
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    I started by watching calories, now I focus a little more on the content of the food...fats, carbs, fiber, etc. By trial and error you will figure out what foods work best for you, which ones keep you fuller longer and which give you more energy. And any exercise is better than none so start with what you can handle and work your way up. Good luck and stick with it, you'll figure out your body soon enough!
  • its always important to really get over your weight loss plateau, so trying to really confuse your metabolism by trying different eating habits, doing different workouts, always trying to make your workouts a little longer after you feel you have conquered one level of workouts, then moving on to a higher level will always do good things. Trying new foods in not a bad thing, in fact that is a great way to always find something new to eat so your foods will not get old, and you get tired of eating. It is truly i believe a trial and error process, usually, for a dinner i will have steamed veggies with white rice and that gives me my greens and different other nutrients. While at lunch i have possibly a turkey sandwich, or chicken sandwhich which gives me some other nutrients. I also make sure i have a good breakfast in the morning, usually cereal most of the time rice krispies with skim milk. Others i have special K with skim milk. Having breakfast is the most important because you body is lacking nutrients to start the day and having a meal in the mornign will help start up your metabolism!!! woohoo, these meals totals usually end up being around 1000 calories. With the cereal being around 170-200, the sandwich being 250-300, and the dinner being with rice, broccoli, corn, green beans, and cauliflower is around 500 calories which is a good increase for during the day. If it is possible a 4th meal or snack in between breakfast or dinner would also help more your metabolism. Good luck on your journey!!!
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