Any new moms....

I'm wondering if there are any new moms out there that are trying to lose weight while breastfeeding or willing to support another mom who is. I fairly recently had a baby boy, he's 3 and a half months old. I've been on MFP for almost 2 years, I lost 30 pounds after joining and before becoming pregnant when I gained it all back. I'm finding now that the group of friends that I had the fortune of making before I got pregnant are no longer as supportive as they were in the beginning. They are wonderful people but I'm guessing it's because they are not dealing with the same struggle I currently am?

It's a challenge to find time to workout, I cannot restrict my calories and I struggle with my cravings which are more horrid than when I was pregnant. I honestly need some encouragement and support from people who understand so please if you're in my same boat or willing to be supportive of someone who may not be struggling on the same path as you but ultimately has the same goal, please add me as a friend.

Thanks so much


  • glmrgal
    glmrgal Posts: 2 Member
    Hi...I too am a new mom with a 3 1/2 month old baby boy! I had lost about 65lbs when I first joined MFP a couple of years ago, then got pregnant and put on about 35lbs back on (give or take, I haven't had the courage to weigh myself yet). I'm also breastfeeding, so restricting calories can be very tricky. I can't say that I have any magic answers for you, but know that you're not alone. I'm also struggling. I'm constantly hungry. I actually put on more weight after having the baby. Three months of a sedentary lifestyle (during a very cold winter) at home with baby during my maternity leave added the pounds back on. I was under the impression that if you breastfed, you would lose weight...except that I guess it doesn't work if you're eating like you're still pregnant.
    I'm back to work and my schedule does not leave room for working out, I'm gone for over 13 hours everyday. I only get home in time to put my little one to sleep, eat dinner and then go to sleep myself.

    I have realized that what I did to lose weight the first time around will not be feasible this time. I used to work out about 6 times a week and ate pretty healthy 80% of the time. I barely have time to get sleep in now!
    I haven't found much support for breast feeding mothers who are trying to get back down to a healthy weight. However, I've decided to re-start my path to a healthier me today and am re-dedicating myself to MFP. Of all the tools that I've tried, tracking calories is what works for me. However, I have found that my post baby body will need more than just calorie counting to get back on track, but for now, I've decided to start with food intake and then maybe get some workouts in on the weekends.
    To start, I've adjusted my calorie goal by setting a custom one. I have compensated for what I think is necessary for breastfeeding (not an expert calculation, just a hunch). I will start with that to see how it goes, and adjust some more if necessary.

    Please feel free to add me as your friend, and maybe we can motivate each other. If not, at the very least, check in on each other.
    We did lose weight once before, it can be done again! We just have to figure out a new path, carve it out if necessary.
  • Only3x
    Only3x Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I am also looking for support, I have a 7week old and know from previous personal experience I gained weight while BF, I was just hungry all the time with lots of cravings, and it ended up taking me forever to get back to my PP weight... I don't want to go down that path again, its especially fun because even though my weight isn't a ton higher than it was PP, I had a really sedentary pregnancy due to pelvic issues making walking difficult so my body is jello now. I am older now also and doubt my body will bounce back as easily, I also have lost weight in the past but it has always been a struggle, I also know I am going to have to work out just to be where I was "fitness wise" PP which worries me as I have never been very active, its hard with a little one and 2 older to, watch what I am eating and exercise. I think it would be great to have some other new moms who share some of the same challenges to offer encouragement. Post pregnancy and BF are such a unique time, I know every mom has that experience but when no one you know is in that place with you its easy to feel alone!