Full figured female, work full time w/ family - friends?

cmfruin2012 Posts: 157 Member
I am looking for some additional friends for mutual support and encouragement -- namely female friends in their 30s and 40s (I am 41) -- ladies who are large like me -- have a lot of weight to lose and are doing it the healthy way -- using MFP the way it was intended to be used. I am trying to find my niche here - which is so hard to do with such a large, diverse population of users. I feel that I need more friends who are using the site the way it was intended to be used -- who are not eating too little, or are not cutting whole food groups out, who aren't using the site as a tool for some other diet plan; ladies who understand the challenges of having a lot of weight to lose and who are juggling a career and kids and trying to find time to exercise-- I think I would have more in common with them. Even if I find just one other person who is like me -- that would be a huge accomplishment.

((Good lord, this sounds like a personal ad on a dating site.... :laugh: ))


  • LComp79
    LComp79 Posts: 9
    Hi. I am 34 years old and just started dieting (last week Thursday), and believe me I've got alot to loose to reach my goal weight according to the BMI calculator (approx. 220 pounds). I'm listening to alot of advice but really I am just doing what feels right for me. I am fortunate to have my hubby doing this with me this time around which makes it a whole lot easier. Let's hold thumbs that he doesn't throw in the towel within the next week or two.
    Between working full time and sorting out my demanding 4 year old, I don't get much me-time. Also, being this big, makes it difficult to excercise. We stay in a rural area and don't have the luxury of having a gym close by (but what do you do with a 4-year old while you are at the gym anyhow?).
    I think having someone do it with you makes a huge difference. It is extremely difficult when I have to make sandwiches for my son, or he has some potato chips while I have to nibble on a carrot stick or something. But I really need to do this. I want to be able to play with my son and not just sit and watch.
  • cnice321
    cnice321 Posts: 14
    Hi Ladies,

    Feel free to add me as a friend. I'm not a mom (yet) but hopefully that's in my future. I do work full time and understand the struggles of trying to balance home, work, and fitness. I've been on the site for a while, but only got more serious a little over two weeks ago. I'm encouraged by so many women on here who are making the weight loss happen. Let's me know that this can be done, the weight can be kept off, and it does work when you work it. I'm looking to lose about 90 pounds, and the best thing about doing it with this site is the feedback from others walking along the same journey.

    Best of luck on your journeys.
  • Snatched614
    Snatched614 Posts: 115 Member
    I sent you ladies friend request. Hope to share this journey with each of you.
  • Junebugsc
    Junebugsc Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, my name is June and I am 45. No kids at home, all grown up now. I do work full time and have a husband and furbaby! I have about 150 lbs to lose. Would love to share the journey with you and anyone else. Feel free to add me. OP sending you a friend request.
  • Dorian_al
    Dorian_al Posts: 1
    Hi ladies. My name is Dorian and I am 34. I just joined this site over the weekend. I've tried this sort of thing before and as soon as I got discourged or had a bad day, I gave hope. I really want this time to be different. I want to succeed for myself and my family. I have 3 small children, ages 2 and 9 months (twins). I have a lot of weight to lose and would like to share this journey with you ladies.
  • Angela7zFit
    Angela7zFit Posts: 53 Member
    Hi there

    I am 34 with alot to lose. I have an active 6 year old son and a moody 14 year old daughter. My dad suffered a stroke last year and is not fully recovered. I understand busy. I understand trying to make time to get to the gym, cook the right foods, spend time with the hubby, and the kids and time for yourself and trying to find time to pee. Together we can do this. Send you a friend request.
  • MSam1205
    MSam1205 Posts: 439 Member
    Here I am!! a bit older than your demographic requirement, (58)but I totally fit the "full figure femaie" part. Have been on 220 days consistently and would be happy to support another friend that is also supportive! You may have a lot to choose from, so no hard feelings if I'm not your type :happy: My kids are grown and out, but I have a very active pup who wants to walk all the time! I work full time and have been a homeowner for 4 years now, and that alone keeps me occupied nearly all my down time:noway: