i have a question about how many calories i should consume a

mrsgiffin Posts: 122
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey! Here's the question. I read in Shape magazine that you should consume your goal weight times 10. For example, my goal weight is 145 to 150. So that means I should eat 1450 to 1500 calories a day. I have been at the same weight for about two months now. I cannot seem to go any lower. Granted I slacked off for a few weeks during that but it seems like I am at a platuea and cannot get any lower. MFP has my calorie intake at 1300. Do you think I should change it? anybodys thoughs???


  • sweetbn
    sweetbn Posts: 318
    The Shape figure is generalized for all people whereas MFP takes into account what it thinks you need to eat to maintain your weight. and subtracts calories based on what you tell it you want to lose per week. So more likely MFP is going to be more accurate.

    That said your plateau could still definitely be from eating too little... would need to see your diary and maybe have more info though before I could say one way or another, such as your total weight loss goals, where you are now, your exercise routine, etc.
  • jennifergarceau
    jennifergarceau Posts: 37 Member
    I see a dietician through my work and she advised me to eat 1500 cals per day, I am currently 178 and wanting to be about 140. I previously followed a lower calorie count and wasn't able to stick with it at all. I have been slacking off but when she set me at 1500 it took a couple weeks to start losing and she said it was due to my body being used to the lower calorie count, soon after I started losing at a steady rate...may not have been as fast as I'd of liked it to be BUT it was consistent. So that is what I am back to. She actually had wanted me to go no less than 1600 but I set it at 1500 myself and she was ok with that as long as I was going no lower than 1500.

    Here is an online version of the formula she gave me to how she figured out the 1500 for me:


    Good luck and I hope this helps!
  • mab0669
    mab0669 Posts: 29
  • mab0669
    mab0669 Posts: 29
    somehow i posted my post 3 times....Sorry
  • mab0669
    mab0669 Posts: 29
    I would continue on using the calories MFP is giving you. I went a couple weeks without losing any weight, but eventually i started again. Eating more calories isn't going to help you. Maybe you need to be more careful when you are eathing to make sure you measure correctly and log all your food. I can eyeball some stuff I eat regularly, but i still measure most of the time just so i don't start making larger portions without realizing it. And even if you slack off for a few weeks, i would still log all that you eat even though I hate to see that i've went over my calories for the day, i think in the long run having a record of you going off the deep end will help motivate you to improve. Just my thoughts:) Good Luck!
  • HIzara
    HIzara Posts: 187
    I don't think that formula works.

    For example, if you ate 2,000 calories a day, this would mean that your weight goal is 200 lbs???

    200 lbs x 10 = 2,000 calories.

    Isn't 2,000 calories a day the recommended amount for the average American female? However, is 200 lbs the recommended weight for the average American female?
  • dgroulx
    dgroulx Posts: 159 Member
    I was eating 2,000 calories per day. That kept my weight at 240 pounds more or less. An adult female should be eating 1,600 or less per day according the the American Diabetes Association. That's for an average height/weight. If you are petite, like me, that will be way too much. Not that I'm petite, yet. LOL.
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