going over on fats...good fats vs. bad fats

Okay...I have been on this site for over 90 days. I have gained and lost the same 5 pounds for the last 3 months. I have checked my TDEE...is is around 1900. In order to lose I am supposed to eat between 1300 and 1400. So...I have kept under the 1900, and most of the time I hit between 1300 and 1400 calories. Sometimes I go over on the fats.
So my question is...lots of people say that the fats and protein should be a minimum. I shoot for 30% protein, 30% fat, and 40% Carbs. If I'm going over in fats...does it matter where it is coming from? Should I make sure it is healthy fats? Or is an occasional pizza okay? I'm keeping under my calorie count (for the most part)...just not my fats. If that is fine...why am I stuck at this weight?
I am 5'2", 125 pounds, 48 year old female. I was hoping to get to 115 and lose my pooch.


  • ChelseaRW
    ChelseaRW Posts: 366 Member
    Hi there, I am a homeschooling momma too! I just looked through your diary and it looks really really good, but I am not a professional. My only wonder since the scale is not moving is, do you feel like you are completely accurate in your logging? or what if your actual activity level is different than what you calculated for your TDEE? I'm using the method you are, 5'2 started 125 when I switched to eating between my TDEE and BMR and have lost 3 lbs in the last couple of months. If you are able, I recently purchased a Fitbit one to show my actual activity levels and there are some days that I am far more active than I thought. It is possible that you are far more or less active meaning you are still under or over eating. I would check out the In Place of A Road Map posts and ask someone in those groups of Eat More to Weigh Less.
  • lisagregory01
    lisagregory01 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I decided that this week I am going to cut my fat grams in half to 20 and see what happens. I did a diet years ago where I only ate 10 grams of fat per day and it worked but I feel that is too low for the amount of exercise I do now. Hoping this will nudge the scale a little!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You need fat. Just avoid fat from fried and processed food, pretty much. Pizza once in a while is fine, IMO... I'm thinking the 5bs you 'gain' are probably from water weight or whatnot, if you're really eating 1300-1400 every day. I'd try and walk more or something for now I think.
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Personally for me, going over a particular macro is not that important when you are cutting (though for people wanting to retain as much muscle during the journey, obviously protein is number one), if your in a caloric deficit in the first place, you going over your fat macros would probably be the same as eating your maintenance amount so it's no harm done.

    Obviously good fats is better than saturated substitutes as there are health issues that will rise if the habit is prolonged but if it happens rarely, so be it!
  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    Hi there, I am a homeschooling momma too! I just looked through your diary and it looks really really good, but I am not a professional. My only wonder since the scale is not moving is, do you feel like you are completely accurate in your logging? or what if your actual activity level is different than what you calculated for your TDEE? I'm using the method you are, 5'2 started 125 when I switched to eating between my TDEE and BMR and have lost 3 lbs in the last couple of months. If you are able, I recently purchased a Fitbit one to show my actual activity levels and there are some days that I am far more active than I thought. It is possible that you are far more or less active meaning you are still under or over eating. I would check out the In Place of A Road Map posts and ask someone in those groups of Eat More to Weigh Less.

    I would like to get a Fitbit...but it might be a while before I get one.
    I might be more active than I think...but when I upped my calories to 1500...I gained a few pounds...it worried me. Then I thought perhaps I was eating too much...so I went to 1300 and added back half of my exercise calories. It seems like I have just gained and lost the same 5 pounds forever!!
    Thanks for responding!